One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 305 Chapter 302 The Last Straw That Overwhelmed the Mentality

Chapter 305 Chapter [-] The Last Straw That Overwhelms the Mentality

The cave was quiet again. Zhou Tai just looked calm on the surface, but inside he was completely different.The previous judgment on danger can be said to be just a guess, a possible guess, but now it can be said to be basically certain, and this low-level disciple is a big pit.

It is normal for third-class sects to build foundations, but Zhou Tai always thought that the Demon Sect would be different, and now he knew the same, and that was a big problem.

Hundreds of low-level disciples are accepted in a year, based on an average of 500 people a year, that is 100 people in 5 years, and the number of real disciples in general third-class sects is only about 100 in [-] years.

[-] in [-] chance?This probability can be said to be about the same as none, and I don’t know how many years it has been to recruit disciples in Shengxian City every year. The monks of the Yousha Sect really came out of Shengxian City?If not, the odds are zero to ten thousand!Zhou Tai has some very bad guesses. People with dark hearts are scary, and demon cultivators with dark hearts are even more terrifying. The magic gate they form may only be described as horror.

No matter what Ma Guang concealed, Zhou Tai has already determined that this place cannot stay for long, but there is one last thing to do. After the inspecting monks in the Immortal Valley finished their inspection again, Zhou Tai began to pinch himself. The face was squeezed into the same face as the foundation cultivator in the Immortal Valley at this moment, and then the figure who was sitting cross-legged on the ground quickly stood up, and then took out new clothes from the storage equipment, changed into He took off the clothes of the lower disciples, although his figure was a little different, but that was the only way to go, and then left the cave.

Although Ghost Meridian Extinguisher is easy to use, there is a time limit every day. I don't know what kind of situation I will face after this action, so it's better not to use it if you can.

This Ascension to Immortal Valley is long. Although the distance between the Foundation Establishment cultivator's spiritual consciousness is far, there is no way to cover all of them at the same time. When patrolling, he still has to walk in a small circle, so when Zhou Tai chose the cave, he was also far away from the opponent. Far.

While flying, while sweeping through the caves passing by with their spiritual sense, the lowly disciples in the caves thought it was just another inspection by the inspecting monks, honestly, they were as obedient as rabbits in a cage.

Zhou Tai dared to make such a big show, so he didn't care about being exposed. He left after finishing the last thing. If the inspector monk came over, Zhou Tai didn't mind controlling him.

Lu Di was a low-level disciple who entered the Yousha Sect's Shengxian Valley Sect from Shengxian City, but through his own efforts and various means, he succeeded in becoming the top ten monks with the highest cultivation level within ten years. Since then, he has stood out and soared into the sky.But he only learned a soul search technique, plus he could go back to Ascension City. After ten years of continuous practice, he felt that he was going to be stupid in Ascension Valley. The difference is too much. I thought it would be different after I came back, but there is no change at all. I am still the same as all the low-level disciples. I still go back to the cave where I stayed for ten years, and I still practice the same as before. , This made him feel unwilling, but he was helpless.

A burst of spiritual power swept over him, and he knew that it was the inspecting cultivator who started inspecting again. He had experienced this situation countless times and was already used to it, but soon he discovered the difference, someone entered his cave among.

Because my spiritual consciousness is suppressed by the spiritual consciousness, I can't see the other person's appearance clearly in the dark night, but I think it is the foundation-building inspection monk of the Zongmen in this Ascending Immortal Valley, because it can be suppressed by the spiritual consciousness in this way This is the only one in the entire Ascension Valley.

There is both fear and sincerity in his heart, as well as a little secret expectation that he can't control.

He wanted to speak, but found that the other party imprisoned his whole body with spiritual consciousness. He didn't know if he could break free with force, but he didn't even dare to try, but he became more frightened, and cold sweat appeared on his head unconsciously .

The other party stretched out his hand and threw it, and a figure was thrown on the ground like mud by the other party, and at the same time said: "Try your soul searching technique."

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Lu Di was even more surprised. His voice seemed to be a little wrong. He felt that the power to control his consciousness had disappeared. He walked forward carefully, and then performed his soul search on the figure on the ground as required. technique.

Originally, he was extremely frightened, but when he walked a little further, the other person's face was vaguely visible, and when he found that it was a familiar face, he did as required.

As for the sound being a little different?In all, he didn't hear the other party say a few times, and he himself was a little uncertain.Although only half of the face was exposed on the figure on the ground, Lu Di still recognized it as Chang Hong, who was rather annoying in the Immortal Cultivation Valley.

Could it be that Chang Hong made some mistake and was punished?At the same time, do you want to see the progress of your soul searching technique?
When Lu Di was performing it, he thought of this: If he looks good, will he be favored by the other party?

It was Zhou Tai who came, and he planned to leave, but in the end, he needed to verify whether there was any problem with the soul searching technique. If it was confirmed that there was no problem, he could fly away immediately.

It is the most convenient to verify here, there are people who know how to search for souls, and they can also find those who are not pleasing to him to be searched for.Although the opponent would not refuse Ma Guang, it was still dangerous, so Zhou Tai chose this method of impersonation.

These low-level disciples, if they want spells, they don't have spells, if they want magic tools, they are better than ordinary people.

From the time the opponent cast the spell, Zhou Tai felt that it would be okay to wait a while, but as time continued to grow, especially when the opponent's expression began to change, Zhou Tai knew that there was a problem.

"Did it work?" Zhou Tai asked when he saw that the other party stopped and looked at him in confusion.

"It can't be used, it always stops halfway for no reason, and it's the same three times." Lu Di didn't know what was going on, but he didn't dare to hide it.

Hearing this, Zhou Tai didn't say a word, he directly picked up the figure he threw to the ground before, turned and left.He didn't care about the monks in this cave.

Is it because I didn't perform well and the other party was disappointed?Lu Di, who was completely confused about the situation, could only guess like this.

In the same way, Zhou Tai found a few other people who knew how to search for souls and used it, but the result was no surprise, it was exactly the same as the first time, they couldn't be used.

After confirming that there were no problems with those who performed it, Zhou Tai tried it himself. In the end, he confirmed that there was a problem with this exercise, and it was probably only a part. It was normal when it was performed at the beginning, but when it reached the hands and was about to be performed, Only a little breath appeared, and the rest disappeared, and it was the same after several experiments.

Thinking of the scene of accepting disciples back then, Zhou Tai guessed that the main purpose of teaching this kind of exercise was to intimidate him. There is nothing special about this soul searching technique. You can’t find it from a distance if you don’t use it. You can only experience it from below Weak fluctuations, people who don't understand will not care at all.But if there are monks who know the soul-searching technique among them, because they are searching for their own souls, there is a high probability that they will perform special performances. This also explains why they are not afraid of these low-level disciples spreading it indiscriminately, because this is simply a useless method. .

Throwing the unconscious one back to his own cave, Zhou Tai squeezed back the face he had revealed, and then walked towards Ma Guang's cave.

According to Zhou Tai's character, this place is dangerous, if he fails to try, leaving immediately is his choice.But at this moment, his heart is extremely restless. The soul search technique can be said to be his only persistence after being disappointed in this place. After many years of waiting, he finally got it, but it turned out to be nothing.

Everyone has a personality, and Zhou Tai also has it. Under reason, he has been suppressing, enduring loneliness, enduring parting, and enduring all possible dangerous behaviors that he wants to do.But there is always a limit, this time the soul search technique was empty in the end, Zhou Tai really couldn't hold back.

People are not machines, he can't take it anymore, he must get this soul searching technique.

While walking on the road, a burst of spiritual power swept past Zhou Tai, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator started to inspect again, but he didn't have any flaws at the moment, so he didn't worry at all, these low-level disciples were trapped in the Immortal Valley , wandering around is normal, day or night is no different.

Even Zhou Tai guessed that the inspecting monk was just checking heads and didn't care about other things. Even if he saw the comatose monk, he would only think that someone was taking revenge privately, and he probably wouldn't care about it.

Of course, Zhou Tai doesn't care if the other party pays attention to him. Now he just wants to have a good chat with Ma Guang first.

As a result, the monk made a quick inspection and went back, not caring that someone was unconscious at all.

"Brother Zhou!" Seeing Zhou Tai appearing in his cave, Ma Guang looked complicated.This was the first time the other party had come to his cave. He didn't know what was going on with the other party, but when he thought of the words he heard on the flying boat, he lost all mood.

"You still haven't paid back the favor you owe me?" Straight to the point, because he was in a bad mood, his tone was cold.

"As long as I can do it, just tell me!" Ma Guan agreed with a straightened expression.

"Okay! That's what you said, I want to leave here, you follow me, as for what to do, I will tell you after I leave here, are you willing?" If the other party agrees, this is probably a good fortune of the other party, But there are also dangers.

Hearing this, Ma Guang was taken aback, and quickly said, "I am willing, but can I leave? If I can leave here, I am willing to do anything."

"Whether I can leave is my problem, so you don't have to worry about it, but you don't have any nostalgia for this place?"

Sensing the indifference in the other party's words, Ma Guang hesitated and said, "Although I did hide some things from you, I just don't want you to be as scared as I am every day."

"Oh? Is there something frightening? Tell me!"

I don't know why, Ma Guang felt that the familiar person in front of him became a little strange, but the other party said that he wanted to leave, no matter whether it would be possible or not, it was still a hope, and it was better than waiting for death here, and telling the other party that it was true. Depending on the situation, he may be more eager to leave here.

Thinking of this, Ma Guang spoke slowly, with a low and bitter tone: "Actually, we are not here to cultivate immortals, we are the materials, the materials for refining the blood spirit pill."

This answer made Zhou Tai silent for a while, and then asked: "How do you know? Those monks on the flying boat directly discussed this?"

"It's not directly discussed, but it's about the same. They are discussing how many blood spirit pills will be distributed this year, and whether there will be any changes. In the end, someone said why there are only 500 people every year. If there are more blood spirit pills, there will be more blood spirit pills. I just guessed."

Why only 500 people per year?It should be for sustainable development!Thinking of those disappearing mortal villages, Zhou Tai's bold guess was probably related to these demon monks, too specific for him to guess, and he doesn't have the strength to ask him to do anything now.

"I'll wrong you for a while first!" After saying this, under Ma Guang's shocked and puzzled gaze, Zhou Tai directly knocked him unconscious, and then pretended to be in the Lingbao space. After thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable. Just to be safe, Zhou Tai knocked out those low-level disciples who knew the soul searching technique and put them in the Lingbao space.

Zhou Tai must get the soul-searching technique. He is worried that there is something wrong with the skill he got, so after getting the skill, someone needs to try it first. Ma Guang is such a candidate, but it is not safe to find only one, so Just grab a few more.

As for the technique of searching for souls?From Zhou Tai's point of view, the Foundation Establishment monks in the Ascension to Immortal Valley outside the Yousha Sect are good, so arrest them and interrogate them!
After arresting a total of five people, Zhou Tai felt enough, and then went straight to the foundation-building monks in the middle of the valley.

Because he didn't know the methods of these demon sect monks, and he didn't want to scare the snake and affect the subsequent actions, Zhou Tai activated the ghost veins to destroy the line, his body was fully strengthened, and after he got close, he directly attacked and shot.

It's easy to kill directly, but it's more difficult to catch alive, but it doesn't need to be complete, it's fine if you don't die. With one blow, this monk will be seriously injured. Under the control of powerful spiritual power, They quickly took control of each other.

The storage bag was snatched away, and all the equipment on the person was removed, then wrapped in something that isolated the consciousness, and finally tied up and thrown into the Lingbao space.

Afterwards, go directly to the outside of the valley, the edge area is separated by a formation, but it is only to prevent the people inside from escaping, the formation is not very clever, Zhou Tai easily broke it and left without any trouble, but violently cracked the formation. After the formation, Zhou Tai knew that he would be exposed, but he had no choice but to crack it violently.

What we have to do now is to quickly catch the Foundation Establishment monks, catch a few more before You Shazong reacts, and then leave.

The valley is not far away, and the brute force cracking of the formation is very fast. Zhou Tai's speed of arresting people can be said to be very fast.

One, two, three... There is no problem if you catch seven in a row.

But when he was about to catch the eighth one, Zhou Tai found that the figure who established the foundation was in a small black mist, and there was a black soul banner looming in it. Seeing this situation, Zhou Tai knew that the other party knew the news in advance Now, a large number of enemies may appear soon, so he turned and left without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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