Chapter 865 859.
Because such lines really didn't seem like words that would come out of Taneda Risa's mouth, Mogami Kazuto was a little dazed for a moment.

Immediately, Naneda Lisha, who was standing at the cooking table, laughed out loud: "Don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing. I really just want to cook a simple meal."

Kazuto Mogami believed her, and it was more difficult for a girl like Taneda Risa to lie to him about this.

"I'm not worrying about that kind of thing."

"Oh huh?"

Mogami Kazuto's face remained unchanged, he looked at Taneda Risa quietly: "Is it really good?"

"Well, after all, He Jun often came to cook for me at that time, I... don't want to owe you anything."

"Lisha didn't owe me anything in the first place, but I owe you a lot of things, and I can't finish it in my life."

After hearing the words, Lisa Zhongtian stood there silently. After a while, the sound of cutting vegetables came from the cooking table.

Mogami Kazuto could only look at her without saying a word.

This is a very strange feeling. In the past, he was the one standing on the cooking table, getting along with her intimately, and talking about the unique love between lovers. Those days will never go back no matter what.

It would be a lie to say that it is not sentimental at all. Mogami Kazuto has never been a strong person, and it is only natural that he will be nostalgic.

Because of his own selfishness and desires, Kazuto Mogami was dazzled, and took advantage of the situation when Naneda Lisa was hospitalized due to illness and needed company most.

However, Naneda Risa didn't seem to blame him, and Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure out if this was the true meaning of Naneda Risa, or just pretending to be relaxed.

"Hey, did He-jun come to see me specially today?"

Suddenly, Taneda Lisha asked a question suddenly, Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a moment, and still denied it: "Didn't you say you were in a meeting with the editorial department?"

"Does He Jun really think that I will believe your words?"

"That's not it?"

"Sure enough, you should come to see me specially, and deliberately dress in that strange way."


Seeing that Mogami Kazuto stopped talking, Taneda Risa slightly hooked the corners of her mouth: "Hey, why?"

"what why?"

"He Jun is like a stalker, sneaking up to observe my reason."

"Is there no better way to say it?"

"It was."

Kazuto Mogami didn't answer the conversation, and looked away absent-mindedly. Risa Taneda stopped asking questions and started cooking quietly.

Taneda Risa is basically a girl who doesn't cook. It was during her association with Kazuto Mogami that she came up with the idea of ​​learning cooking.

Her boyfriend is a very good cook. Being around such a person will inevitably make me feel a little motivated. Naneda Lisa is a girl with such a positive tendency.

"He Jun, is it really okay if you don't go back at night?"

Most Shanghe raised his eyelids: "What do you mean?"

"Hmm...caiyin, she won't, is she angry?"

"We have already broken up."


"It's true this time, I won't lie to you."

"Well, whether it's true or not, it has nothing to do with me. Today I really just want Kazu-kun to taste my cooking. There is no other meaning."

Taneda Risa's smile was very sincere, and she couldn't see any lies, and Mogami Kazuto didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Hmm... Although there is nothing wrong with it, somewhere in my heart, I still feel a little bit of reluctance and entanglement.

Mogami Kazuto felt more and more that he was a sinful person. Even at this point, he would still fantasize about giving these lovely girls happiness that did not exist.

Looking at her busy figure at the cooking table, Mogami Kazuto gradually closed his eyes, silently listening to the sounds of life around him, trying to adjust everything his body can feel to before the incident, and wanting to have a shallow dream .

Unknowingly, Mogami Kazuto fell into a deep sleep like this. He curled up on the sofa, noticed the farmer Risa here, walked out from the cooking table, and quietly looked at Mogami Kazuto who had fallen asleep for a while. He found a blanket and put it on him.

In terms of this scene alone, it is not surprising that they are considered to be couples in love.

But the relationship between them, indeed the betrayer and the betrayed, is one of the worst and most disgusting relationships.

If the curtain was not ushered in that way, but a more gentle and more leeway result, perhaps there is still a possibility of continuing to develop between them, and even rebuilding the old good.

But the word "betrayal" is the same as the stain on the white shirt, and it stays there forever. Every time I look at it, I will recall the heart-wrenching pain of being betrayed.

Although Gengtian Lisha loves him, she doesn't love to the extent that she can forgive all his actions, but in her heart, her love for him is greater than her hatred for him.

At the same time, sorrow is greater than love.

She thought, maybe for Kazuto Mogami, a sickly woman like herself is just a spice for him to change his taste occasionally, and only a girl like Ayane Sakura is his real destiny.

Not only is his body sick, but his thoughts are also very negative. Without him, I might not be able to take the step of having surgery.

As long as the relationship with him is regarded as repaying a favor, you see, isn't it often acted like this in TV dramas, there is no way to repay a great kindness, only to promise it with your body and so on.

Hmm... Although it sounds nice, isn't that just a disguised form of body trading.

Every time she thinks of this, Zhongtian Lisha can't help but start to feel lost again.

At least she wanted to believe it, and she wanted to have the feeling of love in her heart for Naneda Lisha at that time.

As for whether Kazuto Mogami loves her, she no longer has the confidence to say for a long time.

Gently reached out to him, and finally the palm stayed in front of his cheek, did not touch his cheek for a long time, silently withdrew her hand, and Naneda Lisa returned to the cooking table.



"He-jun, dinner is ready."

The voice of Naneda Risa came from his ear, Mogami Kazuto frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes, and Naneda Risa in an apron was standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

It took about three seconds to figure out what position he was in, and Mogami Kazuto immediately sat up straight.

Maybe it's because he hasn't been here for a long time, but the warm aura that makes him sleepy is filled with Naneda Lisha and this room.

Mogami Kazuto missed this atmosphere very much, but knew that he and Naneda Lisa could not go back to the past, and his already lonely mood became a little sad. Seeing Naneda Lisa glanced at him, he had to pretend to cheer up Come.

(End of this chapter)

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