Chapter 866 860.

Ringing the doorbell, carrying two bags of ingredients with clear water and sand, he stood silently in front of Mogami Kazuto's house.

However, after a long time, no one came out to answer the door, and they rang the doorbell again, but there was still no movement.

Gently pushing the half-person-high iron door, it opened without any resistance.

It is somewhat unexpected that there is sand in the clear water. Mogami Kazuto is usually a person who pays great attention to anti-theft measures, and rarely forgets to close the door.

Walking into the courtyard, he subconsciously turned the door, but remained motionless.

So, with clear water and sand, he ran into the courtyard and tried to move the French windows, but they were still locked tightly.

In desperation, she could only sit lonely in the courtyard, watching the sunset in the sky, quietly waiting for Kazuto Mogami to come back.

In the shopping bag of the supermarket, the ice cream on the top layer quietly melted into a liquid, permeating the inside helplessly.



Kazuto Mogami had dinner at Taneda Risa's house. There was nothing special about this meal. The taste could only be said to be ordinary, not so outstanding, but it would not be subtle or difficult to swallow.

To evaluate simply, it is delicious.

The most ordinary delicious.

But no matter how ordinary, delicious food is delicious after all, so Mogami Kazuto did not hold back his praise.

And Lisha, who was praised, did not show how happy she was.

"Hey, who is He-jun seriously dating now?"


"No one is serious?"

"No, there is no one who is dating."

"Huh? Don't you have a physical relationship?"


"Hey~~ It's really surprising."

Even Mogami Kazuto felt quite uncomfortable when the gentle and considerate Naneda Lisha said such things to her face.

What was even more unbearable was that what she said was quite correct.

"So? What's that? What does it mean to turn over a new leaf?"

Mogami Kazuto thought for a long time, but still didn't know what words to use to describe his current situation. After a while, he said lightly: "It's not such a noble thing, I'm just bored."

"To girls?"

"Sana..." Mogami Kazuto replied ambiguously.

Gengtian Lisha shook her head: "Hejun is awkward as always, why do you always think about everything so complicated?"

"My affairs are fine. How about Lisha, how are you doing?"

Kazuto Mogami's method of changing the subject was too clumsy, so clumsy that Taneda Risa didn't even want to talk to him.

"Knowing how I am doing recently, so what can I do? As you can see, I can now cook for myself. Even if I am not with you, my life will not be affected in any way."

"That's it..." Although it was the expected answer, it was inevitable that I would feel a little disappointed.

"I'm lying to you, the life of a person is completely different, it's like losing one eye, seeing everything is limited, and you can't tell the distance, it's incredible, obviously before I met you, I came here alone of."

"Pear Sha..."

"Pfft haha! Hey~ When I say this, does Kazu-kun feel a terrible sense of guilt? I'm just kidding, life alone is also very happy, unexpectedly happy."

Seeing her smiling face, Kazuto Mogami froze in place, at a loss as to what to do.

"On days when you have a job, you should go to work with all your heart. When you don't have a job, you can find something you like to do. Playing games at home by yourself is also very enjoyable.

Ah... He Jun must not know how much I like playing games, because He Jun always shows a full aura, and never talks about games, I think you may not like games, so I didn’t Talked to you about this.

So, now I can brush materials more happily. "

"You can do whatever you want alone, you don't have to get up early to put on makeup for a date, and you don't have to worry about when you will come, and you can clean the house spotlessly. I don't know how much easier it is to be alone.

In this way, isn't it all good things? "

"Of course, this does not mean that there is no bad thing. Whenever it is night, I feel that half of my strength has been taken away, and I can't do anything. I can't help thinking about what I should do. What was wrong, I thought about it all night, and I couldn't sleep for a long time."

Every word that Taneda Risa said was like a hammer hitting Mogami Kazuto's chest hard, but Naneda Risa could still smile at this time, making Mogami Kazuto sigh her strength.

When she was sick and hospitalized, Naneda Risa always showed a fearless expression, but Kazuto Mogami knew that it was not the real Naneda Risa.

She just deliberately made others feel that she didn't care.

It was in the hospital, and it is now.

But even if Kazuto Mogami could see through her disguise, he couldn't tear her disguise here. For a girl who tried her best to hide her cowardice, Kazuto Mogami would have no reason to expose her.

"Hey, He-jun."

"Are you happy now?"


This question is too unclear for Mogami Kazuto, or to say, Mogami Kazuto no longer has any extravagant hopes for happiness.

"Pushing the girl I like away from my side, I can only watch furtively from a distance like this, today it is me, yesterday it may be someone else, who will it be tomorrow?
Are you really satisfied with this life? "

The answer is obvious, of course it is impossible to be satisfied, how could it be possible.

"Lisha, my life is no longer controlled by my own will."

"I don't understand. Is it because He Jun is guilty? Because he did too much to me and said too much to me, so he looked at the cat he abandoned on the street with the eyes, looking forward to I was picked up by a kind person passing by?"

Mogami Kazuto was startled, and quickly explained: "I've never thought of this before."

"Then why did you come back to this place!"


"Why, you have to turn back and appear in front of my eyes?"

"Hejun, do you really hate me so much? Want to see how sad I am because of you?"

Mogami Kazuto's voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he stared blankly at Taneda Risa in front of him.

She suddenly stood up in silence, walked in front of Mogami Kazuto, knelt on the chair between Mogami Kazuto's legs with her right knee, put her hands on his shoulders, and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Just seeing your face makes me ashamed of my weakness."

(End of this chapter)

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