After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 810 804. In the month of no waves, she may fall into his trap, probably.

Chapter 810 804. In the uneventful October, she might fall into his trap, probably.

Having prepared breakfast for three, I took off my apron and was about to call the two of them to come over for breakfast.

The door of the guest room was suddenly opened, and Nobunaga was only wearing a pair of colorful boxers, staring at Caiyin's underwear in the courtyard with a stupid face.

He wouldn't still be awake.

Of course, the stupid look is just my imagination, but I don't think I should have too much deviation, and he did elongate his head to face the courtyard.

Although I really want to tell him not to stare so intently at other people's fiancee's underwear, but after all, he is Nobunaga, I'm afraid his mind is full of paper people, and he may not be able to figure out the situation at the moment, so let's not look for him stubble.

"You're awake, Nobunaga."

"Eh... early, early."

Although I think he should have noticed it, I decided to remind him after thinking for a while, pointing to his lower body: "Good taste, SpongeBob SquarePants."

"Where are my clothes?"

"Who knows, you ask Jieren, you two slept together last night."

"What about others?"

I spread my hands: "Toilet."



I can't remember clearly what happened last night. Why I brought Nobunaga and Jieren to my house to sleep has become an eternal mystery.

But Caiyin spent the night at her parents' house yesterday, and there was no one at home. I don't think it's a big deal to bring Nobunaga and Jieren back to spend the night, but I still have to say hello to her. After all, Caiyin is the one who cleans up the house. Still have to apologize.

As for why Nobunaga lost his clothes, that's a matter between him and Jieren, I just need to bless silently.

But looking at the situation, it seems that Nobunaga took it off by himself, which is really embarrassing.

Although the women's underwear in the courtyard was indeed very conspicuous, and the two of them probably noticed it early, but they didn't ask much.

At this stage, I actually have no intention of hiding it too much. If they ask me, I may honestly answer that it is the clothes of the fiancée who lives together.

After breakfast, the two of them said hello and left because they still had work to do later, and I was about to go out to the hospital for a follow-up visit to see what else could happen to this body.

I always thought that going to the hospital was of no real significance. The things lodged in my body could not be dispelled simply by doing psychological counseling or taking some medicine.

I only accepted the so-called treatment because I didn't want to worry the people around me. The best evidence is that so far, my condition has not improved.

But this is not something to blame others, it is entirely my own problem.

After I came out of the hospital, the midday sun suddenly made me unable to open my eyes. Is it because of a hangover?I always feel a splitting headache, I can't stand upright, and I feel a little nauseous when I get up suddenly.

After standing still for a while, the symptoms were relieved a little.

I went to meet Yousha at noon and had a light meal outside. After she went to work in the afternoon, I stayed in the cafe all afternoon as usual, and met Lisha in the evening.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, and I kept wandering among the three women. The only change during this period was that I never saw Miss Hidaka once.

According to the cafe clerk, she hadn't had coffee for a long time, and I couldn't tell whether she had found a better place, or was simply avoiding me.

Probably, I should not be able to interact with her anymore.

Ms. Rigao, who refuses to admit defeat, will not fight a battle she knows she will lose, so she took the initiative to distance herself from me, not giving me a chance to hurt her.

Compared with the feeling of regret or pity, I am more of a kind of emotion, and I think this is the best result from the bottom of my heart.

One day in mid-October, I proposed to Ms. Dai that I wanted to return to work. Ms. Dai hesitated, probably because I heard from the doctor that my condition had not improved.

Ms. Dai naturally objected, she was really worried about my body, I tried my best to deal with her by showing the appearance of the deviation from the past, and finally she took a half step back and said that she would communicate with the company's upper management.

When I was about to leave the company, I ran into Ms. Ogura, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. Her figure and voice were very recognizable, so I greeted her politely.

Speaking of it, this is also a rather strange thing. I had a good impression of Miss Hidaka and wanted to pursue her for a while, but I really couldn't arouse this interest in Miss Ogura.

It seems that the saying "If you are a female seiyuu, you can't walk", does not hold true for me, so it is good news.

"Mr. Totsuka, do you have time after this?"

I was a little dazed, but before I could reply, she continued to talk to me.

"I'm going to the music department first. If Mr. Totsuka has nothing to do, can you wait for me in the meeting room? It won't be too long."

Finally, I nodded to her.

There is not much grievance between me and her, and I have a vague premonition that she should come here for Miss Rigao's affairs, otherwise I really don't understand what else she would do if she came to me.

Sitting quietly in the conference room, I silently flipped through the novels I carried with me. Within 10 minutes of sitting down, Ms. Xiaocang opened the door and came in, apologizing for the long wait.

I shook my head indifferently.

Because I can't see the expression on her face clearly, I can't judge what kind of mood she is in now. Miss Ogura is not good at hiding her thoughts, so most of the time, she can guess what she wants to say just by looking at her face.

"Mr. Totsuka, have you been in touch with Sauna during this time?"

As I expected, after hearing Ms. Hidaka's name, Ms. Ogura's thoughts were indeed easy to see. I guessed it without even seeing her expression clearly.

What a simple child.

"Miss Hidaka? Hmm...not sure, I haven't seen her for a long time."

It's not a lie, I haven't seen Miss Hidaka since that "date".

"Even Totsuka-san doesn't know..."

She said such a sentence to herself, which made me very concerned. I didn't understand why it was "even me", as if I had some kind of intimate relationship with her.

"Well...excuse me, what's wrong with Miss Hidaka?"

When I asked such a question, Miss Ogura suddenly faltered.

"Mr. Totsuka, you should know that she is being courted by a male voice actor, right?"

No talent, it is the next.

Well, I think at this juncture, the male child she mentioned should not be me.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, Sauna should be pursuing Mr. Totsuka, so I think you should know about it."

Ah...Miss Ogura's cognition is still at the previous stage.

It seems that Ms. Hidaka didn't spread my affairs around casually, and was even misunderstood by her friends. The current situation is clearly the opposite. I think she is really a good girl from the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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