After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 763 757. What is the difference between you love everyone and you love no one?

Chapter 763 757. What is the difference between you love everyone and you love no one?

Facing the scene in front of him, Kazuto Mogami was stunned.

He immediately turned his head, thinking about what happened in front of him.

Shimizu Yousha with an expressionless face, and Saori Xiaonishi with the same expressionless expression.

Qingshui Yousha never said that there is such a big living person in her family!
What should we do now?
To hug or not to hug?
After a pause of about two seconds, Mogami Kazuto raised his outstretched hands high, pretending to stretch.

The action is stiff and the acting is poor.

Mogami Kazuto looked at Shimizu Yousha with some reproach, needless to say, Shimizu Yousha could understand the meaning in his eyes, he was blaming her for not telling in advance that Xiao Nishi Saori was here too.

Qingshui Yousha spread his hands helplessly: "You can't blame me, I thought it was Kazuto-sang who rang the doorbell just now, who would have thought that it was Saori who opened the door and wanted to inform you, but you directly Ring the bell.

Really, you actually pick a time when someone is having an affair, Saori, you are really good at it. "

Qing Shui has a dissatisfied expression on her mouth, and she looks at the most terrified and frightened, what is she talking about?
Did she just say the word cheating?
In front of Xiao Nishi Saori.

Kazuto Mogami looked at Saori Nishi in amazement, and found that she was not surprised at all, but just looked at them indifferently.

She was not surprised at all, it seemed that she had long believed that he had an affair with Qingshui Yousha.

Kazuto Mogami remained calm on the surface, but quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind.

His first thought was not an explanation, nor an apology, but how to make Xiao Nishi Saori shut up to Sakura Ayane.

His way of thinking has indeed changed, and thoughts that never came to mind before appear one after another.

Xiao Nishi Saori came to talk with Qingshui Yousha today, of course she would not approve of Mogami Kazuto and Qingshui Yousha, if possible, she even wanted to expose them right away.

But Xiaonishi Saori didn't choose to do this, she had already made an agreement with Sakura Ayane.

I will not interfere with her love anymore.

And the purpose of Xiaoxi Saori's visit today is just to convey this fact. She will not be the informer of this relationship, but it does not mean that this is what she means to become their partner.

The face looking at the man was still as handsome and indifferent as before, but it was different from that time, the eyes he looked at himself were more explicit.

Konishi Saori didn't like his look, it reminded her of Kazuto Mogami when she was a teenager.

So, the three of them sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The three of them looked at each other, but none of them spoke first.

At this level, Mogami Kazuto calmed down instead, he silently looked at Xiao Nishi Saori, his deep black pupils seemed to want to see through her from the inside out.

This look even gave Xiao Xisha goosebumps.

Even so, she had to speak clearly on this occasion.

Saori Konishi took a deep breath.

"Heren, there is sand."

In the end, it was Xiaonishi Saori who spoke first.

In front of Mogami Kazuto, Xiao Nishi Saori admitted that he already knew about the relationship between them, and there was no need to keep hiding in front of his eyes.

Hearing such words, of course Kazuto Mogami would not just say "OK, I see". He silently stared at the woman who used to be his wife, thinking for a while.

"and then?"

His calm tone even made her feel a little scared, she had never seen such a Mogami Kazu.

And Shimizu Yousha seems to be not surprised by Mogami Kazuto's attitude. After all, he is a fallen man, so it is not surprising what kind of reaction he will have.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help sighing, he really couldn't get tough in front of her, so he softened his tone a little.

"If you're here to persuade us to separate, I think it's better not to waste your efforts."

"Then why didn't you break up with Caiyin first?"

"I like her, why should I break up with her?"

"You like her? So what's going on with Yousha?!"

"I also like Yousha, is there any conflict between the two?"

Seeing his frank admission, Xiao Xi Sazhi even laughed angrily at him, while Qingshui Yousha on the other side silently painted his nail polish, raised his arms, opened his fingers towards the ceiling light in the living room, puffed his cheeks and blew blow.

Completely absent-minded, as if he didn't care about the conversation between them at all.

Xiaonishi Saori was once again convinced that the heads of these two people had become abnormal.

Rather than saying that her current mood is anger, it is better to say that she is sad.

"Whether it's Caiyin or Yousha, I love them deeply."

He fluently spoke words that the former Mogami Kazuto would never have said.

Xiao Xi Saori looked at him with complicated eyes, and looked sad: "You love everyone, what's the difference between you and you don't love anyone?"

Hearing these words, Qingshui Yousha was taken aback, turned his head and took a deep look at Xiao Xi Saori, and finally did not speak, and continued to apply nail polish, because her hands were trembling and she was crooked, and she said "tsk" irritably. "A cry.

Mogami Kazuto took out a few paper towels and wiped off the nail polish on his skin for Shimizu Yousa, causing Shimizu Yousa to smile sweetly.

Xiao Nishi Saori looked at all this with a complicated expression. The Mogami Kazuto she knew would never do such a thing.

The him in my memory was always passive and clumsy in such things, with a little laziness. Although it could not be called slow, laziness itself was something inferior to slow.

Even so, she didn't think that Mogami Kazuto was a bad person.

Looking back at the current him, the way of dealing with women is gradually becoming more comfortable, as if they are toys in his hands, and he can play and drive them at will.

She couldn't accept that the man she loved so much became what he is now.

To be honest, the moment she saw Kazuto Mogami, she still had the idea that she might be able to convince him.

After witnessing his reaction, Saori Konishi gave up.

His eyes are more firm than he used to be, if only that firmness can be used in other places.

"So? What are you going to do? Tell Caiyin? Expose our affairs to the public? Can you do it?"

"There's nothing you can't do." Xiao Xi Saori glared at him angrily, and couldn't help but raise his voice.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head slowly, and said firmly, "No, you won't do that."


"If you have the courage to do that, then you shouldn't be here now, but by Caiyin's side.

In fact, it's because you don't have the consciousness to do that that you say such things to us, isn't it? "

Nishi Saori bit her lips tightly.

She just wanted to try again, if she could convince Kazuto Mogami, that would be the best ending.

But she didn't have the confidence to convince the current Mogami Kazuto, so she let out a long breath, her eyes full of disappointment.

"... That's enough, I'm going back." Xiao Xi Saori stood up with her head down.

"Oh huh?"

"How you want to do it is your business, who you want to sleep with is also your business..."

She cast her eyes on Qingshuiyousha who hadn't talked to her all this time.

"There is sand..."

Qing Shui Yousha glanced at her lightly, waiting for her speech.

"Two years ago, I didn't notice that you were in such pain, have survived such a painful period, do you still want to continue to suffer?

Do you also want Caiyin to taste this pain? "

(End of this chapter)

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