Chapter 832 826. His past, his present.

There was darkness in front of his eyes, a vague voice came from his ears, and the smell that penetrated the tip of his nose was a bit pungent, like the smell of disinfectant.

With a splitting headache, I tried to open my eyes, the overhead lights were blindingly bright.

"Ahe! Ahe!"

"Doctor, the patient is awake."

"Let it all go."

The noisy sound made me feel more and more headache, my head was injured, and I could even feel the strange feeling that the blood was seeping out.

Is this a hospital?
I stared blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Ahe! Ahe!"

Having said that, why have this group of people been speaking Chinese since just now?

And this voice is very memorable.

I slowly turned my head to look around, and surprisingly, I saw the faces of these people.

The doctor is a middle-aged man with a rough beard and a sympathetic hairline. The nurse is cute and looks young.

The most important thing is that the middle-aged woman sitting by the hospital bed has half-white hair and many wrinkles on her face, but she can still imagine that she should be a beauty in her prime when she was young.

This person is.

this person……

My voice was very relaxed, without any hindrance, and I yelled that word.

"Oh card..."

I paused.


"Ahe, Ahe, woo..." Mom cried and hugged me. I have forgotten how long it has been since she hugged me like this.

It seems that after junior high school, there is no more.

What a nostalgic temperature.

"This family member, the patient has just woken up." The nurse beside me came over and patted my mother's shoulder lightly. She sobbed and nodded, releasing me.

Looking at the tear stains in the corners of her eyes, I couldn't help but feel the urge to cry.

Speaking of which, why do I feel that they would confuse me when they speak Chinese?
Forget it, don't think about it.

After that, I learned what happened from my mother.

I fell into the elevator shaft. Fortunately, my family lives on the second floor, and I didn't hit the head on the ground. I hit my head in the process, fractured my left calf, and had several bruises on my arm, but there were no fatal injuries.

Thanks to this, I will not be able to update the novel for quite a long time in the future.

However, this kind of thing happened, presumably readers can also understand, the reader group repeated many sentences "Dog author recover soon."

I was quite moved.

It's just that I seem to have forgotten something important.

It is something that must never be forgotten, unforgettable, and it is not too much for me to lose my entire life. It is a precious thing.

what is it?

what i lost.

To my surprise, my father came to visit me in the hospital, along with my half-sister.

When my mom goes to work.

"Dad, Xiaoling." I smiled at them.

"Ahe, how is your body?"

"The recovery is okay. The doctor said that if the recovery is good, I can be discharged from the hospital next week, but I still need to use crutches for a while."

"That's it."

I am very happy to see my father and sister after a long absence. Although I have not had much communication with this half-sister, I have never resented her, and I have never given birth to "she robbed her Gone is my daddy" kind of thought.

However, it was only this time that my father came to visit me.

The entire dialogue process took less than 10 minutes, and 3000 yuan was left.

It's hard for me to describe my feelings. I don't need his money, nor do I want him to be by my side all day long.

I just think of when I was five years old, before my parents divorced, I had a high fever, and my father stayed in front of my bed all night, telling me stories that were not interesting at all, clumsily cooking After knocking over the porridge on the ground, when he smirked at me, and when he said to me, "Keep it a secret from mom", the stupid face.

I don't want anything, and I don't need him to pay for me, I just do it.

Just a little nostalgic.

[Heren-san, I really like being sick. 】

Strange words suddenly popped up in my head, and I rubbed my temples with some headaches, but when I tried to recall them carefully, I couldn't remember anything.



After half a month in the hospital, I went home on crutches.

Because of work, my mother can't take care of me every day. I told her not to worry about it. I can take care of myself at home, but she can't keep her mouth shut and eat takeaway.

"I know, I can cook by myself."

"Instant noodles can't be called cooking."

"Mom, my craft is..."

I froze suddenly.

I just remembered that I don't know how to cook at all. Apart from washing rice and cooking rice, I can cut a cold cucumber at most.

But why?

I always feel that I should be very good at cooking.

And when I walked into the kitchen, I was indeed able to cook decent food. Even my mother was taken aback by me, and so was I.

"It's a bonus for a boy to be so good at cooking."

She seemed to see the hope that I could find a girlfriend.

In the days that followed, apart from staying at home and reading every day, I went downstairs for a walk on crutches.

In addition to work, the mother is still busy dealing with compensation matters.

As for the compensation, of course it is the incident that I fell into the elevator, and the back and forth between the developer and the builder. In short, it is all things that make people feel disappointed in this society.

But I don't care about this kind of thing at all, even I don't know why, I become hard to care about anything.

In the dead of night, I always fantasize about whether there is another me in this world.

Sitting silently at the desk, looking up at the sky outside the house through the window, indulging in the stars all over the sky.

Maybe it's because I live in a small city that I can see such fascinating stars. After all, in Tokyo, I can't see...


Why did you bring up Tokyo?


【dong dong dong-】

"Ahe, are you asleep?"

Mother's voice came from outside the door.

"not yet."

Mother pushed the door open and put the freshly boiled fish soup on the desk.

"Have some soup."

"Well... thank you, Mom."

"Silly boy."

I sipped the fish soup cooked by my mother. It tasted delicious, just like the one I remembered.

As I drank and drank, tears fell involuntarily.

"What's wrong? Is the soup bad?" Mom looked at me worriedly.

I choked up and shook my head silently.

"It's delicious, it's delicious..."

I drank all the fish soup mixed with tears.

"Ahe, what are you worried about?"

"I have no idea."

I can only shake my head in confusion and spend every day at a loss. I can't say I'm lucky, but at least I have a mother who loves me, a father who doesn't completely abandon me, and the stars above my head.

However, there was always something missing in my heart.

"I'm sorry, Ah He, I failed to give you a normal family."

"Mom, why do you say such things all of a sudden?"

"Because mom feels sorry for you. If possible, mom certainly wants to give you what everyone else has, a bigger house, more money, less hard work, and a warmer family."

"I don't feel dissatisfied, you have given me enough, now it's my turn to repay you."

"Ahe, what a kind child."

Mother suddenly reached out and touched my face.

Her hands are so cold, icy cold, there is no warmth at all.

"It's hard to be alone, it's lonely, I'm really sorry, I can't be by your side, Ah and you, it's time to find the family that really belongs to you."


"Well, one day, Ah He will also meet that girl who wants to start a family with her and become a real family with her."

Is there really such a girl?
Will fall in love with me, who is mediocre, useless, and has nothing to praise.

He Rensang...


He Jun...

and people……

He Renjun...

Many voices suddenly flowed into my mind, different voices, different expressions, different people.


"Remember? Ah He."

My mother looked at me with gentle eyes. In my memory, she was a stricter person to me, but she was also an extremely gentle person.

The things I did must be unforgivable by her. I did things that I could never do as a human being, and I didn't have the face to face her at all.


"What is done is done. Whether it is to make mistakes or turn a blind eye, it is wrong."

"Ahe, you have to do what you think is right..."

"mom, Mom, Mom……?"

I cried bitterly, crying hoarsely, her figure gradually became transparent, and I sat down on the floor in fear, stretching out my hands, but I couldn't touch her no matter what.

"Then, it's time to say goodbye, my child."

"No matter what moment, please believe that there must be someone who loves you in this world."

"Don't, betray love."

She turned into golden particles and floated into the air. Everything around me, the windows, the desk, the soup bowl, the stars, disappeared.

As if nothing had happened, as if nothing had existed, and fell into endless darkness.

I broke down in tears and closed my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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