As the person involved in the incident, I myself was still immersed in an illusory atmosphere, and it was hard to believe what happened to me.

If I understand correctly, both Saori and Yusa seem willing to be by my side and recognize each other's existence.

Even though I couldn't give them the promise of marriage, they were still willing to do so, which really surprised me, and then I was filled with unspeakable emotions.

To do this for a man like me, I will never be able to repay their kindness in my life. I can only give them what I have as much as I can in my limited life.

To be honest, I am very clear that this is not something that can be easily resolved, and I also know that whether we can maintain this relationship is all in my mind.

If three years later, five years later, ten years later.

At that time, I was suddenly tired of the life at that time, and suddenly registered a marriage with a woman other than them, discarding them like throwing away the dilapidated teddy bear that accompanied the whole childhood.

No one can deny that there is no such possibility.

Yousha may not have thought about this kind of thing, but Saori couldn't ignore the possibility of this happening. She still made a decision on the basis of understanding the risks.

And the only thing I can do is to make her in the future feel that her choice today is not wrong.

For that, I still have a long way to go.

"Hey, Saori."

I gently pushed her shoulders away and looked into her eyes seriously.

"I really want to try again."

Even if I didn't say the subject, I think Saori must be able to understand, understand what I want to say, and agree with it.

"It's fine with Kazuto as long as you do things that you won't regret."

She stretched out her hand and gently touched my cheek. Her slender fingers were slightly cool. I couldn't help but hold it in the palm of my hand and knead it in every possible way as if I didn't want to let go.

"If I don't do anything, I will definitely regret it."


"Sorry, I couldn't love you with all my heart."


"I'm sorry, but I'm such a careless person."

"I know, I don't blame you."

"Sorry, I didn't make you the real Mogami Saori."

"I've...let go of it, so, as long as Kazuto continues to be Kazuto, it's fine."

I closed my eyes, hugged her tightly, and whispered her name over and over again.

"Saori, Saori, Saori..."

"...Well, I'm here, Kazuto."

"Already, I won't go again."

I was still uneasy in my heart, worried that one day she would suddenly reject me like she did back then, so I kept seeking confirmation like an ignorant child.

"I'm not going anywhere. I have nowhere to go except to be with people."

There is nothing more reassuring than this, all the strength in my body suddenly relaxed, and I gently let go of her from my arms with a little reluctance.

She looked at me quietly, and there seemed to be something I didn't know hidden in her eyes that had always been as calm as water. Her eyes were getting closer and closer to me, and her face was getting closer and closer.

As it should be, the lips are getting closer and closer.

The moment our lips touched each other, there seemed to be a subtle current stirring in my blood. It was just a moment, but it seemed to be half a century long.

The four eyes met, and neither of them blinked. Slowly and gently, they took turns nibbling each other's lips, as if they were playing a wonderful game.

For the first time, I realized that kissing is such a heart-pounding behavior. Maybe it was the behavior that made me feel numb to these things. I seem to have found the love that I should have, but it was lost by me in a certain process. stuff.

I think, at this moment, I should be a healthy person.

My heart is beating, so real.



In the evening, Yousha rang the doorbell of Saori's house with the ingredients she bought, and the three of them met together after a long absence.

With a shopping bag in his hand, Yousha bounced up to me with a happy smile on his face, looked at Saori behind him, and then at me.

After a short while of silence, he suddenly asked:


"I didn't do it!"

Saori and I denied it at the same time.

Yousha's eyes swayed back and forth between me and Saori, and he didn't say anything, as if he believed us.

To be honest, for a man like me who used to have sex with female voice actors every day to suddenly abstain from sexual intercourse, I didn’t feel much at first, but after a long time, I will indeed start to realize that aspect, especially when I’m with After they kissed, no matter how repulsed they were in their hearts, their bodies responded honestly.

I still feel that I shouldn't regard that kind of thing as the whole of love, but I also admit that in love, that kind of thing is an indispensable part, but at least now, before all of them forgive me, I can't do that.

I can't say why, and I don't think it will alleviate the guilt in my heart, I just think this is an important step, at least for me, it is a measure to maintain me or me.

Probably, deep down in my heart I was still afraid, afraid that once I unscrewed the sex valve, I would turn back into the emotionless Mogami Kazuto before.

However, I am no longer alone now, Sa and Saori are by my side, after seeing my ugliness and embarrassment, they are still there.

As long as I have them by my side to support me, I will never become an emotionless machine again, and I will no longer be deprived of my emotions.

Next, every choice I make is my sincere expectation.

"Yousha, what did you buy?"

"Well... Potatoes, eggs, beef, tomatoes, and curry cubes."

"Then let's make potato stew tonight, and let you see how delicious Xiao Xiliu's special potato stew is."

"It's not necessary, I want to eat what He Rensang made."


It's been too long since I've seen two girls over there arguing over dinner and smiling.

Compared to smiles and the like, I am used to crying faces and tears. I know this is not a good thing, and I want them to live a life full of smiles no matter what.

I want to protect their smiles, in order not to make them cry, and try to be a person who makes them smile from the bottom of their hearts.

Want to be a man who makes them not regret today's decision.

"Hmm... and people?"


Their eyes sparkled with surprise, and they all looked at me with surprise on their faces.

When I came back to my senses, I suddenly hugged the two of them together in my arms. If such a scene falls into the eyes of outsiders, it would be very unimaginable.

"There is sand, Saori."

"I like you, from now on... please stay by my side too."

I hugged their waists tightly, and while they were complaining that I could not breathe, they suddenly laughed softly, which was very charming and beautiful.

Then, the girls in my arms kissed both sides of my cheek at the same time.

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