Chapter 868 862.
Naneda Risa can forgive Mogami Kazuto for all the excessive things she has done to her. Between love and hate, Naneda Risa's love is overwhelmingly greater than hate.

Subconsciously, you will want to continue to hug him, and you will want to continue to kiss him.

However, if you put everything on the bright side, ask her if she is willing to put aside her previous suspicions and stay by Mogami Kazuto's side.

the answer is negative.

Naneda Lisa didn't think it was such a difficult thing to understand.

It's like knowing that smoking is harmful to health, but people who want to smoke will not stop smoking because of this.

It's just a hug, it's just a kiss, even if you hug a hundred times and kiss a thousand times, Zhongtian Lisha still won't change her mind.

Do you like him?


Want to be with him?


Why don't we just stay together like this?
……Do not.

She refuses.

Taneda Risa let go of Mogami Kazuto, took a few steps back, and stood quietly in front of Mogami Kazuto.

"He Jun, whether it's you or me, you can't always be stuck in the past."

"I will never forget the days when I was with Lisha."

"Me too, He-jun."

"Really, can't you give me another chance?"

"Is Caiyin willing to give you a chance?"

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

Taneda Risa raised her hand, gently touched Mogami Kazuto's face, showing a somewhat lonely smile.

"He-kun is really an idiot. I'm also a girl, so of course I feel the same way as her."

Taneda Risa's mood is the same as that of Sakura Ayane. There is no saying that one's sorrow is higher than another's sorrow. The pain is regardless of size.

It's just that due to differences in personal personality, everyone's attitude towards the same thing is different.

Taneda Risa seems to be much more talkative than Sakura Ayane, but that doesn't mean she can accept Mogami Kazuto's words.

Because of dating and falling in love, Taneda Risa can be sure that it is impossible for Mogami Kazuto to abandon other girls for her alone.

He'd tell her he wanted to be with her, and he'd be sure to say the same thing to other girls.

This is indeed a cruel thing.



Putting on his shoes, Kazuto Mogami pulled the door and walked out slowly. Nakeda Risa followed and stood inside the door looking at Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami looked into her eyes with reluctance. Kazuto Mogami would probably never know what kind of expression she showed during the time when he was in a relationship with him.

"Is the food tonight still to your liking?"

"'s delicious, thank you for the hospitality."

"Hey, I'm really happy to be recognized by the cooking master."

Mogami Kazuto lowered his face slightly, finally raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiled at her, waved goodbye and left.

Boarding the tram home, looking through the window at the neon city under the night, Mogami Kazuto was surprisingly calm and did not feel lost because of being rejected.

In the final analysis, deep down in his heart, he had never expected this. Although Zhongtian Lisha looked weak, she was a person with a firm mind in her bones.

It is impossible for Mogami Kazuto to distort her will. Since she has no will in this regard, Mogami Kazuto can only respect her choice.

After returning to Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami walked slowly on the deserted and quiet street. The cool breeze in March was very pleasant, and the fragrance of cherry blossoms wafted in the air. The fragrance floats to the north and south.

He has walked this road countless times, alone, and with many different girls. At that time, he naively thought that he would go on this road with the girl he was with at that time.

I can't talk about feeling something, just a little bit of emotion.

Arriving in front of the building with the "Mogami" letter, Kazuto Mogami just pushed open the half-person-high iron gate, and saw the clear water with sand squatting in the courtyard at a glance.

The silver light of the mobile phone reflected on her petite face, adding a touch of cuteness and weirdness for no reason in the thick night.

"Is there sand?"

"Ah...Heren-san, you're back."

Qing Shui You Sha raised his face, rubbed his numb buttocks, and trotted over.

"Why are you here?"

Qingshui Yousha lifted the supermarket shopping bag by his hand, and raised a simple smile: "I'm hungry."


"Although I can cook by myself now, I really still want to eat the dishes made by Kazuto-sang." Qingshui Yousha tilted his head cutely: "Is it not possible?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at her, and the image of Taneda Risa working alone at the cooking table flashed in her mind, as well as the smiling face she showed to herself before she left.

In fact, there is no difference between Shimizu Yousa and them, whether compared with Taneda Risa or Sakura Ayane, Shimizu Yousa is also an ordinary girl.

It's just that their choices are different.

In their view, the choice of clear water and sand must be wrong and unreasonable, but for Mogami Kazuto, a person who chooses to stand by his side no matter what makes him feel heavy, and at the same time Make him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

After all, humans are such contradictory animals.

Kazuto Mogami patted her on the head lightly: "Let's go into the house first."


Walking into the living room, Kazuto Mogami carried all the things Shimizu Yousha bought into the kitchen, and Shimizu Yousha slumped on the living room sofa without any intention of treating himself as an outsider.

"Why don't you just call me? What if I don't come back tonight?"

Qingshui Yousha shook his head: "No, Heren-sang will come back."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know where her confidence came from. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Are you hungry now?"

"Not hungry, come and talk to me for a while."

"it is good."

Shimizu Yousha shrank back, patted the seat beside her, Mogami Kazuto hesitated slightly, and sat down beside her.

Shimizu Yousha leaned his head on his arm without any hesitation, and Mogami Kazuto didn't overreact.

"Hey, Kazuto-san, there is something that I have to apologize to you."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her, his expression still indifferent.

"Yousha doesn't have to apologize to me for anything."

"No, it's different this time. Although I didn't do anything to Kazuto-san, I secretly went to meet Neru-san and said those words to Neru-san."

"Those words?"

"Something that offends her."

"That's it."


Mogami Kazuto sighed softly: "Because there is sand, you must have known that she would be angry before you said it, right?"

"Hmm... so to speak, why did Kazuto-sang know?"

"I'm just getting along with you with the idea of ​​wanting to know you better. You are such a genius who can make her angry."

Qingshui Yousha was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a naive and shy expression.

"By the way, what did you say to her?"

"It's no big deal."


"It's just that she wants her to include me, other female voice actors, and Rensang in her harem, so that we can live a happy and happy life together, and she gets angry."


(End of this chapter)

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