One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 304 Chapter 301

Chapter 304 Chapter [-]
This Soul Search Art was transcribed by Ma Guang, and there is not much content. You Shazong provided paper and pens when transcribing. If Zhou Tai wants to transcribe this manuscript, he needs to find something to transcribe by himself. The things inside cannot be exposed, and the cave is not allowed to be damaged. Presumably, carvings on the stone walls are also not allowed. It will be a problem if the spiritual consciousness of the foundation-builder cultivator finds out. Although some things can be done secretly, it is not good to be too blatant. In the end, Zhou Tai got two wooden boards to record.

Although he could memorize it, it is safer to transcribe it. After checking it again, Ma Guang left after confirming that there were no mistakes.

Although he could understand the cultivation method after he obtained it, Zhou Tai still held a cautious attitude towards this cultivation method due to the more and more serious suspicions cultivated in this world of cultivating immortals.

Although it is a bit unreasonable to teach the exercises that reward the top ten, Zhou Tai thinks that he can copy quickly because he is literate, and those who are literate and illiterate can copy gourds. The number of low-level monks who will eventually learn will definitely not be small.

This sect is so strange, mortals who can't read and write are also accepted. Zhou Tai doesn't know if the children who receive the sect are taught to read or not, but these young people here are definitely not taught.

It is difficult for ordinary people to survive. Even those who live in Shengxian City have better conditions, but there are still many who are illiterate. Some families have exhausted all their efforts to maintain their living in Shengxian City.

When I first came to Shengxian Valley, those low-level disciples who could not read learned the content of the exercises from the low-level disciples who could read only by using the resources distributed by the sect in their hands. It took a lot of resources to learn how to read and write.Now that the ten-year period has passed, many illiterate people have only begun to learn to read and write.

Thinking that there might still be purely illiterate students who went to Shengxian City to test their aptitude and recruit disciples, Zhou Tai's perception of these third-class Youshazong sects became worse and worse, and he confirmed that these low-level disciples could be said to be inferior to those handymen of Liuyunzong of.

After Ma Guang left, the whole cave fell into silence again. Zhou Tai thought he should leave?
You can use the spirit disk to observe the surrounding situation. Zhou Tai has long discovered that during the Yin Sha Moon every year, there will be a valley around which all the light spots representing the Qi training period will disappear, and then several foundation building period monks will appear. Clean up the empty valley, and then leave two foundations waiting for the upcoming new disciples.

Usually nothing happens. It can be said that Zhou Tai spends most of his time observing the situation in the surrounding valleys. At first he didn’t, but later he felt that there should be no danger. In the light spots of the qi period, it is found that they are all valleys like this one, and even the caves have the same style. These valleys are all called Shengxian Valley.

Those qi-training monks didn't disappear all at once, they all climbed the mountain and flew to the nearby area and disappeared. Zhou Tai suspected that the area where the Yousha Sect's sect was located, because these Ascension to Immortal Valleys were all located around that area. piece of area.

Zhou Tai never saw those qi training monks who left, maybe he was worrying unnecessarily, those people just went to practice in the sect, but there is one thing that the monks of the Yousha sect lied, saying that they had cultivated to the [-]th level of qi training. It is not allowed to leave Ascending Immortal Valley before the first level, but those monks in the Qi training period who disappeared did not even reach the seventh level of Qi training, let alone the ninth level of Qi training.

It is very likely that these qi training monks will never have the chance to advance to the ninth level of qi training.

When he discovered this back then, Zhou Tai thought about leaving directly, but he was always a little unwilling to leave, especially when he found out that the top ten rewards were after the soul search, and he didn't want to leave.

In fact, the soul search technique will be released, Zhou Tai knew it before, after all, he monitored so many monks in the qi training period, but he could not get it before, after entering the light spot, there is only one vision in the distance, and the divine sense cannot be used , there is no way to observe the exercises at all.If Ma Guang didn't take the initiative to send it, he would find a way to get it. Although there may be problems, the temptation to search for the soul is too great for Zhou Tai.

Summarizing the rules and investigating those monks in the Qi training period found that there are a total of twelve Ascending Immortal Valleys, with a 12-year reincarnation. Therefore, Zhou Tai and other low-level disciples will be transported to the Zongmen by flying boat after 12 years in the Ascending Immortal Valley. middle.

Once you enter the Yousha Sect at that time, you will either encounter chance or great terror, and the probability of crisis is much higher. Now that you have the method of searching for souls, you can say that a wish has been fulfilled.

After thinking about it all night, the next day he saw Fei Youzhou coming to the valley he had built, and after picking up Ma Guang and other ten Qi-training monks, Zhou Tai decided to wait and see, after all, it was still some time before 12 years .

Normally, it is safest for a gentleman not to stand under a dangerous wall, and to go far away, but Zhou Tai feels that he is not a gentleman. He has spent most of the past ten years decorating and refining. How can a gentleman pretend to be so long? Get used to it.

If you give yourself a position, then Zhou Tai will think that a reckless man is more suitable to describe himself. A reckless man who thinks a bit too much will often weigh the pros and cons, but sometimes he will just ignore it, just like now knowing that the danger may be approaching, But he still didn't want to go.

First of all, he was curious, which made him not want to leave. What the hell is this Yousha sect doing?Are you really cultivating disciples?If not? What is that doing?
The second is the soul searching technique that I just got. It is not complicated. Zhou Tai is confident that he will learn it soon, but it is not safe. Since there are many monks here who know it, Zhou Tai wants to see if there is anything wrong with it after someone uses it. If there is any problem, it can be determined whether there is any problem with this exercise. He can't believe this kind of exercise that was released at will.

In the end, this is only a third-class sect. If there is no accident, the strongest monk in the sect is Yuanying. This is the biggest reason why Zhou Tai dares to stay. If it is a second-class sect, he will soon Run as far as you can.

Two months later, the flying boat stayed in this Immortal Valley again, and sent back ten Qi training stage monks including Ma Guang. Everything seemed normal, and Ma Guang came to Zhou Tai's place again without any accident. In the cave.

"You can see people in your family during this trip!" Zhou Tai asked first.

"I see, everything is fine." Ma Guang, who had a normal face, became brighter when he asked about his family.

"There is one thing that I have always been curious about. I don't know if I can answer my doubts from Brother Ma."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Brother Ma returned to Shengxian City to represent the sect to choose disciples. I want to know how to choose and what the criteria are. Back then, I entered the sect in a daze, and I didn't know what my qualifications were!" While speaking, Zhou Tai began to pay attention to the changes in the other party's expression.

Hearing this, Ma Guang's expression became a little strange, and then he began to speak slowly: "There is no aptitude test, we just look at the strength of Qi and blood, as for how to look at it, just tell me that you are tall, fat and strong. "

As expected, Zhou Tai, who had such a heart, asked again: "Then why did you stretch out your hand to your head?" If you only look at the appearance, there is no need to stretch out your hand at all.

Just as Ma Guang was about to answer, a burst of spiritual consciousness swept past him, easily destroying the spiritual consciousness released by the two of them. It turned out that the foundation-building cultivator of the Yousha Sect started to inspect again.

It wasn't until the spiritual consciousness disappeared that the two of them, who had remained silent, re-arranged their spiritual consciousness around their bodies before resuming their conversation.

"Brother Zhou also looked at the soul search technique, which is actually the state of running the soul search technique all the time. If you feel that the person participating in the test has spiritual consciousness, or when the soul search hand is placed on the opponent's head , with a frightened look, you must use Soul Search without hesitation..."

Ma Guang's answer made Zhou Tai know that what he once thought was a harmless hand actually contained such danger.

"Isn't it dangerous to search the soul directly without controlling the other party?" Zhou Tai wondered.

"The Zongmen requested this, and I don't know why. If the other party resists, the soul search will not be completed. Maybe it is just to let some people take the initiative to expose." Ma Guang expressed his guess.

"Is anyone being soul-searched this time?"


After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Tai found that the other party's state was not right. In fact, he had noticed it from the beginning, but now it seemed more obvious.

"Brother Ma, you seem to have something on your mind. Is there any trouble? If there is anything I can help, just tell me."

"No." Ma Guang denied Zhou Tai's conjecture, and then continued: "Now I have already practiced Qi on the sixth level, and Brother Zhou, you have only trained on the fourth level. From now on, I will give you all my Qi Gathering Pills, waiting for us Cultivation is the same as saying."

Hearing that he was going to give himself Qi Gathering Pill again, although Zhou Tai didn't use it, he still nodded. He will enter the Yousha Sect in two years, the result is unknown, and maybe he will leave early. From Tai's point of view, it is very easy to get the soul search technique from the opponent, and if he wins, he can think of other ways, and he is worthy of his two random attempts.

The two chatted for a while before Ma Guang left, but a few days later, he came again.

"Brother Zhou has never been able to repay my kindness to me. It is only necessary to repay the Qi Gathering Pill. If there is anything else I can do, just ask!" The other party said in a very serious tone.

Regarding this, Zhou Tai said that there is nothing to do: "The road to cultivation is long, and there are many things that don't need to be rushed for a while, and I don't have anything to do right now."

In the end, Ma Guang still wanted Zhou Tai to say something he could do for him.

"What can you do with your cultivation now?" The other party was a little self-aware, so Zhou Tai had to remind him that he wanted a lot, but the other party couldn't do it at all. The only thing the other party could do, Zhou Tai didn't want The other party does.

Because Ma Guang also knows the art of searching for souls, if the other party can use it once, it would be best to let Zhou Tai see if anything bad happens, but now Ma Guang and Ma Guang are also considered friends, which is a bit deceitful Zhou Tai didn't want the other party to do it, not to mention finding a low-level disciple to use it here, and it is impossible for a monk whose soul has been searched to survive. He is going to be executed, which in a way can be said to let the other party die, so how can he speak.

Even so, if Zhou Tai chooses to leave early, he has no intention of taking the other party with him. The future is unknown, maybe the Yousha Sect is the opportunity for the other party, and if he takes the other party away, maybe he will hold a grudge in the future.

Hearing Zhou Tai's words, Ma Guang's expression changed a little, then he lowered his head, and his tone became lower: "I know I can't do anything now, but I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future."

"Why did you say that?" Hearing the other party's obviously wrong tone, Zhou Tai knew that the other party had hidden something and didn't say anything.

After hesitating for a while, Ma Guang said in a low voice: "I don't know if I should say something, after all, it's just my guess."

"Tell me, I'll help you analyze and analyze!" Zhou Tai estimated that the other party also felt that You Shazong had some doubts about the purpose of these low-level disciples, and he wanted to know if the other party knew something that he didn't know.

Hearing this, Ma Guang's face was full of confusion and fear, but he finally spoke up.

"For Zongmen, I have always felt very good, and I have been working hard to cultivate. I have never doubted anything, and when I returned to Shengxian City again, I also gave some of the ten of us to share with my family. Even more grateful."

"On the second floor of Feizhou, all ten of our qi training period disciples have their own single room. If they want to answer questions for new disciples, they can answer questions. If they want to be quiet, they can go back and stay. There is nothing to do when we go, but in the On the way back to the city this time, for some reason, the flying boat experienced some vibrations, and then for some unknown reason, maybe there was a small problem with the formation, and I could vaguely hear the conversations of the third-floor monks in my single room." He said here. His face was a little pale, and he raised his head and looked around with some fearful eyes.

Seeing the other party like this made Zhou Tai anxious. Hearing something, can he just say no?I stopped talking, is this to heighten the atmosphere?Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say much, he knew that the following would come out.

"It's nothing else, but I heard a sentence that the entire Yousha Sect has less than a hundred disciples in the foundation period!"

"That's it? What's the point of this!" Isn't it normal for a third-class sect to establish a foundation with less than a hundred?Although thinking that there are so many low-level disciples every year, it doesn't mean anything. They are all stuck in foundation building, can't they?After all, although Ma Guang is a monk, he knows less than Zhou Tai, who used to be a handyman.

"It's really nothing?"

"It's really nothing!"

In the end, Ma Guang left in a daze. From now on, Zhou Tai's little affection for Ma Guang lost a lot. Obviously, the other party should have heard a lot, but he didn't tell him, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

If you think about it better, the other party may be afraid of adding pressure to your heart. If the situation is really bad, it won't help to speak out.But how many things in the world are just for your own good.

 Thanks to the 500 starting point coins rewarded by the dark angel.

(End of this chapter)

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