One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 307 Chapter 304

Chapter 307 Chapter [-]

These five qi-training monks might have been sheep before, but after they all searched for a monk in the foundation-building period, Zhou Tai didn't know what was added to their minds, and what kind of changes would occur.

There was some strange emotion in their eyes.

But Zhou Tai didn't care, he just wanted to know more about the situation.

This time, he will not ask what he thinks of like when he had the opportunity to ask about some situations before, and he will not let the other party talk and listen casually, but will tell all the memories of those monks in the foundation period in detail.

The five people are separated, and they are not given the opportunity to collude. There is oppression for five people to choose only four jobs, and the temptation of Jidan and storage bags. I am not afraid that they will not tell the truth.

No problems were found with them, and from another perspective, Zhou Tai saved their lives.

In a blink of an eye, six years have passed, and everything that needs to be known is known. Zhou Tai fulfilled his promise and released all four people except Ma Guang.

At the moment before he left, he didn't know whether he was really grateful for the life-saving grace, or he was afraid that Zhou Tai would turn his back on his word, so they knelt down on the ground and kowtowed before turning and leaving.

Zhou Tai didn't respond to this, and he didn't say anything. Zhou Tai hadn't deliberately gotten close to them in the past few years. Tai imprisoned them for a few years in order to know what they got from the soul search. On this point, there will be a rift between them, so there is no idea of ​​keeping them together.

In this world of cultivating immortals, for low-level wild cultivators, it is not that they are more capable of surviving when they gather together. Most of them can only wander like lonely ghosts.

Essentially speaking, they are all poor people, so even if they absorbed Moxiu's memory and might change in the future, Zhou Tai didn't want to take action against them.

Seeing the direction in which they parted and left, Zhou Tai was not surprised. It is difficult to survive in the big world of cultivating immortals, and they keep going to the edge, and finally they will reach the boundless sea. On the endless sea, there are always some sporadic islands. Although it is extremely dangerous because of the existence of countless sea beasts, at least there is hope of survival.

"Senior!" Ma Guang, who was still by his side, called out cautiously. He also called Zhou Tai from Brother Zhou to Senior. At this moment, he was still a little uneasy. It's like changing a different person, Ma Guang didn't dare to think carefully, and told what he knew according to the other party's request. He didn't know what went wrong, so he actually kept him, keeping one out of five, Could it be that he performed too poorly?

Several people performed well, Zhou Tai didn't want to kill one of them in the end, but since he said it, he left Ma Guang to put on a show until the end, and happened to have something to say to him.

"Don't go back to Immortal City!" This was Zhou Tai's advice and suggestion, because he knew that this guy might want to go back.

Hearing this sentence, Ma Guang felt relieved. He knew that the other party had no intention of killing him. In the past few years, the other party had almost kept a cold face. He didn't dare to get close, so he could only behave as best he could. It's better, tell me everything you know, and at this moment he replied: "If you don't tell me, senior, I won't go back and die!"

"The previous things are all up to you, and you don't have to think about repaying your favor!"

"...Yes." If Ma Guang used to think about repaying his kindness, but after performing the soul search technique and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the world of cultivating immortals, he dare not think about it anymore. When he repays his kindness after success, there is only bitterness on the corner of his mouth.

After the air was quiet for a while, Zhou Tai finally uttered two words: "Let's go!"

In the end, he was done, Zhou Tai wanted to return to the state where the two could chat in the beginning, so he stayed with each other and wanted to have a conversation, but at this moment he found that once some things changed, it was difficult to go back.

But Zhou Tai didn't have any regrets, the most important thing was to get the content of the soul search. In this world of cultivating immortals, Yexiu wants to make friends?With limited resources, it is very difficult. Even if it is a man and a woman, there is a high probability that they want to make it into a furnace.

Hearing this, Ma Guang immediately climbed to the ground, kowtowed his head a few times, and then turned around to leave. The people behind him were full of mist, and the other party kept a distance from everyone in Shengxian Valley before. , almost every time he is looking for the other party, he owes the other party a lot, and he owes the other party a life-saving grace when he leaves the Ascension Valley in the end. After Zong escaped, he knew that the gap between himself and the other party was too big. He was thinking about something unrealistic, and his life might not be saved, because the soul search memory he got let him know what kind of situation it was. world.

After they all left, after standing quietly for a while, Zhou Tai turned around and looked back. It was in the direction of You Sha Sect, and then he looked in the direction of the Immortal City. If he could do anything at this moment, Zhou Tai would definitely do nothing. Do it without hesitation, but there is a kind of helplessness in the status quo.

If one day he succeeds in his cultivation, he will destroy all the sects in this area, Zhou Tai disappeared in place with this thought.

Originally, there was no distinction between magic cultivation and orthodox cultivation of immortals, they were all in the line of refining qi, but in the process of continuous development, some immortal cultivators would try various methods to break through in order to cultivate quickly, and even let their spiritual power mix with other I don’t hesitate to do anything I want, and often this kind of way of overpowering seedlings is accompanied by hidden dangers, but many immortal cultivators who have no hope of practicing will try. After long-term development, there are really some monks who have successfully raised their realm to a very high realm. This is the original magic repair.

And the most powerful way for the demon cultivator to improve is almost all the anger of the heavens and the grievances of the people, and it is even utterly devoid of conscience, such as extracting the souls of monks, refining them into ghosts, making ghosts, feeding ghosts with blood, and cultivating them into ghosts , Legend has it that ten thousand ghost banners appeared in the great world of cultivating immortals, all ghosts came out together, and the world changed color.

Another example is to refine a monk's body with spiritual power into a powerful blood spirit pill. The higher the monk's cultivation level, the better the effect. Xiu easily advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage.Even in areas where a large number of monks died, use arrays to collect the dead souls of monks and the spiritual blood that entered the soil, and it is possible to obtain advanced blood panacea.

For example, there are demons cultivating corpses...

For example, some demon cultivators took other monks or monsters as specimens...

For example, some demon cultivators use the blood essence of other monks to improve their cultivation, and suck other monks into mummy... etc.

Even mortals will not let it go, it can not only cultivate the land of evil spirits, but also serve as blood food for ghosts...

In the past, the world of cultivating immortals was still prosperous. Although the sect was strong, casual cultivators were also everywhere. They didn't dare to reveal their identity easily.

Even if there are great cultivators in the transcending tribulation period in the magic cultivator, facing the disparity in strength, they can only hide around until the real Zongmen formation is born, and then let the demon cultivator establish in the desolate place northwest of the world of cultivating immortals. From the initial sect, although there is a place to stay, it is at most a safe mouse hole for mice walking in the dark, and then after a long time, other demon sects appeared here one after another.

Originally, there were sects everywhere in the world, but ten thousand years ago, for the ambition of becoming an immortal, all the top monks arranged the supreme formation and saved materials. While isolating the mortal world, many sects elsewhere They were all moved to the southeast region of the Immortal Cultivation World, especially the first-class sects, and all of them were moved here for the convenience of absorbing the massive spiritual energy.

After the event of the fall of the top monks ten thousand years ago, the Moxiu sect really stood up. Moxiu and top monks wanted to enter the central area, but the number of people was too small to be besieged by groups, and the rest of the others Zongmen monks can win the siege, but many people must die. No monks are willing to be cannon fodder first, so under mutual compromise, the Mozong also entered the central area and allocated a small area.

Although they have been living in peace, the nature of cultivating other monks is deeply rooted in the hearts of the demon cultivators, so those first-class sects have always maintained a state of suppression against the demon cultivators in the central area, just to keep enough people, but this is not easy to say , so there is a good saying for the saying in his own sect: to fight to protect the human race.After all, it is a confrontation, and it is possible to fight. As a result, nothing happened for thousands of years, but this statement has not changed.

The first-class sects rely on the Supreme Formation to continuously absorb the aura of the Immortal Cultivation World for their own sects. They are guarded by the sect's great formation outside and supported by the mortal world inside. They are not afraid of the development of demonic cultivation.

Although the Mozong was also involved when the number of disciples of the sect was agreed upon, both of them knew in their hearts that the Mozong was in the far northwest region, and there was nothing they could do if they didn't abide by it. Moxiu who went out there would not meet The monks of the first-class sect, even if they do meet each other, will probably want to go back and call their friends and fellow sects to share these humanoid resources. For example, Menyou Shazong couldn't afford to support too many monks, because the higher the level of cultivation, the greater the consumption.

Therefore, the Yousha Sect does not respect the agreement of the third-class sects, but really cannot support too many monks. If there are more bottom-level monks, there will be more monks who will be promoted, and more resources will be consumed.

Moxiu only has thirteen sects, four second-class sects, nine third-class sects, and none first-class sects.

It can be said that Zhou Tai's ultra-long-distance teleportation was very unlucky, and it was teleported to the resource area of ​​those demon sects...

The so-called resource area refers to those mortal living areas on the south side of the mountain range in the Northwest Immortal Cultivation Realm. Because Moxiu has no mortal world, some mortals are raised here. Because Moxiu sects are different and their needs are different, each resource The area is almost always headed by a second-class demon sect, with several third-class demon sects attached.

In order to prevent problems, the surroundings of the resource area are blocked, and there are even high-level demon cultivators stationed on the edge of the blockade, and in order to prevent some demon sects from messing around, except for special agreed days, no demon cultivators are allowed at other times entered.From time to time, there will be a large number of high-ranking monks who unite with the sect to inspect, and the demon monks who find violations or mortals who accidentally step into Qi training will become materials, but as time goes by, this kind of inspection becomes less frequent That's all.

In order to facilitate the distribution, each resource area has set up different numbers of Immortal Cities. For example, in the resource area Zhou Tai was in before, there was only one Immortal City that belonged to the Yousha Sect, and there was only one day a year to collect people and refine the Blood Spirit Pill. , Each demon sect has subtle differences, so the Yousha sect only chooses young and strong men.

In order to prevent accidents, and for the smoothness of the day, and not to cause additional losses due to bloody storms, there is the saying of Xiuxian sect accepting disciples. Returning once a year later, it can be said that I tried my best not to leave any flaws.

No matter what kind of disciples to accept, within the Demon Sect, there are also Immortal Cultivation Clans, but they are all within the Demon Sect, but the number is not much. The Cultivation Families will always only decrease, not increase, and where will their turn come? Those mortals?

The area outside Xiuxian City is exclusively owned by the second-class demon sect. Those disappeared villages are all raised by ghosts. They just know that they can't exhaust the water, so they only select a small part every year.

The so-called Moon of Darkness originally didn't exist. As mortals continued to die, all kinds of resentment, yin, and evil spirits continued to gather in this area.

One day is added every hundred years, and when it finally turns into a moon of Yin and evil all year round, this place will start to change like a ghost land, which will become a holy place for monks who control ghosts. It is an attempt by the great monk, but it will take at least 3 years to see the results, but he still chooses to do so.

Because the sects are all outside the resource area, the few qi-training monks who used the soul-searching technique understand that they cannot go back to Xiuxian City, and Xiuxian City is not safe. The mysterious city owner of Xiuxian City is the devil. Zong Gao's corpse refinement was also a method used by Mozong to guard Xiuxian City.

Knowing all these things, Zhou Tai's heart was full of killing intent. These demon cultivators should be destroyed between heaven and earth, but he has gone now, and nothing can be changed. He can't save those mortals. There is no place for them to survive.

Just like those mortals in Shengxian City who are taken away once a year, they can’t be saved even if they want to be saved, and they can only watch. Too clear, but at least not less than seven.

You can't tell the truth, let's not say it first, it is very likely that no mortal will believe it, even if you work hard, so what?It just makes those mortals who can still feel happy in ignorance fall into infinite terror in their future lives.

If it was said that Zhou Tai only had a general idea about the future, then now that he knows what these demon sects have done, he has a wish in his heart.

 Thanks to book friend 20200219000452252 for rewarding 200 starting point coins.

  Thanks to Fusheng Junxian for rewarding Zhou Tai's 233 starting point coins.

(End of this chapter)

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