After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 784 778. Can being coerced by a female voice actor be called a crime?

"Hey, Totsuka-kun, can you answer a question for me?"

"Please say."

"Why are men so bothered?"

"Not all men are scumbags like me. Please don't be prejudiced against the male group because of me. I am just a distorted individual who cannot represent the public."

"But in the industry, there are still many philandering men like Totsuka-kun."

"There are also many people who are dedicated. I used to want to be a sincere person."

"Then why did you give up?"

"Thinking and doing are completely different things. I can't be that kind of person a long time ago."

"don't know."

"I don't know either."

Today's conversation with Ms. Hidaka solved my long-standing doubts, and I finally figured out what happened that night.

However, I couldn't let go.

According to Ms. Hidaka's description, I think I had a seizure that night. I had no choice but to use Ms. Hidaka's body temperature to eliminate loneliness, which undoubtedly caused her harm.

It's unbelievable that I, who obviously feel calm about cheating, feel guilty for such behavior.

My personality must be rotten, like an ancient wood soaked by acid rain, which has been left for thousands of years, rotten from the root to the skin, no one is intact.

I gently opened the panel, and the intimacy of Miss Hidaka was like warm tea in winter, which cooled down little by little after being left still.

"Then... do I now hold onto Totsuka-kun?"

"That's about it."

She made a "huh~~" sound, as if she was thinking about something.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Does that count as intimidation?"

"Can being coerced by a female voice actor be called a crime?"

I once partnered with Ms. Hidaka in a film called "Can Being Coerced by Students Be Called a Crime?" "The tV animation of ", respectively starred in the main character.

"Unexpectedly, Totsuka-kun is still in the mood to play tricks, which is really admirable."

There was only sarcasm in her tone.

I shook my head: "It's just pretending to be calm. To be honest, if this matter is exposed, I will be in trouble. Please also ask Miss Rigao to keep it secret for me."

I could clearly hear her snort.

"Why should I keep it a secret for a playful scumbag?"

"Because if this matter is known to everyone, they will become unlucky."

"Isn't the cause of the misfortune not Totsuka-kun's infidelity? You don't mean to say that as long as you don't expose it, it's fine?"

"Unfortunately, that's what I thought."

"The crumbs of the world."

Being insulted by a female voice actor doesn't seem to be as unbearable as I imagined. The voice is pleasant to the ear, and because her face cannot be seen clearly, her breathing and panting are particularly clear and moving.

Why didn't my previous self notice her cuteness sooner.

At that time, if he concealed Caiyin's affairs and proposed to date her, she would definitely agree.

It's a pity that there is no such possibility now.

"What do I have to do so that Miss Hidaka is willing to keep a secret for me?"

"Do you think that is a possibility?"

"I can't see that Miss Hidaka is still a person with a sense of justice."

"I just don't want to see a guy like you abuse female voice actors, they are all my good friends."


"So, Miss Rigao's purpose is to hope that those two people can see my true face early and get rid of a scumbag like me, not to ruin my reputation?"

"What good will it do me to ruin your reputation?"

"I see, in that case... I have a proposal."


"To be honest, I also know that such behavior will not be forgiven. I cheated their feelings, but I couldn't stop.

In a sense, the appearance of Miss Hidaka may be a salvation for me. "


"I will take the initiative to break up with them, and I will also confess that I am in two boats. If they really can't forgive me and want to make my affairs public no matter what, then I will admit it. After all, I have Wrong first."

"……What does it mean?"

Her words were tainted with doubts, obviously she didn't understand why my attitude changed so quickly.

"Don't you understand? I will end the relationship with them, both of them. Isn't this the result Miss Rigao hopes for."

"As a scumbag, Totsuka-kun is really willing to do this?"

"I am also a man. Since I have been exposed, I should admit it openly. I don't expect to get their forgiveness. At least I can live without hurting them any more."

"You think I'll believe you?"

"If you don't believe me, I can call Ms. Minase right now and highlight everything in front of Ms. Hidaka."

She suddenly lost her voice. I think she was looking at me. I acted very calmly, as if I were a sincere and devoted man.

"Please do this."

After a while, she answered me like this.

What a stubborn woman.

I deliberately showed a stunned look, and I was speechless, just lowered my head and silently tapped on the screen of the mobile phone, and went to the sofa to line.

As expected, she immediately began to speak sarcastically: "What? Don't you dare?"

"It's just mental preparation."

"I thought you really had that awareness."

I stopped talking, dialed Yousa's number, and turned the screen of the mobile phone to Ms. Hidaka. She also took out the mobile phone and confirmed that it was Yusa's own number.

The phone was connected.

"Hey, Yousha, I have something to tell you."

Then, based on the story based on the premise that Kazuto Mogami concealed Sakura Ayane and Shimizu Yusa, I performed a scumbag’s repentance. If I could shed a few tears, the effect would be better.

Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of acting skills.

On the other end of the phone, You Sha, who had learned about what had happened on the line in advance, heard an angry roar telling me not to appear in front of her again. I think that even Miss Rigao could hear it clearly.

Just like that, the phone was hung up.

There was no wave in my heart, and I even wanted to laugh, but I still pretended to be disappointed.

Ms. Hidaka didn't seem to expect that I would be so decisive, disrupting all her steps.

"He even told his girlfriend about cheating on the phone. Shouldn't this kind of thing be said face to face?"

"I just want Ms. Hidaka to see my awareness. I am sincerely regretting my actions. Regarding Ms. Sakura, I will naturally make it clear to her face to face.

You also know Ms. Sakura's personality. She is a little different from Ms. Minase. Talking about this kind of thing on the phone will only make my situation worse. Please forgive me for that. "

Of course, I couldn't call Caiyin in front of her, nor could I tell Caiyin that I had cheated, and after seeing my decisiveness just now, Miss Hidaka's tone was no longer as tough as before.

"Totsuka-kun, I really regret your behavior. I thought you were a more sincere person."

"I'm sorry... I didn't become your ideal Totsuka Kazu."

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