After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 818 812. I want to face you with the attitude of wearing a golden hat and jumping high.

Chapter 818 812. I want to face you with the attitude of wearing a golden hat and jumping high.

To be honest, I don't really believe that Totsuka-kun suffers from a mental illness.

In the process of getting along with him, no matter how much I knew in my heart that he was an untrustworthy man, he never crossed that line. I really can't see anything wrong with his head, at least he is a person with common sense and etiquette.

How can such a person suffer from any mental illness.

The only thing that is wrong is his way of pursuing. I still can't understand how he said "I still like them in my heart".

Besides, in his situation, I think he should go to the ophthalmology department. It is best to take Ayaneru and Qijiang, and the three of them will go to the hospital in a group to have a look at the eyes, and heal the way the two women look at men.

However, I voluntarily said that, because Totsuka-kun never looked me in the eye.

I want to look at him, to see what is hidden in his eyes, to confirm his thoughts and my state of mind through looking at each other.

He never gave me that chance.

This kind of aggrieved feeling that is powerful but has nowhere to vent makes me very concerned.

At best, he only cared about this feeling, not about Totsuka-kun himself.

That's why I can't help but think that way, it's just...Although the alpaca is cute, I still hope that I am a normal girl in his eyes, not an animal.

Fortunately, he seemed to refute this statement, and while I was relieved, it became more and more unclear what state he was in.

So I just kept looking at him, staring at his eyes that didn't meet mine.

I can feel that it was not deliberately ignored, but that I really couldn't catch my eyes. At first I was really angry, but gradually, this anger turned into sadness, and finally returned to calm.

Unexpectedly, Hidaka Rina seems to be a more ruthless person than I imagined, and I have no such emotions as sympathy or pity.

Of course, it is impossible to change his opinion of him because of this kind of thing, maybe there is a little thought "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I just really felt the sadness in him, and I had no choice but to let this emotion erode my heart.

"Totsuka-kun, what are you talking about?"

I began to urge him, standing face to face by the road like this, it was indeed a bit embarrassing in terms of mood.

Totsuka-kun in front of him sighed softly, his eyes were looking somewhere, at least not mine.

"Miss Hidaka, I think ignoring the flaws of others is a virtue and a kind of etiquette."

"Ah, I'm sorry, is Totsuka-kun going to be angry with me now? If you're facing a girl you like, shouldn't you tolerate my waywardness?"

Well, this kind of statement is actually very bad, but I know that Totsuka-kun is not angry, and it is unbelievable to say that, I have never seen a scene where Totsuka-kun is angry.

He seems to be somewhere outside the world I live in. No matter what happens in the world on my side, it can't affect his emotions. At most, it's just things like sadness that he doesn't reveal to the outside world.

I can't help but think, is the world of one person really so comfortable?
But looking at his dilapidated appearance, I don't think that's the case at all.

"For the time being, I am also a normal man. If possible, I still want to face you with a posture of wearing a golden hat and jumping high."

"Nani talking?"

I couldn't understand what he was saying, and I didn't know what the golden hat meant. I just thought he was trying to change the subject.

"No, just say whatever you want."

I seem to have been fooled, and I will check it out later when I go back online.

Compared to this, he seemed to have said the word "flaw" just now, so my guess was correct.

Under my questioning, Totsuka-kun revealed his illness. Although it sounded incredible, I unexpectedly chose to believe him this time.

Because I think Totsuka-kun is a smart man, and as a smart man, there is absolutely no need to tell such useless lies.

But if you look at what he's doing as he wants to show his honesty, it suddenly feels a lot more believable.

Girls' thinking is really contradictory, just changing the way of thinking can feel so different.

Sitting on a bench in a nearby park, streetlights emitting a faint halo, I raised my head sideways to look at him.

Totsuka-kun is indeed a handsome man, his skin is fairer and smoother than that of a girl, and he doesn't look like he has the habit of wearing makeup. His nose bridge is very straight, and his lower eyelashes are surprisingly long.

Strangely enough, however, I didn't think I'd like a handsome guy with this look.

If one day, I mean, if I really fall into his way and fall into the trap he carefully arranged for me, it must not be because of this face, but something deeper.

"Hey, Totsuka-kun."


"Why are you telling me this?"

"Didn't you ask?"

"No, I mean, why don't you find some other reason to fool me instead of telling me the truth?"

"Are you so sure I'm telling the truth?"

"At least in this matter, I don't think Totsuka-kun is lying."

Obviously, because I was staring at him with all my strength at the moment, he just glanced at the direction where I was shrinking. Although his eyes were full of my reflection, he showed a sad expression that he couldn't see anything.

Seeing him like this, no one would think he was lying.

So I decided to trust this liar man for once, which is incredible.

"Well, what do you think?"

"How should I feel?"

"Hmm... For example, 'Ah, this is the retribution of a bad man!' and so on."

I was taken aback by his words, wondering if he still has the ability to read minds?

I looked at him somewhat humbly, but saw that his expression didn't change at all, he was still looking at my position numbly. that's what happened.

I suddenly had an epiphany and understood how sad it is to not be able to capture a human face.

In the world Totsuka-kun lives in, everyone is the same.

Except for himself, there is no one of his kind beside him, so it is reasonable to feel scared and lonely.

It seems that I am a person abandoned by the world, like a wolf in sheep's clothing among sheep. If I encounter such a thing, I will definitely not be able to be like him, and I will not even have the confidence to continue living.

On the other hand, it's really thanks to him that he can still pursue me calmly under such circumstances.


If you can't see your face, it doesn't matter who you look for, why does it have to be me?


I don't know how to explain this state of mind, although I can't understand his behavior, but this feeling.


not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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