One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 302 Chapter 2909 Outer corner of Yousha Sect

Chapter 302 Chapter [-] A Corner of the Outer Area of ​​You Shazong

"I don't know what kind of method the aptitude test is. Are our aptitudes the same? Is there a difference between superior and inferior?" After Ma Guang said almost the same, Zhou Tai asked such a question. On the head side, the testee can get the result without feeling any abnormality?If he was still a mortal, he might think that this was some kind of fairy method, but as a monk, he had never heard of such a situation.

After this question came out, Ma Guang was also taken aback: "I have never heard of this, I will go to inquire about it, and see if the immortal master will give me an answer."

After chatting casually for a while, Ma Guang left as usual. Although he came to chat with Zhou Tai many times afterwards, he never found an answer to this question. Zongmen monks, but did not respond, giving people a feeling of secretiveness.

Zhou Tai has always used the pseudonym Zhou Yu to communicate with people, mainly because he has used it both Zhou Tai and Ah Man. One left traces in the Liuyun Sect, and the other died on the cliff after killing many sect monks. No matter which one he uses, he feels unsafe. Who knows if there is a tradition of exchanging news among these sects? Even if there are people with the same name and surname, Zhou Tai is not willing to take the slightest risk. The basic principle of doing things if you can be careful.

As for the idea of ​​not changing his name or surname at all, he has no idea at all, because even the name Zhou Tai is different from the previous life. The name is just a sign for others to recognize, and in this dangerous world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Tai I don't want too many people to know me.

After traveling for more than a month, the flying boat from Shengxian City finally stopped in a dark valley.

All the newly-introduced youths crowded out from the steps of the flying boat like a group of crowded ducks.As for the monks of the Yousha sect on the third floor of the flying boat, they flew out directly from another exit above the flying boat, and their figures flying in the air made many young mortals below look infinitely yearning, and then bowed their heads and continued on their way At this moment, I don't know how many people are determined to practice hard.

As the crowd came out of the flying boat, apart from the monks flying in the sky, the environment here also attracted the attention of many people.The first thing Zhou Tai noticed here was the densely packed holes on the cliffs around the valley. At a glance, this kind of hole looks like a beehive. Each hole is only about ten feet in size. It looks dark and faint. The distance between them should not exceed three feet.

"Gather at the small square in the valley ahead!" A monk shouted in mid-air.

Following the shouting, Zhou Tai's eyes shifted from the surroundings to the front, where there was a stone square with a radius of one hundred feet, and behind the square were several palace-like buildings.

Although the building looks quite tall, this is almost its only advantage. It looks a bit dilapidated and has no sense of power. Such a scene still has some mystery and novelty in the eyes of these mortal youths, but in Zhou Tai's eyes But it was very bad.

"First of all, welcome everyone to come to the Yousha Sect and become the low-level disciples of this sect..." A Jindan cultivator volleyed in the air, releasing coercion, making the mortal youths on the square feel oppressed and hard to breathe, and then a loud voice Ringing in everyone's ears.

This method of ringing voices in everyone's ears reminded Zhou Tai of those handyman supervisors of the Liuyun Sect, each of them possessed this similar skill.

Hearing the title of this low-level disciple, Zhou Tai, who was mixed in the crowd, always had the feeling of being equated with the former Zongmen handyman for some reason, especially the environment here, which was not as good as the Qili Valley he used to stay in.If I guessed correctly, the caves on both sides are likely to be the current shelter for people like myself.

"The Yousha Sect is a powerful third-class sect with a history of tens of thousands of years..." A lot of preliminary introductions about the Yousha Sect continued to spread from the mouth of this Jindan stage monk.

It turned out that it was only a third-class sect. While thinking this way, Zhou Tai felt more at ease. Generally, the monks left behind in the third-class sects are only at the Nascent Soul stage. Although they are also invincible at present, they are only Nascent Soul If you are a monk in the early stage, if you are exposed at the end, your chances of escaping safely will undoubtedly be much higher.

"This Ascending Immortal Valley is just a corner of the sect's periphery, and does not belong to the real sect. The road to cultivating immortals is difficult. If you don't have extraordinary perseverance and hard work, don't even think about it. This is the place where you first hone your training. Only Only after passing the test here can you enter the real Yousha Sect. At this moment, you are just low-level disciples. If you don’t work hard to cultivate to the end, not only will you have no hope of entering the sect, but in order to compensate for the resources of the sect on you, you can only become a sect. A slave to the door, use your whole life to pay back."

The Golden Core cultivator shouted above everyone, and while speaking, his eyes scanned every corner below. Even if some people occasionally raised their heads at first, they would quickly lower their heads under that strong gaze, and soon no one dared to mess around. Look.

"Don't worry too much. As long as you are willing to practice hard, everyone will have no problems. After all, you are all fairy seedlings selected by the sect. Of course, if you are the kind of person who steals, rapes and plays tricks, it is better if you don't work hard. Qualifications are in vain..."

"You have seen all the caves on the mountain wall. That is your temporary living place for cultivation. The sect follows the principle of the strong first, and will not allocate it. Where you want to live depends entirely on your own strength. After queuing up to receive tokens for low-level disciples, then go to the resource hall at the back to receive exercises and resources. The resources are issued monthly, including three Qi Gathering Pills and four Bigu Pills. Four Bigu Pills are enough for one month's body. As for drinking water, there are mountain springs in the valley that can be used, and private digging of caves is prohibited..."

Following the words of this Golden Core cultivator, a sentence sounded in Zhou Tai's mind: Heaven will send a great mission to everyone...

"You are not allowed to take a step out of Ascending Immortal Valley before the ninth level of Qi training. Violators will be dealt with according to the rules of the sect. It is forbidden to do it in private, and those who violate it will be dealt with according to the rules of the sect. If there is an unavoidable conflict, go to the resource hall to find the sect's teacher The on-duty monks, under his witness, duel in this small square, if there is a life-threatening situation, the on-duty monks will take action."

"You are all monks cultivated by the Zongmen's flower resources. Everyone's life is precious, so the Zongmen will not allow any low-level disciple to die. If there is a death time, the Zongmen will definitely investigate to the end!" Said this When he finished the sentence, the tone of the Golden Core cultivator who spoke became righteous.

"Within ten years, the ten low-level disciples with the highest cultivation will not only receive extra rewards from the sect, but also have a chance to return to Shengxian City to visit their parents..."

After a lot of speeches, the mortal youths who had a preliminary understanding of this place lined up to receive the low-level disciple tokens, and then ran to the resource hall behind to receive the exercises. At this moment, Zhou Tai noticed that the monks who came down from the flying boat were They all returned to the flying boat, and then the flying boat lifted off and left this place, and those ten monks who were responsible for testing their aptitude did not get off the flying boat from the beginning to the end. Zhou Tai suspected that this kind of Ascension Valley Here, the ten monks in the Qi training period probably belong to other Immortal Ascension Valleys. After all, it is very difficult to rise to the ninth level of Qi training within ten years, and it is impossible if there are not enough resources.

Low-level disciples are recruited every year, but there are no such people here, so Zhou Tai believes in the guess that there are multiple Ascension to Immortal Valleys.

In addition to the two types of elixirs mentioned earlier, the queue to receive was also an Enlightenment Pill to activate the divine consciousness, and there were also two exercises.

After receiving the exercises, Zhou Tai took a brief look at them. One was just an ordinary qi-training exercise, and there was nothing special about it, while the other turned out to be a body-training exercise, which strengthens the cultivator's own qi and blood. For strength, according to the exercises, the stronger the blood, the stronger the foundation for cultivating immortals.

This is the first time Zhou Tai has heard of this kind of statement, and it is not easy to judge whether it is true or false for a while, but after confirming that the exercise of this exercise will not improve the monk's own combat power much, because he also wrote the exercise exercise at the end. After success, it can improve the recovery ability after injury a little.

One kind of theory is invisible and difficult to confirm, and the other is that the recovery ability may be a little stronger after the injury, just like the injury that originally took two months to heal, it may be healed in one month.But for Zhou Tai, who can recover quickly after his body is fully strengthened, this exercise is too useless, not even worthless.

After the monks on the flying boat left, only the two foundation-building monks who had stayed in the resource hall were left.After receiving the resources, the low-level disciples began to look for their favorite caves.

"Brother Zhou, you and I search together?" Ma Guang came to Zhou Tai and said.

"No, I want to go around more, and then make a choice. This place is so big, it doesn't make much difference whether the caves are next to each other or not." Zhou Tai directly refused. If the cave chosen by Ma Guang is very close, It's not a good thing for myself who has too many secrets.

Moreover, Ma Guang is good at drilling camps, and made several friends on the flying boat. Looking at the few people waiting for Ma Guang in the distance, Zhou Tai guessed that Ma Guang would prefer to live closer to those people, although he was kind to him. , but doesn't have much intimacy with everyone that has been showing.

After dismissing Ma Guang, Zhou Tai began to observe the forms in the valley alone, and only after he was familiar with them did he begin to choose his own cave.

The number of caves is obviously much more than that of low-level disciples, so there is no need to worry about not having enough caves. The reason why Zhou Tai chose it late was because he wanted to choose a cave with few people nearby, the cleaner the better.

After observation, Zhou Tai discovered that the lower the caves are, the more they are loved by these low-level disciples, because they are easy to enter and exit, while the high-level caves are difficult to climb, especially for these low-level disciples who are still mortals at the moment.

In the cave at the bottom, there were several incidents of contention. When there are many people, no matter what the situation is, there are always some people who like to fight among themselves.

After observing some caves, Zhou Tai's mood became even worse. The expectations here were too different from what he had imagined. He was already a little disappointed, but the caves added more.

Because he couldn't use his spiritual sense, Zhou Tai didn't know the situation in the cave until he saw them one by one.

It’s fine if there are no supplies in it, and it’s nothing if there are traces of other people’s life, but because not all the caves are inhabited, some empty caves have become like huts.

If the time here is long enough, it is not ruled out that there are more latrines when there are few low-level disciples, and there are fewer latrines when there are many disciples. Every cave may have a bad past.

You can't dig without authorization. It should be because you are afraid of digging here. After all, the densely packed caves are like riddled with holes. After thinking about it again and again, Zhou Tai gave up the idea of ​​digging one quietly.

In the end, Zhou Tai chose a high cave, which looked very difficult to climb. Zhou Tai had to fix some vines to enter it, which seemed very "difficult" to others.

Finally, I chose this place because it looks relatively clean, and the vines are arranged at the entrance of the cave, which is convenient for climbing in the future.

The entrance of the cave is less than three feet deep and ends. Although it is not big, it is more than enough to meet the needs of cultivation. The traces of time on the cave wall can easily let people know that these caves have a long history.

Is the bad environment here really for tempering the will?Zhou Tai is skeptical about this. When he was a handyman in Liuyunzong, he was much better than here: he can also practice, but at least he lives in a wooden house, and he doesn’t eat the bigu pill that he would be forced to eat, nor It will be like being imprisoned here now and not allowing half a step out of the valley.

Of course, there are advantages, that is, there is no need to work except for cultivation, and there is a purpose in cultivation, instead of having to leave after 20 years like Liuyunzong.

I hope it will not be an empty joy in the end, at a certain moment, Zhou Tai suddenly thought of this.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Zhou Tai did not start to practice. The cultivation during the Qi training period has no meaning for him anymore. Instead, he thought about the various situations along the way to make judgments and reflections, and reconfirmed whether there was anything that showed his feet. place.

There were no mistakes, and soon Zhou Tai thought that he would stay here for ten years, and sighed softly: "It's all here, so I have to stick to it anyway."

Zhou Tai didn't care about the fact that the ten low-level disciples who practiced the fastest in ten years would be rewarded, and he didn't have the heart to fight for it. His own footsteps were not clean, so why would he want to increase his chances of exposure?

After a few days, there will be low-level disciples entering the Qi training period one after another. Although Zhou Tai can delay it for a while, he still has to drop to Qi training in the end.

When it falls to the Qi training stage, the fluid enhancement on the face will not freeze, and it is enough to just remove the layer of fluid enhancement camouflage on the body, so that it will be difficult to be discovered.

He thought it over, except for necessary situations, he would only be downgraded to Qi training when he was going to collect resources, and he would hide in his cave under normal circumstances.

 Thank you for the last moment. I didn’t say I love you for the 100 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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