Chapter 811 805.
I heard a lot of information about Miss Hidaka from Ms. Ogura. Generally speaking, she seems to be very troubled recently because of the pursuit of male voice actors.

Of course, I am reflecting on this point, but I am not so persistent as to do such a thing as chasing him to the door. Isn't this completely a stalker?

No matter how I say it, I will not become like that. Although I am a scumbag, it is true that a scumbag behaves differently from a scumbag. I really cannot agree with that kind of behavior.

And the reason why Ms. Ogura told me this kind of thing seems to be that I have some ambiguous relationship with Ms. Hidaka. , seems to be on my side.

To be honest, if she told me that I was on three boats, she might rebel on the spot.

Well... But of course I wouldn't say such things, she came to ask me for help, what exactly is she trying to do to break her expectations.

In short, I plan to take the initiative to contact Ms. Hidaka from my side. According to Ms. Ogura, because Ms. Hidaka likes me very much, I hope I can do something.

【Mr. Totsuka, please show your manliness! 】

That's what she said, but she got the most fundamental thing wrong, Miss Hidaka is completely disillusioned with me, maybe my behavior will directly double her troubles.

In short, Miss Hidaka is the girl I like, even if I can't get along with her smoothly, I really can't sit idly by and ignore the fact that the girl I like is deeply troubled.

So, after leaving the company, I invited Ms. Hidaka to drink coffee on the line.

I used to hate the "read" thing very much, but except for this moment, at least it made me understand that Miss Hidaka saw my news.

One of the most unacceptable things for islanders is that they cannot be read back, and Ms. Hidaka is obviously one of them, so she will probably ask herself to reply, and this is the benefit of "read".

At first, I thought Miss Hidaka would reject me, but in fact, instead of refusing, she made an appointment with me directly.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I waited for her at the old place.

Although Tokyo has begun to cool down, I was still amazed when I saw Miss Hidaka in a coat and a headscarf sitting down in front of me and taking off her sunglasses and mask.

It wasn't until she took the initiative to speak that I was truly sure that the person sitting in front of me was Miss Hidaka.

"Then...that, Miss Hidaka?"

"Why is it a question sentence, is my face so unrecognizable?"

"Because the dress is too amazing, I am a little unconfident."

Also, I really can't see her face clearly.

Miss Rigao sighed softly, ordered a cup of coffee with ease, and asked by the way, because I invited her out, I have to pay for today's coffee.

Of course I am very happy, compared to these, I still care more about her recent situation.

"I thought Totsuka-kun finally gave up on me, which made me happy for nothing."

"Is that why you don't want to see me?"

"I thought you knew."

"Probably, I don't have much confidence in myself now."

Miss Rigao laughed out loud: "Girls will like boys who know how to advance and retreat. It is also necessary to give up properly."

"Does that mean that as long as I give up now, Miss Hidaka will fall in love with me?"

"Sa... Doka."

I shook my head and sipped my coffee.

"And then, how is Totsuka-kun going to trick me today?" Miss Hidaka raised her chin with both hands, I really wanted to see if her eyes were shining after the fog.

"There's no trickery, but I haven't seen Miss Rigao here recently, I wonder if I found a better place, and the clerk keeps saying things like 'I can't see your girlfriend for a while' .”

"The last sentence was a lie to me."

"Sorry, I lied to you."

Even if the lie was exposed, I didn't show any embarrassment. On the contrary, Miss Hidaka couldn't stop laughing happily.

"Totsuka-kun, you look really lonely. I'm so lonely if I don't come to drink coffee with you? You can even say such nonsense."

"Although I haven't confirmed it, Miss Hidaka can't guarantee that the other party doesn't think so."

"Hmm...that's right. Totsuka-kun is always pestering me. I can't help but mistake him for a couple. I don't care about such small things."

"As expected of Miss Hidaka." I applauded lightly.

"What is that? That sounds really unpleasant."

"Well... let's stop joking around here. Could it be that Totsuka-kun invited me out for coffee because he was so lonely not seeing me?"

"'s really not."

"Look, I knew it, maybe besides me, Totsuka-kun is still pursuing other girls, although it's completely my guess."

"Honestly speaking, only Miss Hidaka is being pursued now."

"Totsuka-kun's 'honestly speaking' sounds like a lie."

I seem to be completely seen through by this girl, she always makes me feel that I can't start.

I sighed softly, collected my thoughts, and said slowly: "Miss Hidaka, you seem to be very troubled recently."

I can obviously feel her hand holding the coffee cup slightly stagnant. It seems that she is not the kind of girl who has no flaws. I think so. Moments of exhaustion.

Her tone was cheerful, and she couldn't feel the pain in her heart just by listening to her voice.

"Of course it's troublesome. I suddenly found out that the person I liked before has become the ultimate scumbag and is pestered every day. I really want to say let me go."

"I'm not talking about me, the other."

The atmosphere between each other suddenly fell silent, I silently stirred the coffee, and looked out of the window, the blurred face of Sister Ri Gaoxia was reflected on the glass.

It's really watertight.

I really want to vent this melancholy emotion.

"Totsuka-kun... Could it be that he followed me too?"


"It's disgusting. To be discovered by the person I don't want to be known the most. Totsuka-kun will definitely use this to make fun of me in the future."

The girl's forced smile sounded like a stone thrown into a lake, causing ripples in the air and reaching my ears.

"I won't laugh at Miss Hidaka."


"No one has to be strong. Face everything with a smile. Miss Hidaka is a lovely girl, and there are always things she can't handle."

"Totsuka-kun... who the hell is he? Why do you know about me? I really don't understand you. Generally speaking, don't you think that it has nothing to do with you?

How could someone take the initiative to come forward? "

If you want me to say, I don't understand what she is thinking, isn't the reason obvious?
"I don't see anything wrong with wanting to help a girl I like."

Just be honest.

(End of this chapter)

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