After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 809 803. Because I have been hopeless for a long time, at least I hope Nobunaga can find hap

Chapter 809 803. Because I have been hopeless for a long time, at least I hope Nobunaga can find happiness.

After parting from Hidaka-san, I went to the seiyuu agency after a long absence. Apart from reporting my recent situation, there was another important event.

Together with Ayane and I, I reported to the president about our upcoming marriage.

The specific date has not been decided yet. After meeting each other's parents, Caiyin seems to let go of the big stone in her heart, and is not in a hurry to finalize the date.

But thinking about the possibility of being secretly photographed in the future, Caiyin decided to report this matter to the office considering the impact in the future.

Even if there are any accidents in the future, the firm will definitely stand by our side.

Of course, if this kind of thing really happened, I might have been torn to pieces by Caiyin and Lisha before being swallowed up by public opinion.

Yousha should come to collect my body for me, it's really embarrassing for her.

After the report, Cai Yin still had work at night and went to the recording studio, while I went to Shinjuku's Golden Gai.

Just entering the izakaya, Nobunaga and Jieren, who were sitting in the corner, waved at me with pale masks on their faces.

I can hardly remember their faces.

"Ahe, how is your health recently, can you drink?"

Since the suspension of activities, this is the second time I met Nobunaga, and the first time was also here. I got drunk that night, and this guy opened his mouth and said "the industry without you is not the industry I want", I almost She wanted to pretend she didn't know him, and threw him to the side of the road to fend for herself.

"Very good, let's have a drink."

At the wine table, Nobunaga and Jieren occasionally talked about anecdotes that happened on the set, but they didn't deliberately avoid this topic because they cared about me. I think it's just right.

To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to the suspension of activities. Although I didn’t put too much love into this job, but at least it brought me friends when I was alone, so I still like the job of seiyuu .

"When can I come back to work?"

"It's not easy to say. We still have to listen to the doctor's arrangement."

Nobunaga smiled and patted me on the shoulder: "Seeing how lively you are, it seems that I will be able to meet you on the set soon."

I smiled and didn't reply.

The person who understands my body best is myself.

Occasionally, I would lose a small portion of innocuous memory fragments for a short time, and I could not see faces clearly, and sometimes I would have horrible thoughts of wanting to occupy girls. Although it was only for a while, I did have the idea of ​​destroying everything.

Can I be considered a normal person like this?
I don't quite know what "normal" is, but even for me, I still don't see my life as an inconvenience.

Perhaps this idea itself tends to be more "abnormal".

It seems that because of my health, Nobunaga and Jieren didn't ask me to drink. These two people are always very considerate in strange places. I really hope they can do the same to girls, otherwise they won't be with games all day long. .

But after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help scoffing at my own thoughts. Not everyone can't live without a girl like me. their favorite way of life.

Also, I have no basis to conclude that they don't have girls they like or are dating, after all, they used to think that I was not good at dealing with women, and I might end up alone.

Judging people by their cover is a stupid thing to do.

However, aside from intervening, it is really hard for me to imagine Nobunaga looking for a girlfriend. I hope it is someone who can scrub his body and pour water for him after he is drunk, and I can see the delicious food when I wake up the next day. Breakfast, love forever.

He is my best friend in this world.

Although the word "best friend" sounds very embarrassing and can make people get goosebumps, but that's what I think, and Nobunaga should have the same idea as me.

Because I have no chance to live such a happy life, at least I hope that a kind and gentle guy like Nobunaga can live a happy life.

If he dared to say that we are not close friends, I would definitely pick up the wine bottle on the table angrily, throw it at him without any explanation, and leave angrily shouting "I don't want to see you again".

Well, it's really hard to imagine such a scene.

At night, I still drank too much. Although I didn’t lose consciousness, the masks on their faces already had double images in my field of vision.

I can't remember who settled the bill, maybe it was me, maybe it was someone from the world or Nobunaga.

The three of them walked out of the izakaya staggeringly with their arms around their shoulders.

It's really strange, I should not be able to see their faces clearly, but for some reason, I can feel the smiles on their faces.

"Go, next time... go, where to drink?"

"Still... still drinking?"

"Let me go home."

Three drunken men were talking nonsense on the streets of Shinjuku, the sky gradually began to rain lightly, and Nobunaga, staggering, suddenly sang "Ultramarine" loudly.

Jieren laughed loudly: "That song is about Shibuya."

I also laughed dazedly: "Why don't you throw him here and let him sleep until tomorrow to see Shinjuku in the morning."

Wine is really a good thing. I haven't been this happy like tonight for a long time. It seems that I have forgotten a lot of things. It turns out that once memory is discarded, human beings can feel such pure happiness.

Is it because there are too many things piled up in your heart?

Is it because the things piled up in my heart are too cruel?
In the back of my mind, maybe there is also a dark place called the Memory Sanctuary. There are no precious memories there, and there are all mud-like things.

I opened my confused eyes and looked at the night sky, letting the rain drip into my eyes.

Ahhh, where did my life start to go wrong?


Waking up with a splitting headache, I was in a strange place, my clothes had disappeared, and I only had a pair of fancy boxers on my body, and I felt a little flustered.

I tiptoed out of bed and gently opened the door. It shouldn't be like a light novel, and a beautiful girl who is responsible for me will appear after this, right?
Really sorry, I already have skaha!
Holding the fearful mentality like a cheating boyfriend, he stuck his head out of the door, and in the courtyard outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there was an amazing size of women's underwear drying in the wind, swaying in the wind.

If it's this size, it's not impossible.

No no no no no!Now is not the time to think about such things.

I smelled the aroma of food, which seemed to be coming from the kitchen, and I could vaguely see a tall figure busy there.

I couldn't help but thump in my heart, Scatha shouldn't be the kind of person who would prepare breakfast for me early in the morning, right?
Well... that's a matter of course, it's a paper man after all.

The figure in the kitchen turned around at this moment, and I saw his face clearly.

is my best friend.

He smiled slightly and looked at me: "You're awake, Nobunaga."

(End of this chapter)

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