After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 799 793. The days of wandering among female voice actors.

Chapter 799 793. The days of wandering among female voice actors.

I drank this cup of coffee until five o'clock in the evening. I thought it was almost dinner time, and looked at the man in front of me.

"Well, Totsuka-kun, I still have work at night, so I'm going to buy you a drink..."

Before I could finish speaking, Totsuka-kun hurriedly stood up.

"Miss Hidaka, let me take my leave first. I will make an appointment with the editor-in-chief of the publishing house for a discussion later, and I will pay for the coffee first.

Well, see you some other day. "

"Huh? Oh... oh oh."

I stared at him blankly and did nothing but nod, so he went to the front desk to pay the bill without looking back, and then walked out of the cafe.

This man is really playing hard to get with me, right? !




★Mogami Kazuto's perspective★
After walking out of the cafe, I immediately took a taxi to Risa's apartment, although I originally wanted to continue chatting with Ms. Hidaka.

Although her attitude towards me is relatively average, in the recent period of time, the intimacy that had dropped a lot, once dropped to below 60, has gradually recovered.

Although the magnitude is really subtle, it is definitely going up.

I understand the reason not to act too hastily, and it is rare for Lisha to take the initiative to invite me to her house, presumably there is something she wants to tell me.

When I got to Lisha's apartment, I rang the doorbell, and Lisha, who was wearing an apron, came to answer the door.

As soon as I entered the room, I was quite surprised to smell the aroma of food.

"Lisha, are you cooking?"

"Is your attitude a little rude?"


Because Lisha never cooks, it can be said that she doesn't know anything about cooking, only the presentation of the dishes is exquisite, and she is an art student after all.

"What day is it today? You actually bothered Mrs. Zhongtian to do the cooking herself."

She looked at my head with her hands in dissatisfaction.

"Stop looking down on people!"

"No, no, I'm obviously complimenting you."

"How can there be such a strange compliment, really, go wash your hands, you can eat right away."

I walked into the kitchen to wash my hands, and glanced at the somewhat messy cooking counter, and saw that it was a novice's operation.

"Don't, stop staring!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Although I couldn't see her face, her shy voice was cute enough. I made up my mind that even if the food was unpalatable, I would eat with her voice.

After sitting down at the dining table, Lisha served the meal like a newlywed, took off her apron, and sat down opposite me.

I looked at the food on the table. It was very traditional Japanese cuisine. To sum it up in one sentence, it looked like the food my mother would cook.

Regardless of the taste, always praise the appearance first.

"Did Lisha make these by herself? It's amazing, she looks good, and she will be a good wife in the future."

"Don't be talkative, and don't be perfunctory. Say it's delicious if it tastes good, and say it's bad if it tastes bad."

Sure enough, it is her style. If it is Caiyin, if I dare to say something unpalatable, I will probably be subjected to domestic violence.

"I see, then I will start."

I first put a piece of grilled fish into my mouth. The meat is very tender and juicy, and even the grilled fish has no rough feeling at all.

Simply put, not cooked.

"What, how is it?"

Her voice was mixed with a sense of uneasy tension, how should I answer?
Although Lisha once said, "If it tastes good, say it tastes good, and if it tastes bad, say it tastes bad", but I can't directly say that it's bad tasted to the Pacific Ocean.

"Hmm... very lively flavor." That's all I can say.


It's obviously a grilled fish, but it's a bit bizarre to describe it with such a flexible vocabulary as fresh.

So when Lisha tasted it herself and spat it out decisively, she looked at me who was silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"It really tastes fresh." She said with a stiff tone.


I couldn't help laughing out.

My laughter seems to have aroused her dissatisfaction, but I didn't mean to laugh at her. Even though my cooking skill has reached Lv5, it is not the ability I honed myself, and I am not qualified to laugh at her. She tries her best to try new things.

I just laughed out of pure joy.

"Just feel free to laugh at me, He Jun. I won't be knocked down because of such a trivial matter."

"I didn't laugh at you."

"Liar, just now I clearly heard you laugh out loud with your nose, maybe you are still mocking me in your heart, but that's all."

I sighed helplessly: "Can you stop adding drama to yourself?"

Of course, I know that Lisha will not be angry because of this kind of thing, this can only be regarded as an interaction between couples at best, both she and I enjoy this atmosphere very much.

Even though Lisha told me not to force it, I still ate the dinner she made. After all, this is my lovely girlfriend. It is the first time that she cooks for me. If I don’t finish it, I will be guilty all my life. emotional.

As a result, because I ate two meals for two people, I fell on the sofa and couldn't move at all, and I could even feel my stomach swelled a bit.

But this is not a bad thing, at least I can enjoy the knee pillow of a popular female voice actress like this, and the slim jeans tightly wrap her legs, which are quite elastic.

She kept repeating the movement of waving my hair. This movement itself has no meaning, but every time her fingers touch my forehead, I will feel an indescribable sense of peace.

"He Jun, how are you feeling recently?"

"A little hold."

She flicked my forehead.

"Speaking seriously."

I laughed lightly: "It's pretty good. Eat and drink well. It's super cool not to have to work. There are endless hours to spend every day."

She didn't reply to my words, and the movement of stroking my hair became more and more gentle.

"It's okay, don't worry, I went to the hospital yesterday, and the doctor said I'm recovering well."

"You clearly know that I hate you for telling lies, why do you still say it?"

" can see that too?"

"I'm your girlfriend, how can I not see it."

I raised my hand to touch her face, from her lips to her nose, and then touched the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

I can't see her face clearly, so I can only look at her face in this way.

"Risa, thank you."

"Thanks for what?"

"All kinds of things, and I even prepared dinner for me."

"This kind of thing is not worth mentioning at all, and the food I cook is not good."

"Nothing like that, I like it."

"I just know sweet talk, I'm really worried that you'll say that to other girls in the future."

"Will not."

I sat up slowly, put my palm on her face, gently took her cheek, and kissed her lips.

"Lisha, is it night now?"

She hesitated for a while, then said "hmm" shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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