After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 856 850. Be a sincere person, nothing more.

"Hey, with people."


"About the future, have you thought about it?"

Kazuto Mogami put down his chopsticks and took a sip of lemonade. There was no sadness or joy on his face, but a calm expression.

"How do you think about their affairs, so you just do nothing?"

Mogami Kazuto squeezed the cup slightly, and said in a low voice, "I did it."

"No, you didn't."

Konishi Saori resolutely denied Kazuto Mogami's answer. She didn't just sit there and do nothing. Ayane Sakura naturally went to comfort her and learned some details about their relationship.

"Hey, Kazuto took the initiative to confess to all of them, didn't he? Then you should have expected that things would develop to this point. Are you really satisfied with this ending?"

"Everyone was bruised and bruised by you, did you care about their movements after that?
After going through such a blow, what kind of life did they live, and what kind of mood did they meet on the set? Because of you, everyone has an irresolvable gap in getting along with each other. Do you know this?

Are you really willing to just watch from the sidelines? "

"You, what do you want to say?"

"I'm asking you, what's on your mind. If you still love Caiyin, you shouldn't be sitting here chatting with me. You should have more important things to do, right?"

"Is this...the meaning of asking me to let go of Yousha and save the relationship by myself?"

Little Nishi Saori looked directly into Mogami Kazuto's eyes, and slowly shook his head: "That's enough, don't do it anymore, use Yousha as an excuse."


"I know very well Kazuren that you want to protect Yousha, and I don't doubt that you are sincerely repenting, but have you really never had such thoughts in your heart?

[Because I can't hurt her anymore, my own will doesn't matter. ] thoughts. "

Does Kazuto Mogami think so? Of course he thinks so.

Even if he can't form that kind of relationship with Qingshuiyousha now, he has never had sex with Qingshuiyousha during this period of time, and he can no longer hug her body without guilt and feel her as he did in the past. body temperature.

The incompetent who was once dominated by skills and lost his mind lost the [Harem Lord], and Kazuto Mogami no longer needed to rely on the female body to relieve his illness.

He is in good health, much healthier than many people.

But the spirit broke through the brink of collapse early, and was only suspended by a thin thread. Once the thread snapped, Kazuto Mogami would walk into the future that Saori Xiaonishi saw.

And it was the appearance of Xiao Xi Saori that prevented the thread from snapping.

"Hey, Kazuto, since no one told you, let me tell you."

"You are too arrogant to have such an idea."


"You are just an ordinary person, no, you are far inferior to those ordinary people who are trying their best to live in this world.

I want to solve everything by myself, and choose to avoid things that cannot be solved. When there is no way out, I simply adopt a negative attitude towards the day. "

"Three years ago, didn't you hurt Yousha so deeply because of such arrogant thoughts?"

"In this way, nothing has changed?"

"Heren, it's time for you to grow up. No one knows better than you what you want in your heart."

Little Xi Sazhi spoke sonorously and forcefully, tearing off his last fig leaf without hesitation, completely exposing his inner thoughts.

"I... want?"

"Ah, the ending you're really looking forward to, the ending that can respond to their feelings, can make you have the answer in your heart."

Konishi Saori has seen the future, so she can determine what Kazuto Mogami really thinks.

"What should I do..." He muttered to himself, hesitatingly thinking about Xiao Nishi Saori's words.

Xiao Xi Saori looked at him with many thoughts in her heart. This is indeed the future she chose, but she cannot be the agent of the future.

Kazuto Mogami had to make changes by himself, otherwise, maybe even the present and the future would change. The only thing she could do was to watch him silently.

On top of that, there are only trivial suggestions to make.

"Be a sincere person, that's all."



In the evening, on a certain set, after the recording ended.

Shimizu Yusa glanced at Sakura Ayane, who was smiling and exchanging hard work with the staff, and hesitated for a long time. During this time, Sakura Ayane from a distance noticed the way Shimizu Yusa looked at her. Liang Caiyin took the initiative to look away and walked towards the exit.

Qing Shui Yousha clutched his satchel nervously, and followed with strides.

After leaving the building, Ayane Sakura came to the parking lot. Just as she was about to open the door of the driver's seat, she heard the high-pitched voice of a female voice actress behind her, and Ayane Sakura had to pretend not to hear it.

And when she got into the car and just started the car, she saw Qingshui Yousha standing in front of the car without hesitation, blocking her way with her arms outstretched.

Sakura Ayane, who was in an irritable mood, kept honking her horn and making a shrill car horn.

Even so, Qingshuiyousha didn't intend to move his body at all.

The stalemate lasted for five or six minutes. Sakura Ayane slowly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, rolled down the car window, and said in a cold voice, "What's the matter."

"I, have something to say to Neru-san."

Sakura Ayane didn't make a sound, as if she was waiting for Shimizu Yousha to speak.

Qingshui Yousha looked around, and then said, "Neru-san intends to let me talk here?"

"I'm very busy. If there is nothing important, let's talk about it next time. You can use the line or call, it's up to you."

"Obviously blocked me."

Sakura Ayane hammered the steering wheel impatiently, her voice almost drowning out the car horn.

"How about it?! Do you want me to add an intimate note to you, and then let you do some shameless things!"

The same voice actors who were walking towards the parking lot after the recording ended, saw Qingshui Yousha standing motionless in front of the car, and came up curiously to say hello.

Ayane Sakura, who was sitting in the car, saw other voice actors present, and silently closed her mouth tightly, just staring at the clear water with sand, her eyes almost bursting into flames.

"I'm about to go to the next set with Ms. Sakura." Shimizu Yousa lied sweetly with a smile.

Immediately, taking this opportunity, he immediately walked around to the co-pilot's door, waved at the two voice actors, opened the door with a relaxed expression and sat in.

Sakura fricatively clenched the hands holding the steering wheel more tightly.

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