After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 766 761. I am the wind, and she is the fallen leaves traveling with me in the sky.

Chapter 766 761. I am the wind, and she is the fallen leaves traveling with me in the sky.

To be honest, the girl in front of me really exudes a softness that makes people want to hug her.

Mogami Kazuto really wanted to do such a thing, but at this stage, he was not demented to that point.

Most importantly, Mogami Kazuto didn't want to develop that relationship with Taneda Risa.

To put it more bluntly, rather than sleeping with this girl, he would rather have ordinary conversations with her, chat, and talk about trivial things in his heart.

Getting out of the emotional vortex that was exhausting him was just having a human conversation.

However, due to the label of "having a lover", Kazuto Mogami couldn't develop into the point where he had nothing to say with Risa Teneda.

Some things are not suitable for communication between them.

Life will encounter many such states, not everything can be satisfactory, Kazuto Mogami has never imagined what a wonderful life he can live.

In fact, his current life is happy enough and wonderful enough.

But these two terms are different from joy.

When it was time to ban visits, the nurse urged Mogami Kazuto to leave. After Mogami Kazuto said goodbye to Taneda Risa, the nurse teased her as usual.

"That gentleman, no matter how you look at it, he is interested in you."

"He has a girlfriend."

"Hey~~ Really, isn't that a scumbag?! Ah... sorry."

Zhongtian Lisha was not angry, but just smiled faintly.

"We're just good friends."

In fact, this sentence is also a lie of Tokyoites.

The relationship between her and Mogami Kazuto is not enough to call it very good. If you have to use any words to describe it, Taneda Risa will think of a sentence in the early stage of the original novel of "Traveling".

【I am the wind, and she is the fallen leaves traveling with me in the sky. 】



After finishing work in the afternoon, Ayane Sakura sent a message to Shimizu on the sofa, asking if she would like to go downstairs for coffee together.

Because we met in the recording studio just now, she was working in another studio, and she didn't show that the message had been read for a long time, probably because she was still working.

So Ayane Sakura made another appointment with Saori Konishi to pass the time in the coffee shop downstairs, saying that it was to pass the time, but in fact, her free time was only 10 minutes.

Now these people are gradually liberated from the turmoil, and everyone's life has returned to peace. From Sakura Ayon's point of view, it looks like the years have been peaceful.

Xiao Nishi Saori always seemed worried during this time, as if she had something on her mind, but she has been like this since before, and Sakura Ayane has long been used to it.

After finally being able to clear up the previous suspicions, she didn't want to make troubles because of trivial things, so she no longer had the same curiosity about many things as before.

However, the four words "resolve past suspicions" do not mean that the relationship between people can be restored to a state that never happened. It is just that through communication with each other, both parties agree with each other's determination to continue to get along.

"Hey, Saori."

While stirring the coffee, Sakura Ayane lowered her voice with a mysterious tone.


"I heard that you have a boyfriend?" Sakura Ayane's eyes were flickering with enthusiasm for gossip.

Xiaoxi Sazhi was taken aback for a moment, then said slowly, "You heard what Yousha said?"

Sakura Ayane nodded very honestly, and just sold Shimizu Yousha like that.

"It doesn't count."

She replied.

"Yes, yes, no, no, what's going on?"

Although this sentence may sound a bit convoluted, the meaning of Sakura Ayane is not difficult to understand.

"Well... how should I put it, my mother is a bit nagging, saying that I should find another partner after being divorced for so long."

"That's right." Sakura Ayane nodded.

Xiao Xi Saori rolled her eyes: "You are worried that I have thoughts about Kazuto, right?"

Sakura Ayane's pretty face was slightly red, and he hesitated and said: "I'm not worried, even if you have that kind of thought, Kazuto-kun would not dare to do that kind of sorry to me."

She looked confident, and if she didn't know the truth, Xiao Xi Saori would have applauded her love.

"And then?" Sakura asked.

"Well... Long Sita had a good impression of me in the past, a few days ago my mother insisted on asking me to have dinner with him, and I really couldn't persuade her, so I had no choice but to go.

But Long Sita seems to have already made a girlfriend, and in the end it turned into a life discussion that enlightened me about my relationship with others. "

"……and then?"

"He was so drunk that he called his sister, and we carried him home together. Now that I think about it, it was probably at that time that someone saw him, and that's why there were strange rumors."

"Wow... I always feel that this plot seems to be seen often these days." Sakura Ayane complained.

Xiao Xi Saori took a sip of coffee silently. To be honest, she doesn't have any expectations about getting married now.

After meeting Mogami Kazuto like that, she even felt that it was a troublesome thing to communicate with men.

"Hey, Saori."

Ayane Sakura suddenly spoke.


"Have you talked to He Renjun about this?"

Xiao Nishi Saori was about to answer, but found that Sakura Ayane's face was slightly different from before, hesitating and coy, as if she wanted to say something.

Xiao Nishi Saori is a smart woman, after a brief thought, she understood what Sakura Ayon was thinking.

"What do you want me to say to him?"


Sakura Ayane was taken aback, and immediately waved her hand: "What do you mean I want you to tell him, I hate it, it's not me bragging, I now have the confidence not to lose to you."

"Now...that is to say, there wasn't one before?"

Xiaonishi Saori thought this was a very incredible thing. In her opinion, there was no element in herself that could surpass Sakura Ayane.

But that kind of thing is not important anymore, Mogami Kazumi has changed, the man she once loved deeply has become completely unfamiliar to her.

Only Sakura Ayane is still addicted to it.

In this regard, all she can feel is powerlessness and sadness.

"Tsk! Don't pick on other people's language problems!"

Sakura Ayane pouted in dissatisfaction.

"If Caiyin wants to, it doesn't matter if he cheats on him."

"What do you mean?"

"Of course I lied to him about having a boyfriend."

"Hmm... To be honest, it's not necessary." Sakura Ayane said in a rather relaxed tone.

Although it was an expected answer, Saori Xiaonishi still asked why.

"If He Renjun is the kind of person who will be shaken by his ex-wife's emotional life, then I don't like such a man."

Well, it's really a very handsome answer, and you can feel her absolute trust in love affairs and Mogami Kazuto.

But this trust fell into Xiaoxi Sazhi's eyes, and she suddenly realized why Qing Shui Yousha said those words that annoyed her back then.

(End of this chapter)

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