After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 785 779. I love her, and I love you, and I love all of you.

"Miss Hidaka."

"What's the matter, Mr. Totsuka, who is bothered?"

"I am very envious of Miss Rigao's kindness in caring for friends. I can never find it in me. I hope Miss Rigao will continue to be such a Miss Rigao in the future."

"Could it be a veiled courtship?" Hidaka Rina looked suspiciously at the man in front of him.

"How could it be, no matter what, Ms. Rigao wouldn't fall in love with a scumbag like me, wouldn't she? I still have this self-knowledge."

"That's right."

Mogami Kazuto took a sip of coffee in a relaxed mood.

"Then, who is Totsuka-kun's goal in the future? Since you are going to break up with those two, it means that you have already thought about who you will be your girlfriend next."

"Don't speak so harshly. As I said just now, I really want to repent, and I will never do such things as two-footed boats in the future."


Her voice revealed the tone of "only ghosts will believe your words".

"I was already mentally prepared to be killed by Ms. Minase just now."

Hidaka Rina was noncommittal, but it was impossible for any girl to bear Mogami Kazuto's decisive remarks just now.

It can be seen from this that he should indeed have the intention of repenting, but that kind of thing has nothing to do with Hidaka Licai.

The development of today's affairs was really beyond her expectation. Her original intention was to confirm whether Kazuto Mogami was really in two boats, but Kazuto Mogami decisively admitted it.

Out of the psychology of protecting her friends, she really hopes that Kazuto Mogami can stop here, but if Kazuto Mogami is stubborn, she can't really expose him.

Think about this kind of thing and you will know it. It is difficult for her to tell Ayane Sakura or Yusa Shimizu that your boyfriend is a bad person, and there are other women outside.

Too blunt, too reckless, too hurtful.

But what Kazuto Mogami did next was completely beyond her expectation, he actually confessed to Shimizu Yusa on the phone in front of her.

Hidaka Lina is a girl who is good at observing details. She is very sure that the person on the other side of the phone is indeed clear water and sandy.

Perhaps, he really has the determination to repent.

Hidaka Licai couldn't help thinking this in her heart.

"It's getting late, I should go to work on the set, thank you Miss Rigao for the coffee."

"I didn't say that I would invite a playful scumbag to drink coffee."

"Please don't say such things, I will invite you back next time."


Where did this person get the confidence to drink coffee with him?

I really don't understand.

In the end, the cup of coffee was paid for by Hidaka Licai, and Kazuto Mogami went to work in the recording studio until nine o'clock in the evening.

Ayane Sakura spent the night at her parents' house today, and Kazuto Mogami went to Yusa Shimizu's apartment, and Yusa Shimizu asked about today's incident.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, the clear water was sandy after taking a shower, only a pure white towel was wrapped around her body, her long hair was coiled up, revealing her rosy white neck, and there was still a little heat left.

"Kazuto-san, do you want to attack Li Caijiang?"

Qingshui Yousha held the iced barley tea poured into a transparent cup and drank it in small sips, without anger or anger in his tone. …

"Why do you have that kind of thought, she is thankful that she didn't tell me about me." Mogami Kazuto replied.

"If it is exposed, I will say that I was all forced by you, so that Neru-san may let me go, and only sink you into Tokyo Bay."

"Well, I was the one who forced you."

"Pfft... I'm joking, and I don't think Neru-san is willing to do that to you, she just has a hard mouth."

"I know."

"Yes, you know, you expected that she would have no way to do anything to you, so she dared to do this kind of thing, and I'll let it go, even for that Zhongsang, Neru-san will definitely hate you to death."

Mogami Kazuto took the water glass handed by Shimizu Yousha, took a sip and put it back on the table with a calm expression.

"It doesn't matter whether she loves me or hates me, it hurts me most not to see me."

"Heren-sang loves her that much?"

"Love more than anyone else."

"Then you're still cheating."

Mogami Kazuto did not refute, stretched out his fingers, and lightly tapped Shimizu Yousha's bare shoulder, stroking from left to right, and then back to left.

"Because I also love Yousha."

Qingshui Yousha heard the words and gave him a blank look.

"Speak this kind of thing to Zhong Sang, it won't work for me."

"You still sleep with me no matter what?"

"I am willing to sleep with you, it has nothing to do with whether you love me or not, as long as I love you."

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, and it seemed to be the reason. He moved his body and hugged the girl who was only wrapped in a bath towel.

"Thank you, Yousha."

Qing Shui Yousha twisted his body a few times, and said displeasedly: "Don't hug me, you haven't bathed yet."

"Sure enough, I'm angry."


"Miss Hidaka's matter, it's hard for you to play a play with me today."

"Hmph! That's because you dare not look for Neru-san."

Kazuto Mogami rested his head on her shoulder, took a breath of the fragrance of the shower gel on her body, and showed a relaxed expression: "Who said Yousha is the person I trust the most."

"I can say something nice."

Mogami Kazuto smiled speechlessly, gently hooked the bath towel on her body with his right hand, and was hit on the back of his hand by the clear water and sand.

"I told you to take a shower first."

"One doesn't want to wash."

"Are you a three-year-old?"

"I'm not weaned yet."

in various senses.

"...I really can't do anything about you."

So, Shimizu Yousha stood up, and dragged Mogami Kazuto to the bathroom.



the following afternoon.

After finishing the dubbing work, Kazuto Mogami came to the hospital. Taneda Risa was sitting on the bed with the novel in her hands. She was wearing a light pink knit jacket over the patient's gown. She flipped the pages of the book gently with her slender and white fingers, concentrating on it.

"Lisa, here I come."

Hearing Mogami Kazuto's voice, Taneda Risa slowly raised her head and smiled sweetly at him.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto couldn't see this smile.

"How is your body?"

"The doctor said that he is recovering well, and maybe he can be discharged early."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Mogami Kazuto reached out and touched Naneda Lisha's neck, a blush gradually rose from her body, from her neck all the way to the back of her ears.

"What are you doing, it's itchy."

"Check your throat."

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like harassment."

"Do I look like the unprincipled kind?"

"You're not behaving properly."

"How did the doctor check it?"

Taneda Lisa pointed to her mouth: "Of course I opened my mouth to see... eh!"

Kazuto Mogami leaned forward and kissed her lips without warning.

After a long time, we separated.

"Well, a very healthy throat."

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