After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 787 781. They have finally reached the point where they are talking about marriage, but the

After going out, I took the tram and passed Shibuya. On the screens of many huge high-rise buildings, the news PV of Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town winning the Eight Masters Championship was played, which was regarded as a promotion for animation and games.

All the way to a coffee shop on the second floor, I chose a seat by the window and sat down. After ordering a cup of coffee, I started writing novels.

As I thought, it's quiet and there are people here. Since Miss Hidaka invited me here for coffee last time, I've grown to like this place.

At this time, I was looking at a certain woman not far away, with smooth long golden brown hair, fair skin, and although her breasts were not as mountainous as Caiyin's, they were still quite large and should not be underestimated.

Examining strange women is just part of the story, and I'm pretty sure I don't have nasty thoughts.

The main reason why I set my sights on her is that she is holding a new work that I just released a few days ago.

Then, the woman came up to me.

Oops, are the eyes too revealing?
You have to apologize first.

"Good afternoon, Totsuka-kun."

Hey, this voice is...

"Uh... good afternoon, Miss Hidaka."

It seems that the woman I stared at for a long time is Miss Hidaka, and the inability to recognize a woman's face is indeed a slightly troublesome thing.

Anyway, she sat down across from me and laid my newly published work flat on the table.

"The new work, I have already read it."


"very funny."

"thank you very much."

Unexpectedly, it was a compliment.

"Why are you looking at me in surprise?"

"No... I just didn't expect Miss Hidaka to praise me."

"A work is a work, and a person is a person. I will not deny your creation because of Totsuka-kun's inferior personality. Similarly, I will not agree with your own behavior because of your excellent story."

"I see, [characters are characters, voice actors are voice actors]... huh?"

"Almost the same thing."

"I really like this part of Miss Hidaka, it's very clear."

She gave a "tsk".

It seems that she really dislikes hearing the word "like" from me, so let's not say it in the future.

"Can you ask for this cup of coffee today? Didn't you say you would return the invitation last time?"

"It's okay."

I closed my laptop and took a sip of my coffee. It's rude to work in front of people.

I turned a blind eye to the rather dull atmosphere, immersed in the aroma of coffee alone.

"Does Totsuka-kun no longer plan to be a voice actor?"


"There's no need to play dumb. Totsuka-kun suddenly announced the suspension of activities. It can't be because of physical reasons."

No, it's because of the body.

"It's because of what you want to do with two female voice actors at the same time that you ended up like this."

"Miss Hidaka seems to have misunderstood something."

She waved her hand impatiently: "I understand, infatuation and entanglement, don't underestimate Ayaneru's contacts in the industry, once a girl like her makes a big splash, you're lucky just to be hidden in the snow."

No, no, you seem to have misunderstood completely. The word Xuezang has nothing to do with me.

Well... there's no need to tell her anyway.

"In short, I hope you can turn over a new leaf and stop doing things like being on two boats in the future."

"Why did you suddenly start preaching to me?"

"It's an admonition, it's up to you whether you listen or not."

"Let's just say thank you."

She groaned, not knowing what it meant.

Not long after that, Ms. Hidaka left. According to her, a popular voice actor like her is different from a poor guy like me who has been hidden in the snow.

She seemed to believe that I was targeted by the rich and powerful Ms. Sakura after I confessed my cheating to Caiyin. I could even hear a hint of gloating in her voice.

And I have been sitting in the coffee shop until the evening, and it is also a good experience to create in such a place occasionally.

We ate dinner outside with Caiyin. She didn't have work at night, so she accompanied me to the mall for shopping and prepared gifts for each other's parents.

Yes, I'm finally going to meet Cai Yin's parents.

If this incident happened a few months ago, I would be extremely happy, but at this moment, I am thinking about the other two girls.

There are sand and pear yarn.

Let's not talk about Yousha who has an affair with me. From Lisha's point of view, she and I are serious lovers.

And if I want to hide her marriage, maybe I have to hide it from the entire industry, and it may be three years later, five years later, or even ten years later.

If my relationship with Lisha goes well, maybe I will also bring up the topic of marriage. As a man who has been married, divorced, and married again, while running a small family with Caiyin, he has to be deceived by me constantly Lisha kept in the dark.

Thinking about it this way, what I did seems to be the same as Mr. Sakurai, maybe worse than him.

In short, I have no way out.

Whether it was sunk in Tokyo Bay, injected with succinylcholine, or cut off my head and put it in a bag, I was probably mentally prepared to be treated like this.

Compared with these various ways of death, the tears falling from their eyes are more unbearable torture to me.

Hmm... just kidding.

If I had the courage to face death calmly, I wouldn't be reduced to the scumbag I am today.



Not long after, it was the day when I went to Cai Yin's house, and this was the first time I walked into her house.

With the gift I prepared early, I accepted Caiyin's father's silent scrutiny.

As for Caiyin's mother, I couldn't see her face clearly, so I could only give her a polite smile from one side.

During dinner, I told Caiyin's parents that I wanted to marry her. Caiyin's mother really expressed dissatisfaction with me on the grounds that I was a divorced man, which was expected.

It was Caiyin who stood up at this moment. She stood up for me and unabashedly showed her determination to live with me.

I also put out [-]% of my acting skills, expressing my love for Caiyin with emotion, and declaring that she will definitely make her happy.

In the end, although I was not recognized by them as a qualified man, they respected their daughter's decision. From the bottom of my heart, I think this is a great pair of parents. If I am really a man worthy of Caiyin, I am afraid It's a good story.

After dinner, I left Sakura's house alone, and I could see that Cai Yin's mother had something to say to her, and the mother and daughter probably wanted to have a long talk tonight.

And after I waved goodbye to Caiyin with a smile in front of her parents, I walked to a certain corner of the street alone.

There was a car parked there, the window of the driver's seat was lowered slowly, and I couldn't see the expression clearly, but I knew it was a female voice actor named Shimizu Yousha.

I walked over wordlessly and opened the co-pilot's door.

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