Chapter 770 765. So, they kissed.

"I... don't like it very much."

Mogami Kazuto knew exactly what the "such" she was referring to.

The relationship between them has obviously surpassed the scope of ordinary friends, and it would be too rash and child's play to call them lovers because of this.

What's more, Zhongtian Lisha hadn't heard that sentence from him yet.

What Tang Tianlisha was referring to was the special, somewhat sweet and bitter atmosphere that pervaded them.

Kazuto Mogami would often say and do things that are not suitable for friends.

And Zhongtian Lisha would cater to him from time to time, unconsciously creating the illusion that he might have good intentions for her.

She's had enough of herself, like she said, she doesn't like it, and she wants an answer.

No matter what the answer is, she has the confidence to accept it, she just doesn't want to be a person who doesn't understand.

This is the persistence of Zhongtian Lisha.

She can allow herself to make mistakes and fail, but she will never allow herself to lose herself.

This is farming pear yarn.

Kazuto Mogami knew in his heart that at this moment, it was time for him to make a decision.

He could not say anything, but at least he had to hug her first. Now that he was sure that she would never push him away, he went to embrace this miserable girl who was tortured by the disease and then tortured by a demon like himself.

And at the moment when Kazuto Mogami wanted to raise his hands.

Mogami Kazuto's body froze, and suddenly, without any warning, his originally calm body began to tremble.

Even he himself couldn't explain why he stopped at this moment.

(what are you hesitating about?)

(Like Yusa back then, just reach out and hug.)
Deep in the bottom of my heart, that ghostly voice sounded again, and the words scarlet like blood shone with a frightening red light, almost swallowing Kazuto Mogami's pupils.

When he was about to give up thinking, in front of him, the girl in patient clothes put her hand on the back of Kazuto Mogami's hand. The cold body temperature made him feel much clearer in an instant.

He suddenly realized what kind of person he had become. Just as he was annoyed by this and wanted to shake off Nantian Lisha's hand, the desire that had once dissipated climbed up in his heart again.

Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes.

"Totsuka-kun, what's wrong with you?"

In the ear, there is the concerned voice of Nantian Lisha.

At this moment, Kazuto Mogami had astonishing sweat stains on his forehead, his body was unexpectedly cold, and his shoulders were trembling slightly uncontrollably.

Is it because you don't sleep with women?

Mogami Kazuto had only done it with Shimizu Yusa this afternoon, obviously not because of this reason.

Perhaps, he thought, it was because he was trying to resist.

Trying to resist the drive of surface skills, recalling what his father said, trying to be a sincere man.

However, all was in vain.

He could never be a sincere man in his life.

So he closed his eyes, and closed them resignedly.

As a result, he no longer sweated, his body was no longer cold, and his shoulders no longer trembled.

Everything is as if it never happened.

Mogami Kazuto put his other hand on Taneda Risa's hand holding his left hand, Taneda Risa was startled immediately, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand.

"I'm sorry, Miss Taneda...I've been feeling uneasy all this time."


Hearing Mogami Kazuto's disappointed and deep voice, Taneda Risa's movements slowly came to a halt.

"I am very clear that these things I have done may cause trouble to Miss Tantian. I have regretted my actions countless times in the middle of the night, but I can't stop writing in the dead of night.

People like me can't find anything to do other than write. "


"Miss Taneda said it, it's not me who is a voice actress or a singer, but Totsuka who likes creators more...

These words have only been spoken to me by Mrs. Taneda so far. "

Kazuto Mogami suddenly felt that he seemed to be divided into two people. While speaking disgusting, half-true lies, he acted as a messenger of justice in his heart, criticizing his actions.

Duplicity is the most appropriate word to describe him.

No, from the first day he came into this world, he has been duplicity.

Mogami Kazuto wasn't talking, and he didn't try to sneak a peek at Taneda Risa's expression, he couldn't see it anyway.

It was difficult for Mogami Kazuto to describe what he felt at this time, as if he was an actor performing a crying scene in front of a puppet.

Gengtian Lisha was silent for a while, struggling and hesitating inwardly.

She undeniably has a crush on the man in front of her, which she noticed early on.

She noticed it before learning about his relationship with Ayane Sakura.

It is precisely because of this relationship with Sakura Ayane that she is able to restrain herself and prevent herself from becoming unlike Naneda Risa, and is still a rational and sensible Naneda Risa.

She has always felt that Kazuto Mogami is a very powerful person, he is always outstanding and withdrawn, and does not like to be with others, at least in her eyes.

Although there are many strange things, such as why he was able to visit her with Sakura Ayane before, such as why he divorced Xiao Nishi Saori, there are many mysteries in him.

But even so, she wanted to believe it.

In that almost desperate April of that year, the benefactor who gave her courage and awareness and enabled her to continue her work as a voice actor, who came before him like a brave man with a sword, how could he be a bad person.

So, trembling, she carefully stretched out her other hand and placed it on his slightly drooping head.

This is the first time this man has shown his soft side in front of him.

I thought he was omnipotent, but he seemed to be a little weaker than he thought.

Great, at least...we have something in common.

she thought so.

After witnessing the uneasiness in Kazuto Mogami, miraculously, the uneasiness in himself seemed to be offset, replaced by the same calmness as usual.

In dealing with Kazuto Mogami, apart from Nobunaga Shimada, there should be no one better than her in the entire seiyuu world, because they have always been partners.

As long as you speak the truth, you will convey your truest feelings.

"As for me, I've always liked..."

"A story written by Totsuka-kun."

Mogami Kazuto did not reply.

"Although your stories are always full of sadness, the protagonists you portray all have one characteristic in common.

——No one has given up on life.

No matter how cruel things they experience, they can go forward bravely and fight against fate to the end.

I think the reason for this is not because Totsuka-kun is also a powerful person like them. "

"Totsuka-kun, you want to become that kind of person."


"Because you lack that part of your body, you want to show it in the story desperately, and use words to describe your ideal self."

"I can understand... Totsuka-kun's feelings."

"Really... can you understand?"

"Well, I understand, I will definitely understand, if it is me, if it is Taneda Risa, I will definitely understand what Totsuka Kazu is thinking and yearning for."

Mogami Kazuto slowly and tentatively raised his right hand, and lightly touched that misty cheek.

She didn't resist. Although she could feel her trembling, she didn't feel her showing the will to refuse.

What a pity, I really want to see how touching her expression is at the moment.

Without speaking or looking at each other, Mogami Kazuto slowly leaned forward, looked at the misty girl in sight, lightly brushed the corner of her soft lips with the thumb of his right hand, and closed his eyes.

So, on June 6, both of his girlfriends went to Miss Hidaka's birthday.

Kazuto Mogami is in the hospital, with the female voice actor whose expression he can't see clearly.


(End of this chapter)

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