Chapter 871 865.
If you want to ask me how I feel at this moment, I can't describe it. I just feel that I am still immersed in a dream. Maybe I actually died in the bathroom at home that night. What I feel at this moment is just my poor conjecture.

But her voice, her body temperature, the softness of her palms, everything is incomparably real, and it really makes me afraid, afraid that I will wake up in the lonely early morning next moment, leaving only the darkness to accompany me.

If it was a dream, I would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, this does not seem to be a dream.

After realizing this, I felt that my body suddenly became light, as if a heavy thing had been dug out of my heart, like a reef from which parasites had been removed, and I felt incredibly relaxed.

" it okay?"

I couldn't help confirming again, making a cautious voice.

"It's okay to say it all, don't let me say it so many times, do you think it's a good thing?" She punched my shoulder with her forehead with some complaints.

"Um... I'm sorry."

Indeed, as she said, this is not a good thing to say. On the contrary, once we make up our minds, we are bound to encounter many criticisms in the future.

She is much more mature than Yousha, and she is a person with more common sense, which means she knows exactly what kind of path we are heading towards.

But even so, she agreed to my ridiculous request.

I suddenly felt that I had taken a long detour. Five years ago, I would never have imagined that the little Nishi Saori who I thought was a villain would be willing to make such a sacrifice for me.

Now, if it is for her, I am willing to do anything.

Originally, we could have become a happier ordinary couple.

But if I want to abandon everything now, abandon Yousha, and only pursue the happiness of two people with Saori, I can't do it.

Some things, once lost, can never be brought back, but for me, this thing came back to me in a brand new way, just being able to come back is enough to make me thankful, and I can no longer expect more many.


I whispered her name softly.

She didn't respond to me, but squeezed my hand harder and harder. I don't know if it was my illusion, but I could feel her hand shaking.

I can't know her mood at this moment, just like she can't know my mood at this moment. After all, human beings are animals that can't understand each other. Even today, I haven't changed my mind.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand.

There are relationships in the world where people don't understand but are willing to tolerate each other. I want to be that kind of existence with her and with them.

Suddenly, Saori opened her arms and hugged me tightly, without any warning.

I just felt that her action was very abrupt, which caught me off guard.

"Hey, Kazuto..."


"You said, could this be a dream?"


"I have been clearly alienating you, watching you as a bystander, thinking that leaving you is the most correct choice, I never expected to be able to hug you like this.

Simply, like a dream. "

"Saori, you..."

"I'm sorry, I colluded with Yousha to do that kind of thing to you back then, lied to you, failed to open up to you, didn't care about your thoughts, and completely hurt you. It's all my fault, really I'm sorry, Kazuto."

"I'm the one who didn't notice your true intentions and kept digging into the horns. I would rather divorce you than confirm your inner thoughts.

To be honest, at that time, deep down in my heart, I was a little afraid of you. "

"...I know, Kazuto is a cowardly person, he dare not reveal his heart to others, and I am the same.

That's why we can't be a real couple, us. "

This is indeed a pity, and now we sincerely understand what it means to miss.

Suddenly looking back, I missed the 24-year-old Saori Mogami, and now I am talking to the 28-year-old Saori Konishi.

And now Saori Konishi can no longer be the only one for Kazuto Mogami.

The shortcomings of life are always so lonely.

I couldn't help hugging her tightly, and began to recall in my mind, recalling whether there was ever such a strong hug between me and her like today.

The ridiculous thing is that we who used to be husband and wife have never experienced even such a matter of course.

However, even if I missed it, I still hold her tightly in my arms now, even if our relationship is not so perfect, even if the relationship becomes distorted.

We really embraced each other and tasted the bitter and bitter, hard-won love after many years of absence.

"Hey, Heren."

Saori fell into my arms, her voice was so soft that it was not like Saori Xiaoxi, but more like some other character, like a first love girlfriend who only existed in comic books. She disappeared the next moment.


"Do you remember what happened that night?"

"That evening……"

I was in a trance for a moment.

"Well, I can't forget it, how can I forget it?"

Saori in her arms suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, smiling very charmingly, and raised her eyelids to glance at me.

"Yeah... your heartbeat seems to be faster, you must be thinking about something."

"It doesn't count."

I answer this way.

"You always speak so ambiguously, it's not pleasant at all."

I thought about it, maybe it was the reason, so I changed my mind immediately.

"Well, I thought about it."

"What do you think?"

"What happened that night." I answered truthfully.

She gave a "tsk" with a smile, and didn't laugh or tease me anymore, but just lay quietly in my arms, listening to the sound of my heartbeat.

"Then you should know, I only did that once in my life, 28 years."

The tone of Saori in my arms is seductive, she has never spoken to me in such a tone, presumably this is because the relationship has changed, I am undoubtedly happy, but also feel a little guilty.


The me that night was not gentle at all, and I could even be said to be a little rough.

"I'm not blaming you, it's just horrifying to think that you've done something like that with so many voice actors."

I was suddenly speechless.

Suddenly, she lifted my neck and stared seriously into my eyes.

"Hey, Kazuto, I don't want the person I like to be an irresponsible man. Can you understand me when I say this?"

I opened my mouth, but couldn't give her an immediate response.

I thought carefully about what she wanted to say, what she wanted to express, and closed my eyes thoughtfully. Several other girls appeared in my mind.

"Well, it's clear."

(End of this chapter)

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