After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 749 743. A girl like her is only worthy of being someone's mistress.

Chapter 749 743. A girl like her is only worthy of being someone's mistress.

I don't know what kind of expression I have on my face now, but Caiyin didn't look at me at this time, she rubbed her chin with her hand, the flushing after having fun with me still remained on that cute face.

"If you say a name, I can understand why there is such a string of content that looks like Google search keywords?"

Could it be that you are hinting at me?

No, Caiyin is not that kind of personality. If she finds out the truth, the first thing she will do is slap me.

But to be honest, I would feel better if I was slapped. Compared with being beaten violently by her soft fists, I can't see her heartbroken tears even more.

"Hmph... want to know? Want to know?"

For some reason, Cai Yin showed a very smug look, because I really want to know the reason, so there is no problem in responding according to her words.

"Ask Detective Sakura to help."

"Hoo hoo... I really can't do anything about you."

I coughed a little pretentiously, like Kogoro Mori who was about to unfold the reasoning of God, I deliberately pinched her mountain range, which caused her to roll her eyes.

"First of all, Yusa is a popular voice actor, right?"

"Hmm." I nodded in agreement.

"A seiyuu of her level, except for seiyuu and practitioners, has no contact with men at all. The basis is myself."

"Don't think your boyfriend is a voice actor, so you can conclude that her boyfriend is also a voice actor." I wanted to divert the topic from [voice actor].

"Her ex-boyfriend is."


Sorry, this is really a blind spot.

"Between 20 and 30 years old, I asked about it before. To be precise, Qi Zhisuke likes mature men, and people younger than her basically don't think about it. This is the same as me."


"Also, about the fact that the name has four Chinese characters."


"Among the male voice actors of the younger generation, most of them are four-character voice actors."


It seems that it is gradually becoming not reasoning, but pure conjecture.

"I have only three characters, Totsuka Kazu."

Caiyin snorted displeasedly: "Then Kazuto-san is going to say that you are Qi Zhisuke's boyfriend?"

"Sorry I was wrong."

I apologized very quickly, although I knew she didn't think that way in her heart, but in fact that was the correct answer.

"Finally, the married man."


Anyway, it's just another random reason, I can already foresee it, she is such a casual girl, no matter what reason I give, I won't be surprised anymore.

"That day, she said so."

Caiyin's voice suddenly became deep, and I was a little overwhelmed by this momentary change.


She turned sideways and changed from lying flat to facing me. I subconsciously reached out and hugged her tightly, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"That day, I was at the door of the recording studio lounge and heard her talking with Saori."

"I didn't intend to eavesdrop, but I happened to hear He Renjun's name at that time, and felt embarrassed so I couldn't push the door in. So, I heard..."

"[A girl like me may only be worthy of being someone's mistress in the future.]"

Only now did I notice that Caiyin, who was still joking, had tears in her eyes at some point.

Before that, I thought she was just gossiping about her friend's love affairs, but in fact, Caiyin was suffering from it.

As long as you are a friend of Yousha, no one will feel sad and confused when hearing such words from that cheerful and optimistic girl.

This is a sentence that only I can understand.

What she said before, "I will date other men in the future", are all words used to deceive me.

In that girl's heart, perhaps she has already made a plan for her life. As long as Caiyin doesn't find out about our affair, she will always, always, always stay by my side and be my underground lover.

Because I once told her that I hope she will always stay by my side.

All caused by me.

It was me who forcibly twisted an ordinary girl into a devil's posture.

Anyone can blame her and scold her, but I have no such qualifications. The only thing I can do is to stand in front of her and accept all punishments from the outside world before she is blamed and hurt.

As for Caiyin who was sobbing uncontrollably at this moment, my eyes widened in disbelief, pretending to be sad and stunned.


There was silence, and I thought, I have to say something right now.

If I were still the Mogami Kazuto I used to be, what should I say?

What kind of words can completely exclude myself from the possibility and prevent her from doubting me?
All I think about are things that are wise and safe.

"I think that shouldn't be Yousha's sincere words..."

I gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, giving her false tenderness.

"Yousha, she has always blamed herself for what she did to you."

"I don't think that's really how she feels, no girl would do that kind of thing, especially an innocent girl like her.

Caiyin, isn't it precisely because of this that you like her so much?

Can you imagine, imagine that girl who only knows how to eat and giggle all day is a person who destroys other people's families? "

The person who destroyed me and Caiyin was not Yousha, and I understand this very clearly.

Whether it is the one who took the first step, or the one who is stubborn and unwilling to turn back, it is me from the beginning to the end.

It has nothing to do with that cute girl named Qingshui Yousha.

It seemed that my words played a role, Caiyin buried her head in my chest, and I could feel the warmth of tears dripping down on my chest.

"...I'm sorry, I said such exaggerated words behind my back."

I stroke her hair gently.

"It's okay, Yousha will definitely not take it to heart, she is a considerate person, and has always been."

What an ironic scene, the girl who was betrayed by her friends and lovers is apologizing to me as the betrayer.

Caiyin was still curled up in my arms, curled up tightly like a wounded little hedgehog.

"Yousha seems to be very strong, but she never reveals her fragility to us. As her friends, we can only watch over her and pull her back from the cliff before she loses confidence and goes astray. "

What the hell am I talking about.

Obviously I dragged her off the cliff with my own hands.

"Well, Yousha is my important friend, and I will never let things turn out as she said."

Caiyin's eyes shone with a strong awareness.

What about me?

Existing in my eyes, what is it?
I think it's probably the guilt after being cleverly deceived, and the deeper lust.

want it all.

so tired.

want to disappear.

wanna die.


Sakura Ayane, and clear water and sand.

want it all.

(End of this chapter)

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