After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 875 869. You know, none of us can resist reality.

Chapter 875 869. You know, none of us can resist reality.

Facing Kazuto Mogami's absurd speech, he received a cold stare as expected, Sakura Ayane didn't even taunt him, and looked at Shimizu Yousa and Konishi Saori with a cold face, silently picked up the bag, and shook his head I left without returning.

Obviously, Sakura Ayane absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing. This is something Mogami Kazuto has known for a long time. Mogami Kazuto tried to run over to keep her, but Sakura Ayane shook off his arm violently. When he saw Saki In Liang Caiyin's eyes full of resentment, tears were shining.

Kazuto Mogami finally came to his senses.

Perhaps Ayane Sakura really still had a trace of nostalgia for Kazuto Mogami left in her heart, and this little nostalgia was completely wiped out because of his confession to everyone just now.

What makes Mogami Kazuto understand more deeply is that he knows that between himself and Sakura Ayane, this will be the case in this life.

Are you sorry?
After all, there are, but compared with regret, there are more emotions that cannot be appealed to in words. The final destination of these things that cannot be expressed can only be piled up in the bottom of my heart, and I will never touch them again.

What is life?

Standing at the next crossroads, Mu Ran looked back at the devastation along the way, whether it was smiles or tears, there was nothing left.

After Sakura Ayane left, Taneda Risa also left, and she finally looked at Kazuto Mogami with deep sadness and disappointment.

You are building an unblessed relationship. Parents, friends, and society will not be understood in every field, and they will even speak ill of you. All previous interpersonal relationships will be subverted and viewed with colored glasses. , Do you really have that awareness? "

She stared straight at Mogami Kazuto, hoping to hear the answer she wanted from him, but she knew in her heart that she could not persuade Mogami Kazuto at all.

Hidaka Lina couldn't understand, she didn't understand why Shimizu Yousha and Konishi Saori could do this.

"No one will bless you," she continued.



"Forcing them to do such a thing, what can satisfy your heart?"

"Isn't it okay to choose just one? Even if it's not me, it doesn't matter if it's Qijiang or Xiao Xisang. I just think I've been cheated. Even if I can't wish you happiness peacefully, I can still be strangers to you from now on." .”

"Even if you have children in the future, your children will not be happy. They will be called mistresses' children, they will be bullied at school, and they will live in the shadow of their parents throughout their childhood. Is it alright?"

Kazuto Mogami, the man she loves and hates at the same time, shouldn't have such a bland and happy ending.

Xiaonishi Saori and Shimizu had to bear much more than Mogami and Ren.

Kazuto Mogami has experienced too many regrets. He should have had a more normal and ordinary life, but he has embarked on the completely opposite path.

She has been silently watching Mogami Kazuto and the other two girls with a kind of indifference, like a bystander's indifferent eyes.

Hidaka Lina frowned, her eyes were cold.

Shimizu Yousa wanted to argue, but she still wanted to embrace Mogami Kazuto's changes on her body and continue to be his shield, but was interrupted by Mogami Kazuto raising her hand.

Looking at the petite girl in front of him, he stepped forward lightly, with a flat gaze, he reached out to wipe away the tears on her cheek, but she backed away to avoid it.

He can't say that he can understand Hidaka Lina's mood at this moment, and he can't empathize with him. It's just that he can't feel a trace of dissatisfaction with Hidaka Lina's words. Apart from being full of guilt, he just wants to stretch out arms to embrace her.

"Qi Jiang, I should have a lot of things to say to you, but I think you are a good girl, and you will become what you are now, all because of his influence.

It could be seen that Hidaka Licai still wanted to drag them back there.

"You guys, are you serious?"

"Licaijiang, no..."

She was looking up at Kazuto Mogami, eyes filled with various emotions were filled with crystal clear liquid, and she was trying to control the transparent liquid from dripping down.

What she said was not wrong. Thinking from common sense, she was right, and Mogami Kazuto and others were wrong, there was no doubt about it.

"But if you do this, no one will be able to obtain happiness, do you have to indulge in that false harmony? Or do you really think that those two people can be with you forever?
No, reality is not as naive as it is written in light novels.

It's this kind of groundless words again, he always says these things that make her feel naive, obviously he can't do it at all.

Hidaka Lina confirmed again and again, those bright eyes lost their former expression, and looked back and forth at the three people in front of them.

To Mogami Kazuhito's surprise, Hidaka Lina didn't leave right away.

"I know."

Kazuto Mogami knew what kind of girl Hidaka Lina was.

They stared at each other silently. Shimizu Yousa originally wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but Xiao Nishi Saori tugged at his sleeves, and then the two went upstairs without saying a word, leaving Mogami Kazuto and Hidaka Rina behind. Alone in the living room.

Xiaoxi Saori understands, and so does clear water with sand.

That's why Hidaka Lina couldn't forgive him, thinking that Mogami Kazuto was a selfish bastard who only cared about himself.

Kazuto Mogami did not avoid her gaze, and took the hand of Saori Konishi and Yousa Shimizu, which surprised them slightly.

Even now, he still wants to involve more people into this endless abyss.

You should know that none of us can resist reality. "

Hidaka Lina felt extremely sad about this, the man she liked had two faces, he completely betrayed, hurt her, besides hurting other people, many people.

Knowing that there might be no way out ahead, they still dragged them forward without hesitation.

Shimizu Yousha answered decisively, Hidaka Rina remained silent for a while, and cast her gaze coldly at Mogami Kazuto.

Hidaka Rina was not surprised, but she still showed a frustrated expression. Perhaps she was also looking forward to a miracle in her heart, and hoped that Kazuto Mogami could wake up.

If possible, she hoped that these two people could leave Mogami Kazuto, no one should be unhappy.

When she learned that the two chose to stay with Kazuto Mogami out of her own will, she finally showed an expression of disbelief.

She even forgot that she should be angry with Qing Shui Yousha.

Kazuto Mogami understood what she said.

If it wasn't because of love, why would she be angry at this time.

His face didn't show any emotions, annoyance, unwillingness, anger, nothing at all, he just looked straight into Hidaka Licai's eyes, and sighed in his heart that her eyes didn't hide any deep emotions.

Mogami talks to people.


"I'm going to try not to let things turn out that way."

"Is this what you call 'love'?"

Reality is reality, novels are novels, dating with them at the same time may make you feel very happy at first, but no harem novel will write the story after that, it is destined to be a tragedy.

Compared with Kazuto Mogami, she seems to care more about Saori Konishi and Yousha Shimizu.

"Three people together or something, this kind of relationship is really disgusting, it doesn't make people feel happy at all, it just makes me want to throw up."

This is a relationship without any sense of security. No one can guarantee how far this ridiculous relationship will last. Even so, they still choose three people to be together, trying to find their place in this society.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know where he got the courage to look straight into those sad eyes, which almost drained all his strength, the kind of eyes facing the one he loves would make anyone collapse.

I hope you can take a good look at yourself, we should know what is right and what is wrong, do you really understand what your choice means?

"I know, I'm grateful that Li Caijiang can still think about me, but I have made my own choice."

Hidaka Lina confidently believes that she is not jealous, but simply can't let go, and can't let go of why girls can do such things.

"You are right."

Facing her decisive eyes as if looking at a stranger, Mogami Kazuto remained unmoved, maintaining the posture of extending his arms.

"Ricai, come here.

come together……

Forget reality. "

(End of this chapter)

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