After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 765 759. He still wants more girls, and wants to see more tears from them.

Chapter 765 759. He still wants more girls, and wants to see more tears from them.

A special night with two female voice actors before and after Kazuto Mogami.

There is such a female voice actor, lying alone on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Taneda Risa's heart is quite complicated at this time, and she can't understand Mogami Kazuto's mind.

In contrast, she understood her own mood.

Taneda Risa is a person who is very good at examining herself and others.

Be able to rationally judge your own situation and make the most appropriate choice based on this.

Ever since she was a child, there were only two things that Lisa Tang was hesitant about, knowing how the incident would develop.

One is when I got sick for the first time, I was vacillating about whether to have an operation or not.

At the end of that incident, she gained courage from Kazuto Mogami and was pushed out of the cage that imprisoned her.

Just like a brave man who only appears in fairy tales and comics, he had a fantastic encounter on that sunny April day.

After the operation, although her work cannot return to the previous level, she knows well that she is lucky to be able to still be active in the industry as a voice actor.

Especially when he admitted that he got Shessel's role because of his help, she really thought she had met her destiny.

However, it's not like that.

He is gentle to himself and reaches out to himself because he is gentle to everyone and extends a helping hand to everyone.

To him, he is not a special existence.

She leaned sideways, gently stroking the "novel" on the pillow, and sighed melancholy.

If that's the case, why did he do such unnecessary things.

Nantian Lisha is not stupid, she is a very clever and clever girl.

If the things Mogami Kazuto did for her before can be explained by various reasons, at least writing novels specifically for her is obviously beyond the theory.

This is not something that should be done to a lover's friend, and Taneda Risa deeply understands this behavior.

If, if Kazuto Mogami did these things for her without a lover.

Gengtian Lisha felt that she might express her feelings face to face, no longer beating around the bush like last Christmas, but throwing out all her thoughts and intentions head-on.

But the reality is often not so smooth, he has a girlfriend.

That being the case, of course, all her thoughts cannot be resorted to.

Not only that, but to refuse him, to refuse his continuous visits, to refuse the novels he wrote all night, and to return him with a polite and distant smile.

That's the right thing to do.

And this is also the second thing she failed to carry out her judgment in her life.

No matter which one, it is closely related to him.

With such a thought in mind, it was really hard for Taneda Risa to fall asleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, his handsome face and gentle voice would always appear in her mind.


Why should she be treated like this?

Just because the two are very close?

How long can this kind of reason be maintained? If... if one day, he even reaches out to hug himself who is troubled by the disease and wants to die, can this reason still hold water?Will I still be embraced by him?

It is obviously something that should be judged immediately, and it will only unfold if it only exists in fantasy, but Zhongtian Lisha feels a little disgusted with herself who can't help hesitating.



"Miss Taneda, good afternoon."

In the afternoon of the next day, Kazuto Mogami came again and asked about the novel with a smile on his face. It seemed that he came to visit her because he was interested in the evaluation of the novel.

If that's the case, it would be easier for Zhongtian Lisha to accept it.

Just as she was hesitating about how to speak, another female voice actress, Ayane Sakura, walked in outside the door.

"I happened to meet Totsuka-san at the entrance of the hospital, so we came together."

Sakura Ayane explained something very lamely, and she seemed to think she was hiding it well.

Gengtian Lisha didn't seem to expect that the two of them would come together, and felt overwhelmed for a moment, and subconsciously stuffed the novel next to the pillow under the pillow, even she herself didn't understand what this behavior meant.

Mogami Kazuto saw her movements clearly, without saying a word.

But when Zhongtian Lisha calmed down, she felt ashamed of her uneasiness.

Everything is just my imagination.

Kazuto Mogami sincerely regards himself as an important friend.

Otherwise, how could he come to visit her with Ayane Sakura.

Well, that's right.

Rather, this is what she expected to unfold.

Because of Sakura Ayane's presence, Mogami Kazuto basically didn't communicate with Taneda Risa. Sakura Ayane chatted with her endlessly, and Taneda Risa mostly could only listen to her because of her throat, and uttered a few words from time to time. A short thought.

Even so, they were quite happy.

And Kazuto Mogami just sat in the corner reading a book without saying a word.

Sometimes I can feel Naneda Lisha looking at him. At this time, as long as he smiles back, Naneda Lisha will look away in a panic.

Very easy to understand.

Mogami Kazuto actually couldn't figure out his own thoughts.

What exactly is he longing for in Tan Tian Lisha? If it is just the body, he already has Shimizu Yousha and Sakura Caiyin.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami felt that what he longed for was something more spiritual.

This kind of statement is quite cunning, as if Sakura Ayane and Shimizu Yusa only gave him their bodies.

There is no doubt that the two of them, no matter who they are, have given [-]% love to Kazuto Mogami.

Otherwise, Ayane Sakura would not agree to his proposal, and Yusa Shimizu would not be willing to fall with him.

But this seems to be far from enough, the gap in Mogami Kazuto's heart still cannot be filled.

Need more, more, more, more...

Anything goes, girl's body, girl's love, girl's tears.

These things converged into his body and became his evil aggregate, expanding and growing day by day.

Even though he knew that this thing could not be allowed to grow, Mogami Kazuto still wanted to fill it up, to fill his hungry heart.

"Totsuka-san, it's time to rush to the set."

At some point, Ayane Sakura suddenly spoke to Kazuto Mogami, seeing her carrying her bag, Kazuto Mogami immediately closed the book in his hand without reading a single word, and also stood up.

"Chang Jiang, I still have work to do, so I'll see you in two days."

"It's okay, Caiyin, as long as you are busy with work, don't delay work because of me."

"Why do you say such out-of-the-ordinary words? I'll come to bother you whenever I'm free."

Taneda Risa showed a wry smile without words, and then looked at Kazuto Mogami: "Totsuka-kun, Caiyin is in your hands."

"Yes, I know." Kazuto Mogami nodded.



In this way, watching their leaving back, sat on the hospital bed for several minutes.

The girl in the striped hospital gown shed tears suddenly and uncontrollably.

The tears slid across the cheeks that were paler than the sheets, and dripped silently on the quilt.

They look really well matched.

(End of this chapter)

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