After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 794 788. I am willing to share your love with them, but what about them?

Chapter 794 788. I am willing to share your love with them, but what about them?

At twelve o'clock in the evening, I returned to Yuedao. Fortunately, Caiyin didn't come to live at my house tonight, so as to avoid any excuses for me to think about how to explain.

After taking a shower, Line displayed several unread messages from four different female voice actors.

When I think about it carefully, I really am a terrible scumbag.

[The number of visits to my house seems to have decreased recently, can you come tomorrow?I miss you. 】——There is sand.

[Sorry, the broadcast work just ended, because I'm very busy today, I haven't been able to contact you, did you have a good rest today? 】——Pear yarn.

[Come with me to Akihabara in two days, doesn't your father like Kamen Rider?I want to make a good impression】—— Caiyin.

[Today's scenery is beautiful, but I don't think Totsuka-kun's behavior is reasonable. After that, I was scolded by the manager again. As compensation, I have to invite me for coffee next time. 】—Miss Hidaka.

I reply one by one.

After I stopped working as a voice actress and a singer, I felt that my body perception time had been doubled, and I always felt that the whole day before was not so long.

I confirmed the free time with Yousha, and I will meet her at her house tomorrow, while Lisha chatted with her seriously for about ten minutes, and finally said good night to each other, she always urged me to go to bed early, so Only in order to maintain a healthy body.

As for Caiyin, of course I will not reject her proposal, as long as she can spare time.

As for Ms. Hidaka, after I sent "As many times as you please", I just couldn't read it back.

After dealing with the relationship with the female voice actor, I opened the document, wrote a few simple story outlines, and turned off the lights before one o'clock in the morning and went to bed.



The next morning, I went out to Shinjuku, bought the ice cream cake Usa loves at a dessert shop, and took it to her apartment.

She didn't work in the morning, and when I rang the doorbell, she was wearing baggy pajamas, showing half of her shoulders, and I could almost imagine her sleepy, cute look.

It's a pity that I haven't seen her face clearly for a long time, so it must have made me feel a little sad. This should also be a kind of mental illness, I'm not sure.

Schizophrenia aside, I hope to cure this visual impairment and to see the smiles of these girls I love again.

"Good morning, Kazuto-san."

She greeted me in an extremely lazy tone, and her sleepiness could be heard from her voice.

I put the cake I bought in the refrigerator, and while pushing her back to the bedroom, I said, "Did you stay up late again last night? How many times have I told you to go to bed early."

"I can't sleep without you holding me."

"What a coquettish ghost."

After entering the bedroom, You Sha fell headlong on the bed without covering her quilt, and just fell asleep on her stomach.

I shook my head dumbfounded, hugged her body and straightened her up. The next moment, she squeezed my collar tightly and kissed her.

I received a courtship signal from her and fell on the bed with her.


When we re-dressed and walked out of the bedroom, she had recovered her usual vitality. She heard that I had bought a cake and bounced to the refrigerator.

"Cake is not a meal."

"I know, I only eat a little, and Rensang can go out for dinner with me later?"



Sitting at the dining table, Yousha is eating the cake I bought, and I am watching today's news on my mobile phone.

"Hey, Kazuto-san."


"I want a reward."


"Well, let me cover for you about the vegetable sauce. I don't think it's too much to ask for some rewards."

It should refer to the incident where she acted sullenly in front of Ms. Hidaka. Obviously, I never asked her to do such a thing. Although she did it for me, she really likes to act.

I smiled faintly: "That's right, what does Yousha want?"

"Well...then go on a date with me."

I was startled when I heard this: "A date? Is it enough just to date?"

"Really! What do you mean by 'just'? My date Sang Mingming rarely dates me. He only comes to meet me when he wants to sleep with me."

"Uh... sorry, I don't have that kind of thought."

In retrospect, it seems that it is indeed as she said, every time I meet her, I basically do it, and rarely do ordinary things between ordinary lovers.

I clearly say I love each of them, but I do treat them differently.

Realizing this, I couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

I really want to give them equal love, but the reality is not so easy to resist.

"Pfft... I'm just joking, why is He Rensang seriously lost?
I get it, our relationship has to be kept secret, things like dating are easy to find out, so it's just a casual talk. "

"There is sand..."

Yousha was still so understanding, I couldn't help but walk over, squatted down, wrapped my hands around her slender waist, and pressed my face against her chest.

"Sorry... there is sand."

All I can say is a feeble apology.

Yousha gently stroked my hair, her voice was gentle: "I know, Kazuto-san really wants to love me, and wants to give me the same treatment as Neru-san.

But you and I both know that's impossible.

Even if I am willing to share your love with neru mulberry, plant mulberry, and even Licaijiang for you.

But what about them?
Can they accept me?
Can you accept that you love several girls at the same time? "

I know that what she said is not wrong, but I have fantasized about such a scene more than once in my heart. No matter who they are, I don't want to let go, I want to tie them by my side.

I understand that the problem is me and Yousha, they are normal people.

Compared with the past, Caiyin has undergone considerable changes. She has lost her willfulness and added a different kind of tenderness and consideration, but this does not mean that she will obey all my words, at least she cannot agree to this. Ridiculous thing.

Just like Ayane Sakura, who wants to own everything, Ayane wants to own all of me.

But I couldn't even satisfy her with such a simple thing, and even slept with two other female voice actors behind her back.

It's unfair, devious, and selfish.

"If... I mean if~
If Kazuto-san can convince Neru-san or Zhong-san, I don't mind. "

As if she wanted to comfort me, she said what she knew was impossible.

It's really disgusting that I would feel a little bit at ease because of these words.

"If you have sand, don't you want to monopolize me?"

"Of course I want to, I can't help myself, almost crazy.

But, who told me to love you so much. "

I bowed my head deeply, letting the powerless feeling like a thunderstorm hit the inside of my body.

In the end, I couldn't help but become a man who imagined that all the girls would be happy and happy around me.

(End of this chapter)

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