One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 301 Chapter 2908 Ma Guang

Chapter 301 Chapter [-] Ma Guang
When Zhou Tai was waiting on the sidelines, someone from the City Lord's Mansion quietly came to him and issued him a strange token. After the issuance, the people from the City Lord's Mansion left quietly. The sound, and the person who distributed it did not dare to look at the few monks who built Jindan in the middle of the square from the beginning to the end.

Every selected young man has one of the tokens in his hand. This is a certificate left to the family members in Shengxian City. With this token, the family members of these selected young people can go to the city lord's mansion to receive benefits.

If it is the kind of Ascension City that selects children, a family member will lead it during the test. When the token is issued, the child's family can directly collect it, and the Ascension City that collects young people comes from the youth themselves, so It was distributed to the hands of these selected people.

Most of these people who were waiting were excited. If it wasn't for the quietness of the place, only the words of the qi training monks who were tested occasionally sounded, these selected people might not be able to help expressing their joy. There are also some people with different expressions such as nervousness or bewilderment.

Waiting quietly at the same place, the recruitment stopped shortly after, and hundreds of newly selected disciples of Xiuxian sect gathered together, waiting for the fate that was about to change.

"You wait in line, each of you will receive a disciple's clothes, register and make a book, and then you will have three hours to go home and get together..." A foundation-building monk spoke, although the foundation-building monk didn't say that if the timeout expired What will happen, but everyone in Shengxian City knows that the consequences are extremely serious.

Many of the selected people rushed home, dressed in black clothes of disciples of the sect, and became the intersection of the eyes of all the residents of Shengxian City on the road, and some people did not go back, but simply reunited with their waiting family members at the edge of the square.

Seeing that no one was staying here, Zhou Tai also walked home. At first he thought that he might be the only one alone this time, but when he saw a young man wearing black clothes of sect disciples entering a brothel, Zhou Tai suddenly realized.

The token in your hand is very precious at the moment, once you leave Shengxian City, it will become worthless. Even if some people are alone, it is inevitable that they have friends or good friends. of.

In order to prevent snatching, although the use of this token is restricted to family members, before leaving, as long as the person who owns the token is willing to prove it, it can be handed over to anyone.

So when Zhou Tai came back two hours later, many new disciples led people to register with the people in charge of the city lord's mansion here.

Zhou Tai didn't like stepping on time, so he came again when there was an hour left.

Just about to walk towards the middle of the square, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Brother, please stay!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Tai didn't like it. Words like "please stop" in the novels of his previous life were a sign of something going wrong.He doesn't have anyone too familiar with here, but there is no one else within a few feet at the moment, and this is calling him.

If there is a strange monk shouting behind Yujian during the flight, Zhou Tai will probably speed up Yujian's flight speed, the farther away the better, but there should be no great danger here, so he stopped. Stepped down and looked behind.

For the sake of safety, Zhou Tai's spiritual consciousness has not been released, so he only saw the person behind him after turning around: a round face with a big mouth, a face of honesty, but the look in his eyes reveals shrewdness, and his figure looks taller than Zhou Tai's. Tai was much stronger, and the clothes on his body were almost the same as Zhou Tai's, indicating that this person was also a newly selected disciple of the sect.

Seeing the puzzled look of the person in front of him, this person immediately said: "I'm under my horse, I have one thing to ask, I dare to ask if Xiongtai's order of staying in grace is still on me."

After pausing for a while, seeing that the other party didn't respond, but just looked at him strangely, Ma Guang said again: "You and I are from the same sect, I don't mean any malice, but I just think it would be a pity if you don't use the Grace Order. .”

The so-called grace token is the token that can leave benefits to the family. Regarding this, Zhou Tai asked suspiciously: "How can you be sure that my grace token is still with me, instead of being left to someone else?"

"I'm not sure, I just asked a lot of new fellows." Ma Guang didn't tell the truth, although he did ask more than one person, but after observing, he felt that Liu Enling might still be on him, so he asked Yes, for example, Zhou Tai walked the slowest before, but now he can be regarded as coming earlier, so the possibility is higher than ordinary people.

Normally, for this kind of thing, just say no and it's over, saving you trouble.

But Zhou Tai was still curious and asked: "Didn't Brother Ma issue a grace order? He also said that there is no need to waste it. I don't know how to not waste it. Why don't you go to Yan Xianglou?"

Hearing the other party's answer, Ma Guang was overjoyed, feeling that there might be something going on.It's just that Yan Xianglou's remarks made him think that a stay-at-home order is indeed more than enough for the two of them to go to Yanxianglou once, and there is enough time now.

"Every novice disciple has it, and of course I have it too. Xiongtai Yanxianglou is very good, but it is a pity. You are in the same sect, and you can support each other in the future. If the Xiongtai Liuen Token is useless, why don't you give it to me?" In the future, within the sect, I will repay today's kindness!" Ma Guang spoke sincerely and revealed his sincerity.

Hearing this, Zhou Tai could only say one thing in his heart: What a white wolf with empty gloves.There are people who are good at drilling camps everywhere.

To prevent the other party from uttering the words of rejection first, Ma Guang quickly said: "The parents at home are not in good health, and there are young siblings. A Grace Order may not be enough. I just want to do more for the family before parting. Xin, if you walk on the road of cultivating immortals in the future, you will have no worries at all in the future. If you can help me, it will be a great kindness to my family, and there will be great rewards in the future!"

Parents are in poor health?And younger siblings?How do you feel that it is similar to the rhetoric of eighty-year-old parents and children waiting to be fed, but this kind of saying is a little more authentic.

But Zhou Tai didn't believe it. A stay-at-home order is enough for a family. Not to mention living for free for 20 years. Years are enough, not to mention that a stay in grace is enough for his younger siblings to grow up. This Ma Guang's argument is a bit untenable. If it is said that he has a friend besides his parents, it is almost the same, so I want to do more. A Grace Token!

Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that the other party is a filial son who really wants to treat his family better, but the possibility is really not high.

However, it is really useless to keep the Grace Retaining Order on him. Maybe after he arrives at the Zongmen, he will be able to use this Ma Guang.Thinking of this, Zhou Tai seemed to be moved by the other party's filial piety, and after complimenting the other party, he bluntly said that he was indeed alone, and there was nowhere to use the Ascension Token, so he gave it to the other party!
After Ma Guang thanked him, he quickly left with Zhou Tai's Grace Order, because time was limited, and he didn't want to waste too much time. Now, transferring to others is not a problem at all.

After this incident, Zhou Tai continued to walk forward, it was just a trivial matter for him, and he didn't take it all to heart.Ma Guang was lucky to meet Zhou Tai. No one else would give it to him easily. There are too few people who don't care about it like Zhou Tai. Don't have a few close people?Even if you don't have it, it's good to enjoy it yourself, how can you be given it away with just a few words?

That Ma Guang was just trying, and he didn't dare to give too much hope.

When the time came, everyone boarded the flying boat in the middle of the square of Shengxian City. The flying boat looked huge and domineering on the outside, but after entering it, they realized that it was just like horse dung, just a glamorous surface.

Zhou Tai also carried the flying boat as a handyman iron guard in Liuyunzong. If the flying boat was a top sports car at that time, then the big flying boat can be compared to a tractor now, which is far worse.

The small flying boat is made up of countless parts, but this flying boat is a big stupid one, and the interior is actually made of wood.

"Welcome everyone to join the Yousha Sect. This place is far away from the sect. It will take about a month to fly on the road. Drinking water and Bigu pills will be distributed to everyone regularly. You can move around on the first and second floors..." Just after the flying boat took off, there was The qi cultivator shouted like this.

"It will take as long as a month, it's really far away."

"What is Bigu Pill? Is it an elixir?"

"You Sha Sect..."

Maybe it was because they lost the sense of oppression they had in the square. After some of these new disciples spoke, most of the monks on this floor began to whisper to each other one after another.

"Silence!" After the qi training cultivator shouted, there was a silence.

"The third floor is where the senior monks of the Zongmen are. Intrusion is strictly prohibited. Our ten monks in the Qi training period will be with you on the first and second floors. If you have any questions, you can ask us. During the flight of the flying boat, a soundproof formation will be activated. It will affect the seniors of the sect on the third floor, but in order not to affect others, try not to speak too loudly..." After explaining some things that should be explained, the Yousha Sect monk in the Qi training period boarded the second floor of the flying boat .

The crowd began to communicate in low voices again. At first everyone was on the first floor, but gradually some new disciples started to go to the second floor. After all, it has been said that the second floor can go.

The road is boring. Zhou Tai has been staying on the first floor without moving. For him, the monks who can stay away from the Yousha Sect should stay away as much as possible, even during the Qi training period. Reducing unnecessary contact can reduce the risk of exposure .

The first floor of this flying boat is like a big deck, it is completely flat, you can either sit on the ground, or lean against the edge, but there is a separate long room, but it is a toilet room, although because of the formation, there is no smell, But the simplicity of the flying boat also made Zhou Tai not have much confidence in this sect.

He didn't like being surrounded by people, so Zhou Tai chose a fringe area to rely on from the very beginning. After a long time, many people fled between the first and second floors of the flying boat, including those who had been gifted by Zhou Tai before. Enling's Ma Guang.

And Ma Guang is always close to Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai is a little annoyed by this, but he has to deal with it. It is not good to be too withdrawn. He sometimes chats with people around him, but there is nothing wrong with it. Useful topics, talking about either the previous life or the yearning for the future cultivation of immortality, although it is a bit boring on this flying boat, most people are in a good state of mind.

Leaning on the edge of the flying boat and pretending to sleep, feeling the smooth flight of the flying boat, Zhou Tai wondered when he would have a flying boat of his own, which would be much better than traveling in an RV in his previous life, thinking that even if he really had a flying boat one day Yes, it is estimated that it is difficult to strengthen, because Zhou Tai has long discovered that the strengthening point is powerless against objects that are too large, and cannot be strengthened at all. A small flying boat, but how many strengthening points do you need to strengthen each part?
"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou..." At this moment, Ma Guang's voice came from beside him.The other party kept calling softly, Zhou Tai pretended to have just woken up: "Well, Brother Ma is here!"

Ma Guang went to the second floor to stay early, but he often went to the first floor to chat with Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai also asked the other party. The monk was on the second floor, so he chose to stay on the second floor.

"Brother Zhou, do you know what will happen after we enter the sect?" Ma Guang whispered mysteriously. The words not only caught Zhou Tai's attention, but also pricked up the ears of the new fellow disciples nearby.

"Brother Ma knows? Where did you hear about it!" Seeing the desire to express on the other side's face, Zhou Tai asked cooperatively.

Ma Guang didn't care when he found that the people on the left and right were getting closer. After coming a few times, he was already familiar with the people on the left and right.

"At first, I thought that the qi trainers on the second floor were not easy to get in touch with. After many days of observation, I found that they are very approachable. At first, some people just asked some simple questions. After getting familiar with them, they talked freely. They also walked out of Shengxian City. Yes, the reason why the sect will give three hours after the completion of accepting disciples is entirely for the reunion of these Qi training immortal masters with their families."

"That's true. There was a qi trainer who lived on the same street as me, but because he was not familiar with it, he didn't dare to ask." Someone beside him said.

After waiting to be quiet again, Ma Guang looked at the concerned gazes around him and stopped trying to keep it to himself, but directly said the important information he had heard,

"After reaching the Zongmen, we are just preparing disciples. The Zongmen will distribute the most basic resources and a set of exercises for the qi training period. Before the qi training level is nine, it is not allowed to walk around at will, and within ten years, The ten people with the highest progress in cultivation will not only have the opportunity to be rewarded by the sect, but also get a chance to go back to the Immortal City to help the sect recruit disciples, so that they will have the opportunity to meet their family members once again." When saying these words, Ma Guang's eyes are bright, he must get the chance to go back to Immortal City.

 Thank you for the last moment. I didn’t say I love you for the 100 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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