When I came to the izakaya, I greeted those familiar or unfamiliar people with my good smile as always, and looked around quietly, but I didn't find that person.

In fact, I am not confident whether he will come, but I don't think he is a person who will break his promise. This is a very strange feeling. Rather than believing that he will not break his promise, it is better to say that he believes in his own charm.

"Sauce sauce, over here~"

Following that unique sweet girlish voice, I found where Yui-chan was, and walked towards her with a smile.

Just as I was having a heated chat with her, a man wearing a fashionable denim patchwork jacket came in from the entrance of the izakaya. Mole of tears, eyes indifferent, as if nothing was in his eyes.

From my point of view, he is already tall enough, every time I stand in front of him, I have to look up at him, like a child, but he always looks cautious, like a short girl like me Son, as if he could be eaten.

But to be honest, I have a lot of experience in controlling the eyes from bottom to top. I can be regarded as a girl who "knows that she is just a little cute". If you want to attract men's attention, you still have to make good use of your own weapons. just work.

I waved at him very vigorously, and his eyes caught me smoothly, and walked straight towards me.

I don't know if it was my delusion, but I seemed to hear a "tsk", and my eyes shifted. The always cute Yui-chan was showing an obvious "don't come over" expression.

I think there should be some misunderstanding between them.

But I don't care about such things.

"Totsuka-kun, you're here."

"Good evening, Miss Hidaka, Miss Ogura."

Because of Jiang Youyi's presence, I didn't communicate with him much after we greeted each other until she received a call from her agent and seemed to be leaving early. A handsome male voice actor.

It's really annoying, obviously he should be wary of me.

But it's a pity that I can't tell her so frankly, but she is an idiot, I believe she won't understand if I tell her.

I really like the clumsy sauce Yui the most.

After Yui-chan left the table, only Totsuka-kun and I were left at our table, as well as a few other new voice actors.

Although I am about the same age as them, or even younger, I am the oldest senior in this group.

After that, the new voice actors went to chat and drink with other staff members. Of course, I am also very happy to see that there are so many lively and fresh blood in the industry.

Of course, what makes me most happy is that he and I are the only two sitting together, and we can inquire about many things about him.

Today's Totsuka-kun feels very strange, although he usually seldom talks, but this is especially true today, and it's the first time I know that he likes to drink so much.

Because he once blocked the wine for me at the celebration banquet, I thought he drank it reluctantly at that time. …

"Totsuka-kun, did you drink too much?"

Out of worry, I couldn't help but persuade him to drink less. If he passed out on the table drunk, then I wouldn't be able to ask anything.

"not much."

What a cold answer, is this the unsmiling and cold handsome man in the comics?
Appearing in reality is really hard to get close to, but, very handsome.

"Is Totsuka-kun really good at drinking?"

"Not good, but at least better than Shimada Nobunaga."

"Totsuka-kun, I really like Shimada-san."

"Don't say such disgusting things."

I couldn't help chuckling, and took a sip of the beer in my hand.

As time went by, he drank faster and faster, obviously I didn't ask anything, but I can't just let him drink like this.

"Totsuka-kun, it's better to drink less."

"……I know."

Another drink in one gulp.

This look is very much like a melancholy uncle who gets drunk in a bar late at night after a broken relationship.

"Could it be... Totsuka-kun, could it be that you've broken up in love?"

"Who knows."

Ah... This reaction is indeed correct.

Although I don't know what the actual situation is, but it was probably dumped. This is the first time I saw someone who would get drunk because of a broken relationship at the celebration party of an animation work.

Oh no, he didn't have to pay at all, so it can't be said that he was "buying" drunk.

It was the first time I met such a unique person.

"Totsuka-kun has a lover?"

"Yes, yes."

"Is there?"

His way of speaking is still very strange. If it is an ordinary person, he would either say "yes" or "no", or simply change the subject. What is "yes"?
"But for some reason, we became estranged, helpless.

No, it should not be said that there is a certain reason, it is my reason. "

Ah... So did you get dumped or not?
I really, really care about that.

How should I answer?Praise him well, saying that he is a very good man, and he will definitely find an even better girl in the future?
It should sound quite indifferent. If I was broken in love and someone said to my face, "You will find something better", even if I didn't say it, I would definitely feel that the other party was making sarcastic remarks.

Everyone hates the kind of person who obviously doesn't know anything, but still makes an "I can understand you" expression.

It is absolutely incomprehensible between people.

So, I don't think I should say that.

"But the minds of each other are connected, right?" I couldn't help but comfort me like this.

He showed a little bit of a bitter smile, a sad one, and a pretty one too.

Maybe I was wrong, he was not dumped, but there was a huge gap between him and that person, he was still in the stage of hesitation and hesitation.

Obviously, I feel that it is impossible for something as ethereal as mind to communicate, but looking at that face, I can't say such cruel and realistic words.

"I hope so, otherwise how can I survive."

He raised the empty cup that had bottomed out, and looked at me with absent-minded eyes.


I also raised the wine glass and touched him, and the glass made a sound like a broken heart.

After that, he fell asleep on the table. When he woke up, the celebration banquet was coming to an end. The staff were discussing the second meeting. I pushed his shoulder and asked him if he could stand up.

Although he was a little staggering, he was still able to walk on his own, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it is impossible for a petite girl like me to carry an adult man like him on his back.

So, after saying goodbye to the others in the izakaya, we left together.

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