Facing the scene in front of him, Kazuto Mogami feared and resisted from the bottom of his heart. He clearly couldn't see the expression of clear water and sand, but inexplicably appeared in his mind the charming expression of her quietly smiling at him.

Mogami Kazuto felt extremely uncomfortable about this.

Want to escape, want to vent, want to go to a place where no one is.

When the chains that entangled him disappeared, the incomparably heavy sin weighed him down.

Like the villain whose desire was stolen by the phantom thieves of the heart, he will live in his own confession for the rest of his life.

"Thank you, Kinosuke." Sakura Ayane put away the gift, and did not open it immediately.

"Hey... Ah, by the way, Neru-san, can you lend me a phone charger? I didn't notice that the battery was too low and turned off."

"Well... that's fine, just wait a moment."


Sakura Ayane came to the coffee table, squatted down, and lowered her head to rummage through the boxes.

Shimizu Yousha secretly stuck out his tongue at Mogami Kazuto, showing a slightly playful expression.

Kazuto Mogami was naturally invisible, he stood up from the floor tremblingly, his head was still a little dizzy due to blood loss, and his limbs were also very weak.

"Caiyin, I have something to tell you..."

"Really, let's wait a while, ah... Kinosuke, sorry, my house seems to only have this kind of line, does it match?"

Kazuto Mogami stood alone under the floor-to-ceiling window, and the two girls who were sitting together in front of the coffee table were communicating intimately.

"Actually, Yousha and I have been lovers for nearly a year."

"Ah...thank you, neru-san, it should work."

"Not only Yusa, but also Ms. Taneda and Ms. Hidaka. I also had sex with them."

The two female voice actors over there suddenly stopped talking and looked at Kazuto Mogami in unison.

Kazuto Mogami didn't intend to stop at all, his empty eyes didn't know where to look, he just kept murmuring, as if he was talking to himself.

"In the past year, I not only cheated on Yousha, lied about being single, fell in love with Ms. Taneda and Ms. Hidaka, last night I spent the night at Ms. Ridaka's house, and slept with her on her bed .”

Sensing that Mogami Kazuto's mental state was not right, Shimizu Yousa got up and walked towards him in a panic, pulling his arm involuntarily.

As for Sakura Ayane, she just squatted on the spot dully, looking up at her lover who was about to marry her in a dazed and confused way.

"That is to say, I am a complete scumbag, and Yousha over there was dragged into the water by me, my lover."

Sakura Ayane still couldn't fully understand what happened in this scene, this passage.


This is too strange, I was just looking for a charger for Kianosuke, why did the topic jump to such an extent?
Cheating?Chinosuke?Kind of sauce?
What is he talking about?
At this moment, he mechanically cast his eyes on the mist in front of them, looking at Ayane Sakura and Shimizu Yousha, looking at such a scene, what is Kazuto Mogami thinking in his heart?

Everyone's basic moral concepts are different in nature and cannot be treated equally.

He can choose to cater to, continue his own thoughts, and continue to be a scumbag who hurts women.

He could also escape, to a distant place that no one knew, from this sad place that broke him.

The options available to him are extremely limited, he is neither strong nor independent, he is just pushed forward by reality.

But even if this is the case, even if he has nothing, he doesn't want to continue to be a puppet controlled by the panel.

Everything so far has been heavy enough, Mogami Kazuto can no longer indulge himself like this, and can no longer watch those girls continue to be hurt by him.

Let them go, and let yourself go.

"Kazuto-san! What are you talking about!"

Shimizu Yousha shook his arm eagerly, Mogami Kazuto covered his cheek, and let out a mournful laugh with no clear meaning.

"Ah~~ah~~ That's right, what am I talking about, haha, hahaha..."

I couldn't see anything, everything became blurred, the girl in front of me, the world I was in.

I couldn't find the answer to why I stood here for everything, and why I lived until today.

"Heren-sang must be too tired."

Even though there was sand in the clear water, she also panicked at this moment, she turned her back, so that Sakura would not see her expression, and shook Mogami Kazuto's body desperately.

However, Kazuto Mogami not only did not respond to her, but...

Push her away.

The whole person fell to his knees on the ground as if he had collapsed, and Mogami Kazuto curled up trembling all over, touching his forehead to the floor.


"I... did something that I would never do as a human being."

"Caiyin, I betrayed you. Apart from you, I fell in love with other girls, and... hurt them."

In the living room, the silent air seemed to stop flowing at this moment. The air was no longer air, but some transparent substance with substance, which locked the three people present firmly in this immobile space.

Sakura Ayane didn't know how to describe her feelings. She hadn't fully digested the information, but when she saw that she had finally reconciled with her, she thought she could get along with her like before, and she was full of worry. Hugging Kazuto Mogami eagerly, almost on the verge of tears.


She suddenly understood.

At the moment when her blood seemed to freeze, she finally realized.

Just look at the expression of sand in the clear water to understand.

What Ren Jun said is true.

The Mogami Kazuto who kept saying that he only loved her, the Mogami Kazuto who made a marriage promise to her, the Mogami Kazuto who hugged her countless nights and spoke sweet words that seemed to melt her.

The smirk on Qing Shui Yousha's face also completely faded away, replaced by a cold expression that made her feel strange and frightened.

All are fake.

Be it love, be it happiness, be considerate or be gentle.

Whether it's love or friendship.

All are fake.

Under that handsome face hides the darkest evil in the depths of the heart.

This is the man named Kazuto Mogami.

The... true face of the man she loved.

She didn't even have time to shed tears, she just stared at the two in amazement, she tried to open her mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

No, it's not that I can't make a sound, it's that I don't know what to say.

Compared with shock, anger, and hatred, before that, her heart had already been occupied by confusion and doubt.

I obviously love him so much.

Why do such cruel things?

With the gradual increase of such thoughts, as the hands of the clock move, the tears will naturally slide down, out of control.

And when she tried to question, tried to vent, tried to pour all the grief and anger in her heart unreservedly in front of these two traitors.

Kazuto Mogami fell to the ground completely.

He even refused to give her the right to roar and vent.

Cruel, cruel...

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