After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 781 775. His devastated voice read another girl's name.

In Tokyo at night, the evening wind is both noisy and pleasant. The complete opposite is confusing, but I feel that this wind is not annoying.

When Totsuka-kun first came out, he could barely walk by himself. I really wanted to ask where his family lived, send him back, and pretend to run into him at a station near his home in the future.

But when he stopped talking to me, I gradually realized that things were out of my control.

If I hadn't witnessed the whole process of his drinking from the beginning to the end, I would have thought that he lay down at the hotel door on purpose.

When he sat down on the ground, holding my hand tightly, unwilling to let go no matter what, tears overflowed from his tightly closed eyes, and a certain fuse in my mind seemed to be blown.

So, I walked into the hotel with him.



With the help of the staff, we successfully transferred him to the bed in the hotel room. After observing him for a long time, the staff probably didn't know us.

After all, voice actors, singers, etc. are far less famous than the actor Fei You, and it is only natural that no one recognizes them.

I started thinking about all sorts of things, from the nature of the job of a voice actor, to what we can do for the industry, and the future of the animation industry, in short, a lot of messy things.

Of course, I usually don’t care about these things, the main reason is that a man and a widow are in the same room, I really don’t know where to put my gaze, so I use random thoughts to divert my attention.



Hearing his hoarse whispers, my thoughts returned to reality, and I found the bottled mineral water presented by the hotel next to the TV, sat beside him, unscrewed the bottle cap and raised his head, making him a little dry lips.

Transparent mineral water flowed from his lips to his chin, and wet his white shirt along his neck.

Because he looked distressed, after some hesitation, I unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. There was a small mole just below his collarbone.

I could feel that my face was on fire, and the sound of my heart was amazingly stimulating. I didn't dare to move anymore, as if I had hot acupuncture on my leg and could only endure it.

After a long time, his breathing calmed down, feeling his ear rubbing against my left chest, I let go of his shoulders and let him lie back on the pillow.

Standing up in a hurry, the mineral water bottle that hadn't been screwed on tightly knocked over with a "slap", the water splashed everywhere, and the bottle rolled around on the ground.

Take a deep breath.

Maybe it's because of the environment I'm in, I'm not like myself anymore, but I can't be led by the nose by unconscious men.

Come to think of it, in the past 20 years, I have never had the experience of being alone in a hotel room with a man.

Even though I'm only 20 years old, I'm legally an adult. Is it true that being an adult = stepping up the ladder of being an adult.

No no no, it's outrageous anyway, and I've heard that men can't do such things when they're drunk.

Wait, the idea itself is weird enough, why would I want to climb the adult ladder with someone who doesn't even have a boyfriend, and who has a girlfriend. …

Although he seems to have been dumped, I can't be sure.

Calm down, the reason why I am flustered now is entirely because of the atmosphere of the place I am in, let's start from the beginning and figure out what my purpose is.

Figure out his relationship situation and if everything goes well with him and ayaneru then just pretend nothing happened.

But apparently not.

Judging from the current situation, it is more likely that he was dumped, or that there was a rift between them.

Of course, I'm not the kind of person who would step in when someone else is in a relationship, but it's just an appointment in advance.

In short, after taking a deep breath for 1 minute, I gradually calmed down.

Looking at the adult man who was already asleep on the bed, many years older than me.


Get away!

Things have come to this point, this man has already slept like a pig, and it doesn't make sense for me to stay here any longer.

While thinking this way, the man on the bed whimpered and turned over, nearly falling to the ground. I walked over to check, and his clothes were completely soaked by the mineral water I just knocked over.

Although it's okay to leave it alone, but after thinking about it, I still don't think it's right.

It was a magical night today, not only did I bring a drunk man into the hotel, but for no apparent reason I started taking off his clothes and throwing them into the hotel washing machine.

Because my body was in the same state, I simply took a shower. As for the clothes, I didn't wash them, but dried them with the drying function of the washing machine.

After finishing all this, I realized that it was already one o'clock in the morning, and there was a call from Yui-chan on my phone.

After thinking about it, I decided to reply tomorrow.

Before I was about to leave, I walked up to him to make sure he was still asleep, thinking about whether to write a note or something.

I estimate that when he wakes up tomorrow, he will fall into a rather chaotic state. A careful and considerate explanation here should improve his favorability a lot.

Just as I was thinking this way, the originally quiet man suddenly moved. He suddenly started to tremble, and his originally calm and handsome face suddenly twisted together, turning pale, with bead-sized beads of sweat on his forehead.

I was panicked by his sudden change, and the idea of ​​whether he drank too much alcohol and ruined his stomach just appeared in my mind. At that moment, my hands seemed to be imprisoned by iron clamps. The body lost its balance and fell straight on top of him.

The man who I thought had fallen into a deep sleep, lost consciousness and fell asleep, was embracing my body with his hands, unable to break free no matter what.

After all, I am a girl who has just grown up, and it is natural to be afraid of this kind of thing. I can even imagine what nasty things he will do after this.

Is it this kind of thing to be clever and be mistaken by cleverness?

I am not reconciled.

However, nothing.


Just like freshly brewed tea that no one touches, the temperature drops little by little over time, from boiling hot at the beginning to no waves at the end.

I can clearly see the expression on his face, which is full of pain, annoyance, and the dark circles under the eyes that can only be discerned if you look closely. It is a face full of exhaustion.

His expression gradually softened, and the cold hands on my waist gradually returned to normal temperature.


I try to say his name.

He trembled more and more, his eyes were still closed tightly, I couldn't tell if he could hear my voice, was he having a nightmare?Or did he recall something that made him sad?
So, I heard it.

Even though the sound was subtle, I still heard it.

In that devastated voice, he pronounced the other girl's name.

"I'm sorry, Caiyin..."

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