Chapter 769 764. She doesn't like this.

Miss Taneda didn't say what her wish was, but left a sentence that I didn't understand clearly. I guess she would tell me mostly on her birthday.

Of course I don't understand what her wish is.

To be honest, if it is something within my ability, I will naturally go all out.

After that, I sent Miss Nantian back to the hospital. Nothing happened, there was no physical contact, and no verbal ambiguity. I just had an ordinary meal and walked an ordinary road.

Ordinary waved goodbye, and ordinary said to her, "See you tomorrow."

That's it.

After leaving the hospital, I began to check the messages I received on my mobile phone. Caiyin had already gone to Yousha's apartment, and it seemed that I planned to spend the night there.

Under such circumstances, Yousha even wanted me to sneak over, but of course I wouldn't listen to her, I don't want to hide naked under the bed or in the closet.

All in all, tonight is my alone time.

So, after a long absence, I went drinking with Nobunaga and Jaeto.

Because I can’t see women’s faces, I have a feeling of being out of society for a long time, so I stared at the faces of these two people non-stop. I didn’t expect that one day I would feel the “kindness” of male voice actors. .

"Ahe, something is wrong with you today, your eyes."

"Is there? No."

It seems to be too explicit, I think it's better to restrain yourself.

When I first came into this world, I even had the idea of ​​​​giving up alcohol, but as time passed, after the baptism of these three years, I became able to drink a lot.

Hard work pays off, and at least when it comes to drinking, I've certainly seen that claim hold.

However, I still seem to be drinking too much.

My memory stays at the moment when the three of us got into the taxi, Jieren fell asleep directly on my shoulder, I don’t know if it was saliva or beer liquid, it all flowed down his chin and onto my coat Looks like I'm going to trouble Nobunaga's washing machine again.

Holding this thought, I gradually lost consciousness.

After waking up with a hangover dizziness and nausea, I confirmed where I was, and it was indeed Nobunaga's house, at least that red-haired, muscular young man lying on the floor was the Ishikawa Suketo I knew.

Fortunately, I didn't wake up in a strange hotel, and I didn't leave a strange note around me.

I suddenly remembered this incident, and naturally thought of the female voice actress with beautiful eyes.

What a pity, maybe I will never see such beautiful eyes in my life.

After I finished making breakfast, the three men just looked at each other, smelling the alcohol on each other.

After breakfast, I went back to Yuedao, took a shower, changed clothes, and went to a nearby love hotel with Yousha in the afternoon.Visit Miss Taneda in the evening, and have dinner with Cai Yin at a high-end restaurant in Ginza in the evening. Even though today is not an anniversary, I just occasionally remember that she is my real girlfriend, and go back to Tsukishima with her in the evening.

I live such a constant life.

Until that day came.



6 month 15 day.

Friday, sunny.

For Mogami Kazuto, this is not such a special day.

It's neither New Year's Day, nor Tanabata, nor is it the anniversary of him and Ayane Sakura. If I have to say it, it's probably the two-month anniversary of his affair with Shimizu Yousa.


In short, on such an unpretentious day, Mogami Kazuto was doing unpretentious things.

After finishing work in the afternoon, Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yousa were doing the routine. After the work, Shimizu Yousa stood naked in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, with many skirts in hand, and the girl was wearing them one by one. Hold it in front of you and make gestures.

"Hey...Herensang, I'm a little hard to choose, please help me."

"Everything is so cute."

"I don't want to listen to such ambiguous words."

"Do you want to participate in any important work? event?"

"Li Caijiang's birthday party."

Mogami Kazuto was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and after careful recollection, today is indeed the birthday of that Miss Hidaka.

"Is it just a party between female voice actors?"

"Yeah, needless to say about the birthday star's Rina-chan, Yui-chan, Kuma, Saori, and Neru-san..."

"It's no different from a normal party."


"In that case, I think it's fine to wear ordinary clothes. If it's too formal, it will be a bit heavy."

"That's what he said."

So, after Shimizu Yousa chose a certain set of clothes, he took out clean underwear from the closet and put them on in front of Mogami Kazuto without any hesitation.

So far, Kazuto Mogami was still lying naked on the bed.

After that, Shimizu Yusa and Mogami Kazuto left the apartment one after the other. Before dinner, both of them had a dubbing job.

After work, Kazuto Mogami received a message from Ayane Sakura, saying that she was going to attend Hidaka Rina's birthday celebration later.

Of course, Kazuto Mogami would not have any objections, and after saying that he had a good time, he turned around and went to the hospital to see Naneda Risa.

According to Taneda Risa, Sakura Ayane came to visit her in the hospital the day before yesterday, and Mogami said "Is that so" to the person and didn't show any other expression, with a look of indifference.

Because she can't see the woman's expression, Mogami Kazuto has no idea about Taneda Risa's inner thoughts.

However, Kazuto Mogami didn't think that Taneda Risa would be the one to ask Sakura Ayane face-to-face, even if she had such an idea, it was just a slight hint.

And with Sakura Ayane's temperament, she will definitely not admit it.

In this way, Mogami Kazuto can create the illusion that "she and I are no longer lovers" in front of Taneda Risa.

And all these actions will lead to a certain end that he can see.

He has done many such bad things, and he doesn't care about adding one more thing.


Sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, Mogami Kazuto silently peeled apples for her. It has been three years since the awakening of cooking skills. Mogami Kazuto has already upgraded this skill to Lv5, peeling apples into anything he can imagine shape, is a breeze.


Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, Kazuto Mogami could hear what was bothering her from her voice.

"Actually... recently my parents heard that a boy often came to visit me in the hospital." Taneda Risa turned her eyes away, and she didn't know what kind of eyes to look at Kazuto Mogami.

In fact, no matter how she looked, Kazuto Mogami couldn't detect the expression on her face.

After listening to Taneda Risa's words, Mogami Kazuto suddenly realized.

"Even though I explained to them that we were just friends, they didn't seem to believe me at all."

"Are you bothered?" Mogami Kazuto asked softly.

After hesitating for a while, Zhongtian Lisha nodded slightly, with uneasiness and apprehension, eyes slightly lowered, her hoarse voice with a hint of lost determination.

"Honestly... I don't really like this."

(End of this chapter)

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