In early August, Lisha was discharged from the hospital.

The first time I went to her home where she lived alone, it was a 1DK that was somewhat similar to Saori’s house, of course it was rented.

Although Lisha's family is also rich and rich, she yearns for an independent life, so she lives alone most of the time, but visits her parents' house every month.

Somewhat similar to my situation.

On the seventh day after being discharged from the hospital, I invited her to Ginza to enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner, and slept with her in the same bed with a slight hint of alcohol.

Asleep in every sense.

She was very hesitant at first, as if she thought that our progress was too fast. Although we have not been together for a long time, I have known her for a long time. In this industry, she is the female seiyuu who I have worked with the most.

Under the warm lines that I had practiced in advance, she acquiesced to my behavior, even though I could see that she was trying to force herself.

I really did something very sorry for her.

So, when I woke up in the morning, what was waiting for me was a reminder to upgrade my skills to Lv4.


Since then, I often have the illusion that my time is cut short, I become forgetful, and I can't remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago.

Even once during the recording process, when it was my turn to go up and dub, I sat in the corner for a full 2 ​​minutes. This incident caused quite a commotion in the circle.

Compared with such insignificant things as cheating and dishonesty, negligence at work is something that is absolutely not allowed in the industry. For this reason, I was severely reprimanded by the company.

When I conveyed my latest state of mind to Miss Dai, she showed an unusually solemn expression.

Her suggestion was that I should see a psychiatrist.

I am very resistant to psychiatrists in my heart, not because of the reason of "I am not sick, I don't need to see a psychiatrist, don't treat me as crazy!"


I know very well that I have a mental problem, but I have no intention of changing it.

Ms. Dai said that if I were allowed to go on like this, the company might consider canceling all my scheduled jobs for the second half of the year, and force me to receive psychological treatment.

I don't mean to blame her. From the perspective of a bystander, such a decision is understandable. A guy with psychological problems cannot guarantee that he will not make any major mistakes at work. Moreover, this is also for the sake of my body. No way to blame her for this.

And I only talked to the company about this matter. Most people in the circle just think that I have been working too much during this period, exhausted physically and mentally, and need to rest.

In the end, in order not to trouble Ms. Dai, I went to the hospital designated by the company and received a psychological diagnosis.

Let's talk about the results first.

Residual schizophrenia.

It seems to be the name, I didn't pay much attention to this part, in fact, the memory of going to receive the diagnosis has become a little blurred.

The only thing I remember more clearly is that Miss Dai, who accompanied me to the diagnosis at the beginning, suffered a considerable blow because of this result.

In fact, I know very well in my heart that I am not schizophrenic. This is just the feedback given to my body because of my resistance after the skill has been continuously upgraded and evolved.

In other words, if I could treat women as objects from the bottom of my heart, not to love them, but to really treat them as my puppets, bed slaves that I can do whatever I want, I would not have to suffer so much.

Although I can't make physical actions to resist it, if my will is to be twisted to that extent, it is still a pleasure to die.

Ah... The doctor seems to have said that the patient's feeling of wanting to die is also one of the symptoms.

Um?To say or not to say?

Forget it, that kind of thing doesn't matter.

Regarding this matter, I did not tell Caiyin and the others. Although there was an announcement on the official website that the activities were suspended due to physical discomfort, I concealed the specific illness from them.

It only said that due to the heavy workload during this period, there were some problems with the body and voice, so it was necessary to recuperate, and did not mention the matter of schizophrenia.

And when Lisha heard that there was a problem with my throat, she cried out involuntarily, and shivered in my arms.

She must not want me to experience despair like hers, my girlfriend is really gentle.

I really want to be with her forever.

In addition, this incident aroused my fans' dissatisfaction with the record company on the Internet, thinking that the company should not treat me as a money-making machine, which caused my body to be ruined.

To be honest, it's really not like that, it really has nothing to do with the record company, sorry about that.

After suspending my seiyuu and singer activities, I spent more time at home, and it seemed that I had returned to the state after resignation and divorce in an instant.

Because the savings have reached a very considerable level, it doesn't matter if I don't work for the rest of my life, but I still want to find something to do.

If I just stay at home all day and do nothing, Caiyin and the others will definitely be more worried about my illness, so every time I tell them with a smile that I am writing a new work, telling them not to worry.

In mid-September, my new work was successfully published.

The content of the story is about an ordinary office worker who suddenly lost his memory. After that, he was approached by beautiful girls one after another, each claiming to be the protagonist's real girlfriend.

It sounds like a romantic comedy that is very charming, but in fact these women are the main culprits for the protagonist's amnesia, and it is obvious that it will end in tragedy.

The inspiration comes from the phrase "The criminal will definitely return to the scene of the crime", and I adapted some of my personal experience.

Speaking of personal experience, if I were to write an autobiography in the future, what should the title be?
"After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved into my house"

Well, not too bad, but at least the names of the characters will have to be changed.

For example, Caiyin is changed to Lingyin, Lisha is changed to Lisha, and so on. If you have Sha, change your surname to Qingye.

But if I write all the incidents, readers will probably call me a peerless scumbag, so I have to think twice.

After all, I am neither a great man nor a famous writer. I am just a guy who writes two-dimensional novels everywhere, and I am not qualified to write an autobiography at all.

One afternoon, I was too bored sitting at home, and my three girlfriends were all busy with work, which gave me the illusion that I was being taken care of by three women at the same time.

Although I did not collect their money.

This feeling made me very uncomfortable, so I decided to go out and find a quiet place with people to write.

Or maybe I just want to meet more women.

Even if I can't see their faces clearly.

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