Chapter 747 741. "I Love You Too".

When I walked into the living room and saw Caiyin lying on the sofa sleeping soundly, I was struck by a thunderbolt.

She was covered with a very thin blanket, and from my perspective, I could clearly see the deep groove under her neck.She was very beautiful in her sleep, her slender eyelashes fluttered slightly from time to time, she breathed evenly, and sometimes pursed her lips, so cute.

I thought I would panic, be anxious, and feel guilty and apologetic overwhelmed.

But I don't.

Am I becoming decisive?

Have I evolved from the indecisive and indecisive protagonist of the light novel to the decisive online hero?

No, it doesn't.

I just changed my way of thinking. I am neither the protagonist of a light novel nor the male protagonist of a web novel, but just one of the most ordinary scumbags in the world.

Turning off the mobile phone in my pocket, I squatted in front of the sofa, gently shaking her shoulders, showing a worried expression.

Now I can't tell whether I am really worried about her, or deliberately pretending to be worried.

"Color sound, color sound..."

Her eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings, she slowly opened her eyes, and looked at me sleepily for two seconds.

"Heren-kun... well, you're back."

"I'm back, how can I sleep on the sofa, what should I do if I have a cold." I tried to talk to her in a calm and gentle voice.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up, the blanket slipped off her body, and yawned big, I couldn't hold back a kiss on her lips.

Her face was immediately stained with a slight blush, as if being soaked by the sunset, even though it was still early in the morning.

"Sorry, I drank too much with Nobunaga and the others last night, but I shouldn't smell of alcohol on me, and my clothes have been washed."

I showed an apologetic expression.

Having woken up from the dream, she pouted as expected, her two beautiful eyebrows were knit together, and she looked at me dissatisfied.

"I'll cry for you~" She sniffed, her eyes flushed.

"Feel sorry."

"How dare you leave me alone at home and go to spend time and drink by yourself." She still said to herself.

"It's not about drinking and drinking."

"Shut up! I said yes!"

Although his tone was fierce, his face was still as cute as ever, and it was the kind of expression that would calm down if he was easy to comfort.

I haven't seen the unruly and willful Sakura Ayane for a long time.

It makes me feel even more sorry that a man like me has changed so much.

I'm sorry, Caiyin, I failed to become a good man worthy of you.

"Sorry for worrying you."

I held her in my arms, and she struggled a few times, but her strength could not break free from me at all. As time passed, she raised her hands and hugged me tightly.

"Why didn't you answer my call..."

She muttered, her tone like a helpless child who was abandoned.

"The phone is out of battery." I took out the phone that I manually turned off 2 minutes ago from my arms.


"Well, sorry..."

This atmosphere lasted for a long time, and I still didn't let her go.

"Can't you say anything other than an apology?"

She complained so much.

"Yes, there are a lot of things I want to say."

"for example?"

"The sleeping face is so cute, I wish I didn't wake you up just now."

"Really... just trying to fool the past."

What does my face look like now?

Because I was hugging Caiyin, I couldn't see her face, and she couldn't see mine.

I don't know if my expression is gentle enough and sincere enough.

That's why I kept stroking the back of her head with my right hand, lest she see me lying like this.

I really hope it's not a gloomy expression.

"Cute is true." I whispered in her ear, slowly sucking her earlobe.

"Hate it... let go of me, I'm so stinking of alcohol!"

I didn't drink alcohol, and she certainly didn't smell alcohol, but she just believed my words unilaterally, and deliberately used words to dislike me to express her resistance.

I showed a shallow smile.

I knew she would choose to trust me.

"It doesn't stink at all, I have washed it clean."

"When I say it stinks, it stinks."

She was dissatisfied and pushed me away, pointing to the direction of the bathroom: "I hate you! Hurry up and take a shower!"

"I washed it at Nobunaga's house." I showed a somewhat innocent expression.

"That's to wash away Shimada-san's smell! Did you guys sleep together last night?"

"Of course not, I sleep in the living room."

"No wonder it smells like a single man." She deliberately pinched her nose and made a cute nasal sound, which made me laugh outright.

Even the laugh was my interpretation, probably.

I can't tell.

"It's too rude to Nobunaga."

"I'll just say it! Who told him to steal my boyfriend away!"

"It's not like stealing it."

She gave me a hard look.

"I'm sorry, I won't go home with men in the future." I bowed my head immediately.

Her eyebrows immediately stood upright: "It's even worse with women!"

"Yes, I listen to you."

I lowered my head even lower.

So, rather than relying on a not-so-subtle lie, it would be better to say that she fully utilized her trust in me. Caiyin didn't question me much about my failure to go home to sleep last night.

I think she is not the one who will take the initiative to find Nobunaga for confirmation.

Even if one day in the future, she suddenly mentions what happened today on a whim, Nobunaga will definitely smooth things over for me. He is a person who can’t remember the days. I have spent many nights at his house, even if Nobunaga himself can’t remember Yes, and I will definitely agree with my rhetoric.

But if Nobunaga knew the truth, he would definitely not excuse me. He has a sense of justice that I don't have.

It is indeed a rather despicable approach, but in order to maintain the physical relationship with Yousha, I can only do this.

Throwing the clothes I took off into the clothes basket, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Facts have proved that Caiyin does not have the ability to smell Yousha. Even if I spend a whole night with Yousha and have been touched and kissed by her all over my body, Caiyin is still a normal human being. There is no such thing as only in comics. The emergence of superpowers.

While I was thinking, the door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, and Caiyin only used a towel to cover her body, which was completely unable to cover up the mountains that I had already climbed countless times.

"I didn't take a shower last night either."

she says.

I nodded and waved to her, she sat down on the stool very consciously, and I began to wash her body.

"He Renjun."


"I talked to Dad about you yesterday."


"They don't seem to object to me being with you anymore."

I'm a little surprised.


"Well... I can't say that I don't object. Dad said that if you are a reliable person, you can hand me over to you."

"Well, your father respects your decision very much."

"Well! But I know that He Renjun is a person worthy of my entrustment for the rest of my life, so I am in a particularly happy mood today, so I forgive you for being drunk last night, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

"Well, I will definitely make you happy."

"Hey... I know, I love you so much! Heren-kun."

Caiyin smiled brightly, I silently washed her smooth back with hot water, rubbed the bath liquid into foam, and covered her whole body.

"I love you too."

When I said this, did I smile as brightly as Caiyin did?

Who knows.

Anything will do.

(End of this chapter)

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