After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 855 Chapter 849. If you are stabbed by a beautiful girl in the middle of the night, it shoul

In the stillness of the night, the torrential rain, the mysterious moonlight passing through the gap between the curtains and the floor, forming a silvery white line on the floor, the only sound in the room was the gentle breathing of Kazumi Kazumi.

Suddenly, there was a faint rustling sound outside the bedroom, and the person lying on the bed frowned. His sleep was very light, and the slightest sound would wake him up.

Turning over slightly, the arms dropped to the side, and subconsciously made the movement of hugging someone tightly, only to find that there was no one beside him.

In this way, I have become alone.

Feeling an indescribable helplessness in his heart, he let out a breath, and just as Mogami Kazuto reached for the water glass on the bedside table, a human silhouette suddenly appeared in the darkness.

White light flickered, penetrating the floor-to-ceiling windows to illuminate the entire room, and the elongated and thin figure was reflected on the curtains, like a ghost.

With red eyes and a sharp silver blade, the drenched girl holds a kitchen knife in both hands above her head, looking down at Kazuto Mogami from top to bottom with empty and empty eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder that sounded a step behind, her arms stabbed down with all her might.



The morning sun of early spring fell into the room, like fine dust like elves, dancing in the beam of light, Mogami Kazuto sat on the bed sweating, covering his cheek with one hand, feeling a chill down his spine at what happened in the dream.

"It's...a dream."

After sitting on the bed for 10 minutes, Mogami and others went downstairs to wash up and make coffee when they received a call from Saori Nishi.

"Hey, Kazuto, are you awake?"

It seems to be a question worth thinking about how people who have not woken up should answer the phone.


"Can we have lunch together?"

"...Just the two of us?"

"Hmm, are you not happy?"

After a few seconds of silence, Mogami Kazuto agreed.

To be honest, Kazuto Mogami basically has nothing to do now, the work of dubbing and singing has been put on hold for the time being, and the light novels have all been finished. It seems that he has returned to the state of four years ago when he had not yet debuted as a singer .

If he hadn't been reprimanded as a scumbag for cheating, maybe now is the time to enjoy life. With his current savings, as long as he and his parents don't get seriously ill, he can enjoy his life for the rest of his life.

However, that kind of thing seems to have nothing to do with Mogami Kazuto, he seems to be destined to live in torment, whenever the moon rises and dawn breaks, there is always an indescribable sense of hesitation in his heart, which makes him think.

Can he really be considered alive like this?

No one came to give him an answer.

After leaving the station and returning to the ground, I looked up at the sun above my head. The weather today was exceptionally clear, completely opposite to the gloom that Mogami Kazuto could not get rid of in his heart.

Walking into the appointed restaurant, there were quite a lot of people. The waiter directed Mogami Kazuto to sit in the corner by the window. Mogami Kazuto prefers a quiet place.

Little Nishi Saori didn't seem to come yet, so he quietly drank the lemonade handed by the waiter, looking at the street outside the floor-to-ceiling windows in a daze.

Suddenly, through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, a young woman with a satchel in both hands was leaning forward, looking at him with the corners of her mouth slightly upturned.

After feeling the line of sight, Kazuto Mogami raised her head to meet her eyes. She deliberately raised her right hand, using the floor-to-ceiling windows as a mirror, straightened the bangs on her forehead, and then said, "Ah! How could you be here?" Inside!" with a contrived expression.

Kazuto Mogami had no idea what the meaning of her performance was.

Afterwards, Xiaonishi Saori entered the store and sat down opposite Mogami Kazuto. She seemed to be in a good mood today, smiling very softly.

"What was that just now?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"Just now?"

Mogami Kazuto pointed to the French windows to the side, and flicked his own bangs to signal her behavior just now.

Xiao Nishi Saori thought for a while, and replied, "Hmm... is it to show the nervous side of a girl before a date?"

What a 28-year-old divorced woman is saying.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and stopped thinking about such insignificant things.

"Why did you suddenly think of having dinner together? It would be bad if you were photographed."

Xiao Xi Saori smiled lightly and waved her hands: "I'm not very popular, no one will come to follow me."

"Besides, it's okay to have a meal together even if you're divorced. People in the industry aren't that free yet."

Now that Saori Konishi said so, Kazuto Mogami stopped responding.

"By the way, I have something to ask you."


Konishi Saori opened the zipper of the handbag, took out a library from inside, and placed it in front of Kazuto Mogami.

It was the second volume of his new work that was just released a few days ago. Kazuto Mogami glanced at it, but said nothing.

"There is a new kid in our office. I heard that she is a fan of your novel. She is going to celebrate her birthday soon, so I wanted to prepare some gifts for her. Please sign it."

"Is it okay to give something like this as a birthday present?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

"No problem, I have other preparations."

"So that's how it is. You're such a good senior. Do you have a pen?"

Taking the signature pen from Konishi Saori, Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Do you have any photos?"

Xiao Xi Saori was stunned: "Photos? Yes, there are..."

She handed over her mobile phone, which showed a photo of Saori Konishi and another female voice actor with short hair dyed in highlights. The background was the Shennan recording studio where Kazuto Mogami often went to record.

"That's the kid?"

"Well, the name is wait!"

After realizing what happened, Saori Konishi immediately put back her phone, and looked at Kazuto Mogami with distrust on her face: "Hey, you don't want to attack female voice actors again, do you?"

"I haven't written down to the point of shooting readers."

"Isn't Licaijiang just that?"


Well, it does.

After Kazuto Mogami signed his name on the title page of the novel, he also drew a cartoon stick figure of the female voice actress.

Because of the loss of drawing skills, Kazuto Mogami could only draw a rough outline based on the impression he had in his hand, and he couldn't do it perfectly, but he was not ignorant of everything, at least he could draw highlights and dyed hairstyles.

After taking it, Saori Xiaoxi glanced at it, said "hmm~~" meaningfully, and said, "Let's be so-so."

"Oh yes, Yousha spent the night at my house last night."

Mogami Kazuto was slightly taken aback, and after thinking for a while, asked: "You..."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, and Kazuto, aren't you alive and kicking now?"

Kazuto Mogami didn't know how to answer the conversation, and he still didn't understand why Xiao Nishi Saori was so sure of her argument, obviously he never said anything like wanting to die in front of her from the beginning to the end.

But this woman's strangeness is not a matter of a day or two. Up to now, Mogami Kazuto has no intention to think about it. I don't know when his mentality will change. As long as we get along easily, everything else seems to be fine. No matter how important it is.

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