After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 748 742. No one can fight against the whole society by himself, even the protagonist of a li

Chapter 748 742. No one can fight against the whole society by himself, and neither can the protagonist of light novels.

At the end of the day's work, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Except for breakfast in the morning, I didn't eat any food throughout the day, but I didn't feel hungry.

Compared to these things, I might want to sleep with Caiyin or Yousha more.

With this thought in mind, I called Caiyin. I didn't seem to have the power to do whatever I thought of before. It's incredible.

Caiyin didn't pick up, and about a minute later, I received a line from Caiyin.

She appears to be chatting with her mother.

I thought about it, and I was probably talking about me, so I didn't bother her any more.

Caiyin is trying to convince her parents for our future. As her lover, what I should do now is to make early preparations, visit her parents, and then make an appointment with the two families, pick a good day, and go to the district office to meet her. Color tone registration.

While thinking about these things, I unknowingly walked downstairs to the apartment with sand.

Even though my mind was full of thoughts about my married life with Caiyin, I didn't expect my body to be so honest.

After making a phone call to confirm that Yousha was at home, he naturally went upstairs and entered the house, kissed her passionately, took off her clothes, and fell on the bed together.

Afterwards, I silently picked up the clothes that were thrown on the ground, and put them on one by one. The naked Yousha propped his elbows on the bed, symbolically covering his chest without too many curves with the quilt.

"Do you want to go back to accompany Neru-san today?"

"Well, she said she would come to live with me today."

I replied calmly while wearing my pants.

"Then you still dare to come to my house, aren't you afraid that your physical strength will reveal your secrets?"

I thought about it, and it seems that such a situation has never happened so far. I don't know if this body is naturally different from ordinary people, or what is the reason.

Anyway, to put it bluntly, I could handle them both together.

The most important thing is that Caiyin's physical strength is too weak, it can only be counted as 0.3 sandy, so it is quite easy to deal with.

"I'm a little sorry for Neru-san, I've already taken away the thickest part of Kazuto-san today."

Her smile is a bit flamboyant, since Yousha has developed such a relationship with her, Yousha often shows this kind of expression, which forms a considerable contrast with her innocent appearance, which makes me very excited every time.

Probably this is the so-called cute contrast.

"Don't say weird things."


After leaving the sandy apartment, I took the tram to Tsukishima, the house was empty, and the first thing I did was to take a shower.

The whole person was soaked in the water, and the physical strength consumed on the bed gradually recovered, and I couldn't help but let out a comfortable sigh.

I don’t know how long I’ve been soaking in the water, the water flowing around my body almost made me fall asleep, and I heard “I’m back” from outside the living room.

I opened my eyes, sat in the water for another 2 minutes, and walked out of the bathroom.

After drying off, I put on my pajamas and came to the living room. My real girlfriend is busy doing something in the kitchen.

"Caiyin, you are back, what are you doing?"

"Bento, rest tomorrow, going to have a picnic with Kinosuke and Kuma."

"Picnic?" I was a little surprised, I hadn't heard about it from Yousha at all.

"Well, tomorrow seems to be the last sunny day of this month. The rainy season is coming soon. If you don't go, you won't have a chance." She concentrated on the temperature of the oil in the snow pan and said without raising her head.

"That's it."

I nodded and glanced at the ingredients on the side of the kitchen. I bought quite a lot. I can probably imagine that tomorrow there will be scenes like exchanging bento between female voice actors.

"Need my help?"

"Eh? No need, I can do it myself."


After that, I sat on the sofa and read a book while chatting with Caiyin.

After she finished her busy work, it was close to twelve o'clock in the evening, so she put the bento on one side to cool, and then put it in the refrigerator after it was completely cooled, and took a bath during this time.



Late at night, after I had lingered with Caiyin twice, she hugged me tightly with a happy smile and closed her eyes quietly.

"I always feel that you are very happy recently."

"Of course." She showed a playful smile.

"Now that everything is settled, not only have we settled down with Qi Zhizhu, but our relationship has also been approved by my parents. After experiencing so many setbacks, it is finally time for this lady to win completely!

You said, can I not be happy? "

"Should be happy," I said.

If it is as she said, both she and I will be happy with the current situation.

I personally ruined her happiness.

I don't have the courage to think about the future, and I don't dare to imagine what kind of expression Caiyin will show when she learns the truth.

In general, my current mood may be more complicated than that of the protagonist in the light novel who, after losing his left hand and father, slept with his pregnant wife and master Lori without telling him.

But when I think about it, I don't have the honesty and courage that he has.

No wonder I can't be the main character in light novels.

"Speaking of which, do you still remember Qi Zhisuke?"

"Is there sand?"

"Well, wasn't there something about whether she would have a boyfriend before?"

I pretended to be stunned: "Oh... It seems that there is such a thing, sorry, I didn't pay much attention to it, how is she?"

"I probably know who the other party is."


I looked at Caiyin's face carefully, her expression was very serious, she didn't look like she was joking, the only thing I can be sure of is that the person in her mind must be wrong.

After all, Qingshui Yousha's so-called boyfriend is actually me, but I don't think I am Yousha's boyfriend, and I think Yousha didn't put myself in the position of girlfriend.

If I have to say it, the relationship between Yousha and I is more like a wonderful relationship of "we like each other but can only do sex".

To be honest, I am actually dissatisfied with this status quo. My wish is naturally to let Caiyin agree with my behavior with Yousha, but I also know that for the monogamy system in modern island society, this is simply heavenly. Night Tale.

Even big figures related to our government have to hide things like keeping mistresses from the public.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is not something that everyone can be happy if Caiyin agrees or not, it is a social factor.

No one can fight against the whole society by himself, and neither can the protagonist of light novels.

"Who does Caiyin think it is?"

"A male voice actor between the ages of 20 and 30, whose name is four Chinese characters, might be a married man."



I can't find any words to describe my mood other than horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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