One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 308 Chapter 305 At a loss

Chapter 308 Chapter [-]
Zhou Tai was not surprised to see the green dots on the Lingbao-level spirit plate, representing the qi training period that had just left, go in different directions. The other party's storage bag is also a big temptation. Two monks must be worried when they walk together. In this world of cultivating immortals, there is no law, no morality, and conscience is like Ködinger's cat.

Zongmen disciples and Zongmen's rules restrain each other, and Yexiu is completely a predator of the jungle.

For the monks whose souls are searched, their souls will be torn to pieces, and although their bodies will remain, they will die directly.At that time, five people died directly during the soul search, and there were two remaining. One Zhou Tai gave one a happy life according to the agreement, and the other he did not search the soul, but killed him directly. It feels like a picture, but the soul search has an impact on the soul, Zhou Tai thought and thought and finally gave up.

The seven corpses were also instantly wiped out. As for using this body to refine some kind of blood spirit pill, Zhou Tai didn't think about it at all. He felt that eating the blood spirit pill was almost like eating people directly.

Seven storage bags of the magic cultivator, five of which were given away, and two left in the hand. In addition to the magical tools and items of the magic cultivator, there are several blood-red children's fist-like blood spirit pills, blood spirit pills The smaller the effect, the better, but the Yousha Sect distributes the materials directly, and the Foundation Establishment cultivators practice on their own, so they can only make larger ones, and ask others to help them. No one will waste their training time for free help. Find the same sect. A part of the monks' help will inevitably be taken away.

Demon cultivators’ instruments are all evil and ghostly, and the Blood Spirit Pill is full of blood. Zhou Tai had the idea of ​​throwing it away, but in the end he put it away. Maybe it can be exchanged for something in the future. This cultivator The fairyland is too difficult, a little more things will bring a little more hope.

There was hostility in his heart, and he really wanted to kill some demon cultivators, but Zhou Tai, who had truly understood the power of the sect's great formation, knew that he could not get too close to those demon sects. After more than ten days, a black spot of light was suddenly found on the edge of the spirit-testing disk at the Lingbao level. Zhou Tai immediately narrowed the range of the spirit-testing disk, and then ran away from this place in a panic.

Zhou Tai already knew that some high-level monks with sensitive perceptions were sensitive when they were found by the spirit plate, but most of them were difficult to judge the location and distance of the other party. Lingbao can find the direction, although this kind of existence is very rare, it can be said to be rare, but Zhou Tai will not gamble with his own life.

The body is full of strengthened teleportation to escape. In this state, the coverage of spiritual consciousness is [-] kilometers, and it can reach [-] kilometers in one direction. Therefore, Zhou Tai teleports [-] miles in one teleportation. After ten times in a row, he found that The other party did not appear on the spirit test disk again, so Zhou Taicai changed direction again and left.

Ever since he discovered that he had a strengthening point, Zhou Tai had fantasized about using it to amaze an era when he was a child, but as he entered the world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Tai found that although the strengthening point is very powerful, the crisis is still everywhere, and he may be at any time. Death Dao Xiao is very possible, the more you know, the more dangerous you will find this world of cultivating immortals, this is not a world where you can only meet the Qi training period during the Qi training period, but a world of Qi training period and Jindan period Nascent Soul It is a world where even higher level monks can meet face to face.

If it weren't for the magic weapon such as the spirit test disk, Zhou Tai probably wouldn't be able to tell how many times he died, and sometimes he wondered if it was a mistake to take this difficult and rugged road to cultivating immortals, and whether he should give up, after all, he was alive. There are many ways to choose, as long as it is the life you like, even if it is short, it is a kind of brilliance. The days of cultivating immortals are not happy at all. There is no telling when the body will die and the dao will disappear. There have been many life-and-death crises, and they may not all have such good luck.

A little tired, now it is more of a persevering mentality to go down, knowing what the Demon Sect has done, Zhou Tai has a wish in his heart, it can also be said to be a dream after becoming a great monk, the reason why he used Words such as wishes and dreams are because he is not sure whether he can do it. What will happen after the strengthening point reaches 100?What will happen after reaching [-] million points?Can it really compare to the Zongmen Grand Formation?

I have been in this world for more than 150 years, but I still can only run around.

In a deep place underground, Zhou Tai was hiding in it. Zhou Tai took out those magical skills and looked at them. After understanding them in detail, Zhou Tai put them away!
If he practiced magic cultivation skills and took some risks, he could greatly improve his cultivation in a short period of time. In this way, he would be one step closer in terms of survivability and fulfilling his dreams, and the magic cultivation skills were strange and powerful. In terms of level, it is much stronger than normal monks. Now the magic cultivation methods have been passed down for a long time, and it will rarely affect future cultivation.

However, Zhou Tai gave up practicing this Yousha Sect's cultivation method after reviewing it, because if he wanted to improve his cultivation quickly, he had to continuously assist the cultivation of the Blood Spirit Pill, otherwise the cultivation speed would be slower than that of normal monks. a lot of.

This cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals acts cruelly and viciously, and if he kills him, he will kill him, but Zhou Tai really can't do it with the blood-refining elixir, he can't pass the test in his heart.

In fact, he knew that this was his own affection. He had long thought that his ghost vein extermination was also a magic cultivation method, and it was an extremely powerful one. Baby, Zhou Tai must still practice to improve this ghost meridian extermination line, because this skill is too important to him.

There is actually not much difference between cultivating with Yuanying and cultivating with monks. Zhou Tai's non-cultivation may be due to the price of conscience. Cultivation will not be too slow, if it is not for accumulating strengthening points, he would already have a golden core.

But Zhou Tai disagrees with the practice of ghost meridian extermination, because it is extremely difficult to get a Nascent Soul, and he will not meet a Nascent Soul stage monk and want to snatch another Nascent Soul, unless it is the situation of dividing life and death He doesn't want to become the kind of killing that only appears for plundering, he is afraid that he will become the kind of madman and devil that he hates.

This is probably like being able to trample on the queen, but not willing to bully ordinary people.

The exercises are not good, and no secret techniques have been found, which is normal, after all, it is only the magic cultivation of the foundation establishment stage.

After digging an underground hiding place again, Zhou Tai didn't think about leaving for a short time. Although the world of cultivating immortals is huge, Zhou Tai didn't know where he should go.

Not counting the 690-year strengthening points for the initial strengthening of the body, Zhou Tai now has 7000 strengthening points. If he wants to strengthen his body again enough to strengthen two magic weapons of the spirit treasure level, he needs more than 20 and [-] strengthening points Point, that is, another [-] years.

If you are a strong-willed person, you can just hide for another 20 years. As long as you ensure your safety, there will always be a time when you will fly to the sky. If you don't have enough power, why go out and make troubles!Zhou Tai thought he could do it, but he couldn't take it after staying here for a long time. If he didn't have a little enhancement point, he could stay forever, but now he has more than 5 enhancement points on his body, so he shut himself off. It's really uncomfortable here, after thinking about it for a while, I feel that this is a waste of my life, so Zhou Tai still chooses to leave here.

As for where to go, Zhou Tai chose a direction at random after excluding the direction of Mo Xiu Zongmen and the direction of the central area.

This area is very desolate, with large expanses of desert and few flora and fauna. The better places have become the resources of the Demon Sect.

Flying aimlessly, although it is also a person flying between the sky and the earth, but it is better than staying underground for many years, at least it is always active, and you can see different scenery. With eyes closed and eyes open, 20 years have passed like sleeping. In this dangerous world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Tai is willing to make this choice, but monks have much better energy than ordinary people, and most of the time they are awake Yes, the last time he hid underground for ten years, Zhou Taiquan relied on recalling bits and pieces of his previous life. It’s not that he didn’t have other things to do, but he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to control his desire to go out after being active.

How many days in a row, without seeing a single person, Zhou Tai lamented how big the world of cultivating immortals is. People live in groups, but many wild cultivators can only live as individual creatures struggling in this world. As long as they live There is hope, just like the goal of immortality, as long as it is possible and breathable, we must move forward, which can be said to be a kind of moth to the fire.

In fact, the original Great World of Immortal Cultivation was not so desolate, the environment was not so bad, and gathering areas of mortals can be seen everywhere, so the world of Immortal Cultivation is prosperous, and casual cultivators can be seen everywhere.

At that time, most of the mortals were basically taken to the mortal world, and a small number of the rest were scattered in every corner of the world of cultivating immortals.

It's just that most of the mortals distributed in the area of ​​the Demon Sect were captured and raised in the resource area. This kind of arrest of mortals by demonic cultivators has lasted for hundreds of years in the northwest region of the cultivation world. Many teleportation arrays are convenient for the demon cultivators to move around. Some were arrested, and some entire villages or towns were directly killed by the demon cultivators refining magic weapons or other reasons. It can be said that the number of the latter is far greater than that of the former.There are still some remaining, unable to survive, and died naturally.

And in the southeast region of the Immortal Cultivation World, there were also some mortals who were distributed outside those sects back then, but the Zongmen servants left the sect and became wild cultivators, how could mortals live well in front of wild cultivators?However, the second-class and third-class sects slaughtered Yexiu every thousand years, together with the mortals gathered around Yexiu, which was not a large-scale casualty, coupled with the activities of some wild beasts or monsters, and finally turned into a scene that is difficult for ordinary people outside the sect to see. .

In other areas, the transfer of powerful sects, the flood of unchecked monsters, and the monsters that are strong enough to a certain level will evolve to be comparable to the monsters that exist like high-level monks. Living in those areas, not to mention mortals, just It is also difficult for casual cultivators to survive.

It is difficult for casual cultivators in the Demon Sect area to survive, and they will be caught when they see it. The blood-training elixir will be caught, and the Zongmen area will be killed once in a thousand years. After a large area of ​​extinction, casual cultivators have become veritable wild cultivators.

Are there mortals outside the control of the sect in the Great World of Immortal Cultivation?
Any life is tenacious, not to mention that the world of cultivating immortals is so huge, some mortals who survived slowly perish, but some mortals still survived tenaciously, but they are extremely rare, and the reason they can survive is also because they For those who are weak, becoming a monk, the Ouija board can find the target from a long distance away, but for weak mortals, they can either see it with their eyes or capture it with their spiritual sense, so that they can be discovered, and not all monks They will attack mortals. Many monks will not care too much even if they find out the existence of mortals, especially those monks from sects other than the Demon Sect. Even if they are wild cultivators, they are not all bad.

After flying for two months, Zhou Tai found an extremely faint spot of light on the spirit test disk representing the period of Qi training. The light spot on the disk disappeared, Zhou Tai knew that this Qi training period was dead.

It was a long distance away, but in that glimpse, Zhou Tai saw that the qi cultivator was only a ten-year-old child, who was killed alive in front of a group of numb-faced people in a dark place.

The distance was too far, there was no time for rescue, Zhou Tai's flying direction changed immediately, and he went straight there.As a result, after flying to that area, he found that there was no abnormality there, even if he searched with his spiritual sense many times, he did not find any abnormality.

Because the area covered by the Lingbao-level spirit measuring disk is too large, a point on the top is a large area. It would be good if there is some reference, but the scene should be somewhere underground.

He didn't give up easily. After searching here for some time, Zhou Tai finally found this group of mortals at night. They were hundreds of mortals living underground. After a long time, the underground place was extremely damaged by them. It is wide, like a small underground town. The main food they eat is a fungus that grows underground and some insects that live in the soil, and they have also learned to breed in large quantities.

Although they are active underground, when they sleep, they will still run to a place close to the ground, because they need fire and smoke exhaust, and the area close to the ground is more convenient to observe whether it is dark, and it is also convenient to collect firewood and other things .

Whether the sky is dark or not doesn't have much impact on spiritually aware monks, but in the eyes of these mortals, maybe the night is more secure.

Zhou Tai also understood the reason for the death of the qi training monk, it was only because he was promoted to qi training unintentionally.

 Thanks to Pure Love - the only 100 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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