After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 800 794. He didn't know if this was the effect of the aggressive method.

Chapter 800 794. He didn't know if this was the effect of the aggressive method.

Someday in September.

"Miss Sakura, Miss Konishi, thank you for your hard work."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Thanks for your hard work."

After the recording of the catapult, Ayane Sakura sorted out the script and was thinking about where to have dinner.

"Saori, let's go eat together."


Leaving the recording building, Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi walked to the station together, and went to a family restaurant in Shibuya together.

"Phew, it's still cool inside. If I knew I would have driven out today, why is Tokyo so hot?" Ayane Sakura complained.

During this time, Ayane Sakura felt very happy with Saori Konishi.

Sure enough, the friendship between women can only be sublimated if they leave men alone.

"Caiyin, you look very tired recently, and the dark circles under your eyes have become more serious."

Sakura Ayane heard the words, and sighed heavily: "You know, Bangbang's live, it would be great if I didn't participate in this project at the beginning."

"Well, but there are many beautiful female voice actors in it, and that's the only thing that can comfort me a little. Let me tell you secretly, I was chatting with two girls at the same time at three o'clock in the morning."

"I really didn't expect this to be the reason for the dark circles under my eyes, as expected of you." Xiao Xi Saori slightly supported his forehead.

Sakura Ayane showed an expression of "It's not that powerful, hehe~".

Xiao Nishi Saori was really speechless about this.

How should I put it, Kazuto Mogami is a guy who secretly associates with other girls without telling Ayane Sakura, and Ayane Sakura is also a person who chats with multiple girls in the middle of the night.

Well... this is just a joke, Ayane Sakura simply likes to hook up with female voice actors, while Kazuto Mogami is clearly not loyal to love, this is the essential difference.

Even if it's a joke, the two things shouldn't be confused.

Xiao Nishi Saori warned himself this way in his heart.

Because there is an agreement between Saori Konishi and Ayane Sakura that "not to interfere with her love", sometimes, Saori Konishi wants to insinuate things between them, but in the end she will not really ask.

It's just that whenever she sees Sakura Ayane's cheerful expression, there will still be a wave of sympathy in her heart.

"Ah... isn't that Ricai-chan and Yui-chan?"

Sakura Ayane looked in a certain direction, subconsciously got up and waved at them.

The loli duo, who noticed the two, walked towards them with a somewhat surprised expression on their faces.

Invited by Ayane Sakura, the loli duo sat down directly.

"It's really rare to meet by chance in this kind of place. Does this count as the fate between me and the two of you?"

Ayane Sakura smiled silly with an extremely uncle's expression. If she had changed her gender, it would be enough to be listed as a suspicious person and sent to the interrogation room.

On the surface, Hidaka Licai was calm and breezy, but inside she was quite complicated. She couldn't figure out how these two people could still stay together.

According to the information in Hidaka Rina's mind, Konishi Saori is Mogami Kazuto's ex-wife, and Sakura Ayane is Mogami Kazuto's ex-girlfriend. Could it be that kind of "ex-combination" who will speak ill of Mogami Kazuto together in private? what?

Hidaka Licai still couldn't figure it out.

However, this also deepened her confidence in Kazuto Mogami's words. If he and Ayane Sakura had not broken up, then the two would not have had such a friendly private meal together.

It can only be said that Miss Hidaka has not yet experienced the magic of reality.

As for Yui Ogura, she only knew that Saori Konishi in front of her was married to that man, but she knew nothing else.

Saori Konishi never mentioned Kazuto Mogami's name when she got along with Ayane Sakura in private. Hidaka Rina was also unwilling to step on thunder, but Yuiko Ogura was different.

As a result, the topic of the four female voice actors unknowingly developed into "Mr. Totsuka's withdrawal from the voice actor industry".

Hidaka Rina added, "It's about resting your body, not retiring from the circle", which attracted Xiao Nishi Saori's tiny attention.

Had Kazuto Mogami been there, this would have been a scene that would have made him sweat.

Ex-wife, fiancée, and the girl he is pursuing, if they don't pay attention, they will cause big incidents.

However, what is more dramatic is that there is a consensus between Konishi Saori and Sakura Ayane not to mention him, and Ogura Yuyi is unwilling to mention too much about that person in front of Hidaka Rina.

Except for the previous topic of "Mr. Totsuka quitting the seiyuu industry", the continuation of the topic was unexpectedly interrupted, and the conversation changed to other things.



After the lunch, the four of them bid farewell to each other and went to work on their own. When Gao Licai finished work that day and went to the cafe, she saw the figure of the man reading a book quietly again.

This time, she took the initiative to sit in front of Kazuto Mogami and ordered a cup of coffee leisurely.

She was determined to make things difficult for this man.

"Today, I had lunch with Ayaneru and Nishi-san."

Sure enough, his expression when reading the book suddenly changed, and he even frowned slightly, which made Miss Hidaka very proud.

However, this expression only lasted for a moment, and he returned to calm again.

"pretty good."

"that's it?"


"I mean, that's all your reaction?"

"Otherwise, how should I react?" Kazuto Mogami showed a puzzled expression.

"Are you not worried about me telling them that you are pursuing me?"

"Did Miss Rigao say that?"

"How can you say that, you idiot!"

Kazuto Mogami smiled lightly.

" didn't expect that I wouldn't say it, so you're so calm!"

Mogami Kazuto shrugged with a light smile: "I just think that the smart Miss Hidaka would not do such conspicuous things, which doesn't match your usual disguise."

He was completely seen through.

Miss Hidaka was a little angry.

"Compared to this, when will Miss Hidaka buy me a drink?"

"Huh? Why do I have to buy you a drink?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head helplessly: "I didn't expect Miss Hidaka to be such a person who doesn't believe her words. It turns out that I only see girls like that."

"The aggressive method doesn't work for me."

"This is really surprising."

Hidaka Lina "hummed" in a cute nasal voice, and was silent for about three seconds.

"Can I decide the place and time?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback when he heard that, and then smiled: "Of course."

Hidaka Lina turned her head and muttered, "Don't laugh so disgustingly, I just don't want to keep my word."

Mogami Kazuto smiled brighter and brighter.

"I know that Miss Hidaka is different from me, she is a person who will not deceive and conceal."

"I told you not to laugh like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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