After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 795 789. He is either getting along with girls, or he is on his way to get along with girls.

Chapter 795 789. He is either getting along with girls, or he is on his way to get along with girls.

After leaving Yousha's apartment, I went to the hospital alone, and my condition was generally stable.

Although occasionally forgetful, there are no adults in the world who are not forgetful. What they forget are trivial things, which don't really get in the way.

I told the doctor about my inability to see women's expressions, wondering if it could be cured, and got ambiguous answers.

My symptoms are caused by mental stress. If my mind is normal, I can see their expressions naturally.

What a jack-of-all-trades answer, I am such an idiot for expecting a little from a psychiatrist.

After I came out of the hospital, I went to the editorial department of Electric Library to discuss matters related to the work. Mr. Xia Mu said that the second season of the "Journey" animation is currently being discussed internally, but as the male lead voice actress, I am currently suspending activities. Really Hope to come back before the official dubbing.

After the discussion, I went to the company headquarters of King Records and bought a lot of condolences. Because of my health, I caused a lot of trouble to the staff in various departments of the company and the music team. I'm really sorry.

The staff all looked very surprised when they saw me, and they all expressed concern about my physical condition. Except for the manager and some senior executives of the company, it is not that I suffer from mental illness , just thought I was overworked.


Walking out of a certain office, Miss Dai holding a large pile of documents saw me, I greeted her with a smile, and followed her to the meeting room.

After the two of us were alone, she expressed her dissatisfaction with me and gave me a harsh lecture. I made a nonsense sentence, "The doctor said I should have more contact with people", and her tone gradually calmed down.

There is always an illusion of being taken care of by my mother. Miss Dai is too worried.

"How is Totsuka-kun feeling recently?"

"Hmm...Although sometimes I forget some irrelevant things, but the symptoms of daze have improved a lot, and maybe I will be able to move again after a while."

"Don't be careless. I know that there are too many jobs for you during this time. I didn't pay attention to your physical and mental state. This is my negligence as an agent. I'm really sorry."

"Please don't say that, Miss Dai really takes care of me, I am very grateful."

"Anyway, Totsuka-kun, please respect the doctor's instructions during this time. The fans and all of us are waiting for your return."

"Well, thank you..."

After that, I stayed in the company for a while, and when I was about to leave, I ran into Ms. Ogura, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. I don’t know how she looked at me, but compared to before, she talked to me The tone has calmed down a lot.

Probably because I heard about me and thought I was a patient. After all, there is no deep hatred between me and her.

I went to drink coffee in the afternoon, but I didn't meet Miss Hidaka. I was a little disappointed, because she was innocently absent from the radio program yesterday, and she must be very busy all day today.

Went to Lisha's house in the evening, the two prepared dinner together, and came out of her house near ten o'clock in the evening.

Estimating the time, Caiyin should be finishing work soon, and must return to Tsukishima before then.

I spend almost every day in this state, either when I am with girls, or on the way to get along with girls.

I know very well in my heart that this kind of life will not last forever, but I still can't help but hope that if only they can stay by my side like this all the time.

For this reason, they must know that apart from themselves, I, Kazuto Mogami, also maintain romantic relationships with other women.

Under such a premise, the possibility of still being willing to love me is extremely slim.

Just as I was thinking wildly, Caiyin came back, she dragged her tired body towards the living room, and fell down beside me who was sitting on the sofa.

"I'm exhausted."

I lightly stroked her short black hair, with a touch of red on it. She recently performed live in Bangbangbang, and she has been maintaining this hairstyle for the past few days.

Of course, this red hair is attached, and you can ask the hair stylist to remove it at any time.

"thanks for the effort."

She lazily turned over, faced my lower abdomen, hugged my waist tightly, and let out a tired voice: "Uh... my throat hurts so much, I don't want to sing sentry class anymore."

"I'll go get you a glass of water."

She shook her head: "Let me hug you for a while, I don't want to move."

In this way, I sat quietly and waited for a long time, Caiyin in my arms let out a simple and well-proportioned breath, and just fell asleep like this.

I carried her back to the bedroom and undressed her. I also got into bed, turned off the light, and hugged her to sleep.

At midnight, I suddenly woke up in the dark, my neck was itchy and wet, Caiyin was licking my neck, I patted her on the back, her movements froze, and then continued.

She is obviously very tired from the live, and still has the energy to do this kind of thing, but she doesn't look like her.

After I finished, I hugged her smooth body and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Hey, Heren-kun."


"It always feels a little weird."


"It just doesn't feel real."

"I really feel... Are you talking about getting married?"

"Otherwise, I originally thought that I would have to be at least 30 years old to find a marriage partner, but I didn't expect it to be so long in advance."

"Then do you want to postpone the marriage for a few more years?"

"Kill you."

"I'm joking."

She hummed first, and then laughed too.

"It always feels like a dream. Although we have experienced a lot of sad things, we have come all the way. He Renjun also met my parents. Although they still can't fully agree with you, they still received their blessings. .”

"Well, Caiyin's parents are really gentle."

"So, it will be my turn next. I will try my best to show my best side and let He Renjun's parents recognize me. What she can do, I will definitely do."

The "she" that Caiyin said, needless to say, I know who it is.

"Color sound is color sound, there is no need to compare with anyone."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that, but this is my own reason, should I say it's stubbornness or what, although I don't hate her anymore, but I also have self-esteem as a woman, and I still don't want to admit defeat .”

"Caiyin's words will definitely be fine, my mother said before that she likes you very much."


"How could I lie to you."

"Hey...then I feel much more at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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