Chapter 764 758. The night with them.

At six o'clock in the morning, the drowsiness seems to disappear somehow like a newly received dubbing salary.

Smelling the smell of disinfectant, looking blankly at the pale ceiling, although I haven't looked in the mirror yet, I think my complexion should not be much better than it.

It was raining continuously outside the window, and May was such an annoying season. Even though I was lying in the house, it seemed as if I was standing in the rain, and the soft, sticky rain was still falling on my head.

But I don't hate rain.

At least, I have had rain that I liked.

Running recklessly in the rain, just remembering that scene, I can't help but laugh out loud.

I think, what impresses me most is not the rain, but the person who ran with me in the rain.

However, what made me feel at a loss was that he had a lover who belonged to him, and that lover was my best friend.

The plots that I have only seen in light novels actually happened to me.

But this is nothing to surprise me, after all, it is not uncommon for a voice actor to suffer from a serious throat disease, which has long been seen in novels and movies.

It's just that I didn't expect both of these things to happen to me, which is unfortunate.

The breakfast in the hospital is terrible, and it makes people lose their appetite. I would rather eat something rich in flavor, which is called junk food, and swallow those things into my stomach recklessly, instead of eating The so-called nutritious meals and drinks are disinfected water inhaled through the trachea.

It's really a very patient atmosphere.

The morning time is actually not boring. After breakfast, I will get up and go for a walk to see if there are any friends I used to have.

After observing for a long time, I didn't meet such a person. It would be great if they all recovered and were discharged from the hospital.

After returning to the ward, he took a nap for a while and followed some news about the seiyuu industry. When the doctor came to round the ward, he opened his mouth for him to observe.

Occasionally coughing up blood worries me a lot, but the doctor didn’t say anything. I don’t know if it’s a common thing, or because I’m concerned about my mental state, I’m deliberately speaking very casually.

In short, the morning time passed quickly, but it was the afternoon when I felt that there was not enough time in the working state, which was particularly boring.

Not only is the time passing slowly, but it is also extremely difficult, as if time has been injected with a genetic drug that strengthens the volume, and the passing speed is suddenly three or four times slower.

I also wanted to try to go to the children's area, but in my current state, it should be impossible to read picture books. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little sad, so I gave up this idea.

In the boring afternoon, I could only sit quietly on the hospital bed alone, looking at the rain flowers falling outside the window, as if my heart was going to die, and I couldn't feel any emotional fluctuations.

Obviously, I should have gotten used to this kind of life long ago, and it's not the first time I've been hospitalized, but what's going on with my mood now.

I thought I would lose my qualifications to be a voice actor at that time, but in the end, not only was I discharged from the hospital, but I was also awarded the lead role in a popular work. After tasting the taste of lost and regained, I became more fragile and more afraid of losing .

It would be great if someone could be by my side, get rid of the title of villager A, and become a brave warrior like that person.

Shouldn't Zhongtian Lisha be the kind of girl who was pushed from behind for the first time, and when the same bad luck came to her for the second time, did she need him to push herself?

It was obviously just someone who had nothing to do with her, someone who could only be described as a friend. She should have carried her fate alone, but she was counting on someone else to take her out.

How can there be such a good thing.

It's often said that being ill makes one sentimental, and if that's the case, then I probably never got well.

At night, I was bored looking out the window, the rain has not weakened, it is still falling moderately.

I was preoccupied with work matters.

Well, this statement may be somewhat wrong.

Besides work, I was thinking about Totsuka-kun.

Because he said he would come to see me again.

I can't figure out whether it's a courtesy or sincere. Although I subconsciously think that he won't be the kind of person who breaks his promise, but my friend's lover comes to visit me in the hospital every day, and I still feel a little uncomfortable.

In such a conflicted state of mind, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

Totsuka-kun walked in slowly, and I saw faint dark circles under his eyelids at a glance, and his hair and shoulders were wet from the rain. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of transportation he came by.

Logically speaking, for a popular writer like him, royalties must be endless, but I have never seen anything expensive on him.

A person who is as clear as mineral water.

After he greeted me, he took the initiative to sit down on the chair beside the hospital bed. Because there were no chairs in the ward before, I thought about buying one. Would he think that I specially prepared it for him? ?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help being shy and afraid to look into his eyes.

I don't have the idea of ​​developing with Totsuka-kun, I just regard him as my important friend and benefactor who gave me opportunities.

Hmm... something is slightly wrong.

Before I learned about his relationship with Caiyin, I did have such a little idea, but after Totsuka-kun confessed to me, I gave up that idea very decisively.

It doesn't matter if it's just friends, but it's a very happy thing to be able to become friends with Totsuka-kun.

Although he is a liar from Tokyo, he is very serious about his relationship, at least I think so, and he is willing to take the initiative to tell me about the relationship between him and Caiyin.

In addition, he should have discovered it a long time ago, and discovered the thoughts hidden in my heart. Even so, he did not avoid me, but kept a proper distance from me, although recently, I often feel Does he care too much about me.

But as long as I regard this concern as mutual help between friends, I can take it for granted.

This is more or less my own selfishness, but even I am a girl who longs to be cared for and loved.

As long as I can keep my senses, no one can blame me for this once in a while.

When Totsuka-kun took out the bound paper collection from his bag, I was a little dazed.

This should...not be a dubbing script, right?

Is someone willing to name a patient voice actor like me who has issued a suspension of activities to dub?

"It's something to cheer up Miss Taneda."

So, I took it and opened it.

There is no title, but there is a signature, which says Totsuka Kazu.

I looked up at him suspiciously.

"I don't want you to be bored in the hospital. I wrote this thing last night. The writing is not delicate and beautiful. I just hope it can pass your boring hospital time and come in handy."

He scratched his cheek with a little embarrassment, well, I'm not sure if it's embarrassment or what, in short, I can't make an accurate judgment now, just looking at his face makes me feel dizzy.

I, Tanada Lisa, was pushed on the back by him again.

(End of this chapter)

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