One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 309 Chapter 306

Chapter 309 Chapter [-]

In the dark underground cave, there is a remote place. This is a stone house several feet in size. It is completely made of stone. It can be seen that the original stone surface is irregular. After simple polishing, it looks obvious It's a little smoother.

This is very special here, because many places in this underground village where mortals live are supported by wood to prevent collapse. Most of the places used for living are also supported by wood, even if a small amount of stone is used. Just use it as a table or a stool, this is the only room made entirely of stone.

In this stone house, there is only a metal mirror-like existence on some old wooden tables in the middle, and there is nothing around the stone house. It can be said that this stone house is completely used to place this metal mirror.

Soon a black figure appeared here, this is a middle-aged man, but he looks a little old, wearing mulberry grass woven clothes all over his body.

Stretched out a somewhat pale palm, picked up something like a metal mirror, and laboriously transported the spiritual energy in the dantian in the body to the mirror. After a slight flash, the mirror returned to its original state, confirming that there was nothing special He didn't feel relieved to leave here.

After the mortal left, at a certain moment, the metal mirror disappeared out of thin air, and then quickly reappeared in place.

It's not that there's anything miraculous about this thing, it's just that Zhou Tai appeared here, activated the state of ghost pulse extinction, and picked up this mirror to look at it.

Originally thought that the thing offered by this mortal village would be very special, but when Zhou Tai picked it up and looked at it, he realized it was just an ordinary low-grade magic weapon.The only advantage is that it looks very resistant, a bit similar to a spiritual disk, and can find nearby monks, but both the effect and the spiritual energy consumption are much worse than normal spiritual disks, giving Zhou Tai a feeling that this is an old object. Feel.

In order to improve their survivability, the mortals here have all started to absorb spiritual energy to their dantians. In other words, they have all entered the spiritual realm, but that's it. No one has reached the Qi training period, and there is nothing special about the spiritual realm. , but the spiritual energy absorbed into the dantian, if not replenished, it will only dissipate after a period of time, so the people here can still be regarded as mortals.

After a while, someone will come here and pick up this kind of metal mirror to input the aura in his dantian. After observing and eavesdropping on the conversation here, Zhou Tai learned that there is a family of children in their teens who inadvertently opened the After entering the cycle of meridians and Zhou Tai, he entered the Qi training period, and was immediately executed after being discovered by the people in the village. The reason was that no matter how difficult it would be for everyone here.

The monk who had just entered Qi training was not much better than ordinary people, so it was no surprise that he was killed directly. This is not the first time this happened here, nor will it be the last time.

Thinking about it, Zhou Tai also understood that this underground village uses this magic mirror to observe whether there are monks around, which is a kind of early warning, but there is too little spiritual energy in the Naling Realm, so everyone entered the Naling Realm , just because you know that after becoming a monk, you can be detected by detection instruments from a long distance, so if someone enters the Qi training period and forms a cycle in the body, they will be killed if they find it.

Without guidance, practice is like many layers of paper. Without guidance, few people can think of continuously opening up the meridians to form a circulatory cycle, but the magic of spiritual energy, there will always be people who can't help but try it, and can explore it by themselves. The existence of the Qi training period, not to mention other things, generally comprehension is not bad, but here, this kind of excellence can only be executed.

It's a bit strange here, normal mortals can't have magical artifacts, even if it's just a low-grade magical artifact, Zhou Tai guessed that these are either from the cultivator family, or from a casual cultivator when the immortal cultivator world was prosperous.

After figuring out the situation, Zhou Tai had no interest in this place and left directly.If outsiders could be accepted here, he wouldn't mind getting in touch with them here, but judging by the way this place looked, it was obvious that outsiders would not be welcome here. Although they could be suppressed forcefully, there was no need for that.

With this discovery, it can only be said that Zhou Tai has a better understanding of this world of cultivating immortals.

After that, Zhou Tai still wandered around in this world of cultivating immortals. It can be said that he didn’t travel much in his last life, and he could only watch the scenery of the world on his mobile phone or TV, but he made up for it in this life. It can be said that every day he is in a kind of In the state of tourism, although some places are desolate and have a large range, there are also many unique scenery, such as mountains and lakes, forest beasts, mountains with thousands of peaks, etc. It can be said that it is suitable for a person who likes to appreciate novel beauty. It is beautiful to say the least, but Zhou Tai is an ordinary person, and he does not have the level of artistic conception that the sun sets in the desert, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky. These scenery are novel to him at first glance, but they always look like that.

After running around for several months, Zhou Tai's biggest feeling is that the world of cultivating immortals is so big. In the past, he felt that if this place was as big as the earth, then the people here might be as big as ants on the earth. , the space has expanded many times, and now he realizes that he is wrong, the size of the earth is not enough, maybe it is about the same if it is replaced by Jupiter?
I don’t know how big this place is, so I can only guess based on what I’ve seen. If it’s also a round planet, I remember that in my previous life, I used a method of measuring the vertical angle between the two places’ sunlight at noon to estimate the size of the earth, but I have long forgotten the specific methods and formulas.

I remember Zhou Tai would not use it for calculations, because I am not sure whether some of the laws here are the same as in the previous life. If not, the measured value will also be a wrong value. In that case, doing things in the wrong direction is better than having no direction.

This is not measurable. Taking the huge area here as an example, if it is a planet, the gravity should be very strong, but the result is that Zhou Tai did not feel any difference, just because he grew up here and has adapted to it. The statement cannot be explained, or is the underground world empty?

There is a saying that if you often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet, it is also applicable in the world of cultivating immortals: if you often fly in the sky, you will not encounter special situations.

Because the detection range of the Lingbao-level spirit plate is very wide, Zhou Tai didn't think he could meet other monks. As a result, Zhou Tai met a flying human creature, and he only discovered it when the other party entered the range of his spiritual consciousness. of.

It was where a mountain range was located, and the other party stayed within it, so Zhou Tai couldn't see the other party until he was engulfed by divine consciousness during the flight, so he didn't realize the existence of the other party.

It was not a person, it could only be said to be a human-like creature, with a body about two feet high, hands and feet in the shape of some animal's claws, and a head even more like a beast's head, with fierce and cruel eyes revealing, while Zhou Tai When you found the other party, your first reaction turned out to be a half-orc?Soon he realized that he was wrong, and it was all because the novels, games and movies in his previous life had too much influence.

When he found the other party, Zhou Tai stopped moving forward, and the other party noticed it when his spiritual consciousness arrived, and also vacated. yellow light spot.

This is a demon, Zhou Tai confirmed.

Monsters evolved from monsters, and their symbol is to have a humanoid body. It is said that the higher the level, the higher the similarity between monsters and humans, and the top-level monsters can even have the exact same appearance as humans.

Demons are not monks, and under normal circumstances, they cannot be found on the measuring disk. Only when the other party uses supernatural powers will the spirit measuring disk react, and this is not absolute, a little supernatural power will not cause the spirit measuring disk to respond.

Demons generally do not have specific cultivation methods, and inheritance depends on bloodline inheritance, that is, once a monster evolves to the level of a monster, then its offspring may grow infinitely larger when it grows to the level of a monster. Fortunately, after evolving to the level of a monster, Monsters will lose the powerful reproductive ability of monsters. Otherwise, this world of cultivating immortals may have long been dominated by demons. In the world of cultivating immortals, monsters, like demons, were constantly hunted down.

Monsters have no spells, and whether they are powerful or not depends on their awakened magical powers. The more powerful a monster awakens more magical powers, the more magical powers they have, the stronger the power of a single magical power.

At the same level, generally monsters are stronger than monks. Although it is not absolute, it is the case most of the time.The most common supernatural power of monsters is Yukong, which is also the easiest supernatural power to awaken when a monster becomes a monster. The better point is that Yukong supernatural power can be detected in advance by probing magic tools.

Although this encounter was unexpected and contained some dangers, Zhou Tai was not very afraid, because from what he had learned about cultivating immortals, he knew that this was just the lowest level of monsters, whose realm was equivalent to the golden core stage of human beings. Combat power is hovering at the bottom of the Nascent Soul Stage, and the level of strength displayed on the spiritual disk for demons is usually reduced by one realm when converted into the cultivation level, because the standard of the spiritual disk corresponds to human monks, and monsters of the same level are stronger than others. For human monks, this kind of leapfrog display will appear, so there is a saying that monsters are at least in the Nascent Soul stage.

Zhou Tai got the knowledge of the foundation-building period monks of the Yousha Sect, so he knew this, because the effect of refining blood spirit pills with demons is better, so demon cultivators have a lot of more accurate research on demons. Even so, there are generally few Moxiu took the initiative to catch the monsters, because he couldn't detect them under normal circumstances, and he didn't know whether he was provoking one or a group.

Because Moxiu has a deep research on monsters, he knows that the combat power displayed by the measuring disk is not accurate, and it is more of a feedback reaction to the supernatural powers of monsters. This lowest-level monster does not have a real Nascent Soul battle power, and there is no means of teleporting the Nascent Soul.

Although he is not afraid of the opponent, Zhou Tai has no intention of provoking him. Who knows if it is a group or just one. What if the small ones are hit and a big one pops out?
Seeing that the monster didn't come over irrationally, but just stood there looking at it like an idiot, Zhou Tai turned around, changed direction and left.

Most monsters like to eat humans, and eating human monks can increase the chances of cultivation and awakening supernatural powers. The reason why this low-level monster didn't go to Zhou Tai immediately is because after the monster reaches the level of a monster, its IQ will increase. The range has increased, although it can't see Zhou Tai's specific cultivation, but it can perceive the distance between the two, and know the distance of the other party's spiritual consciousness.

Zhou Tai maintained a strengthened state while flying, and the distance of his consciousness was [-] kilometers. From this, the demon judged that this was at least a human monk at the Nascent Soul stage, and it was not something it could beat.

Zhou Tai can't see the normal distance of [-] kilometers, but he can see it when he reaches the divine sense. The demon Yukong, who has evolved to the extreme, can compare with low-level magical eyes, can also see the [-] kilometers away. Zhou Tai could see clearly.

The monster didn't run away, seeing that the human monk who was stronger than him ran away first, thinking that the human monk was really cowardly and cowardly, at the same time, an earth-shattering roar came out.

"嗤~" is similar to the meaning of rolling.

Because of the distance between each other, the voice could not come over immediately. Although Zhou Tai turned around and left, his spiritual consciousness was still around the other party, in case the other party did something suddenly and he didn't notice it, so he clearly saw the monster. an extremely lively roar.

Although they are not of the same race, some things can be communicated across races. Zhou Tai can completely feel the triumphant and domineering roar of the other party. It is like a dog baring its teeth and grinning fiercely. No one will think it is a smile. .

As the saying goes, if a dog bites you, you can still bite back, let alone the other party didn't bite you.Although Zhou Tai understood this truth, he felt that an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye should be the more correct way to open up. If he walked away like this, he would feel insulted by the flat-haired beast.

So he turned around without hesitation, and opened his mouth imposingly like a rainbow: "Ho... Roo... Roo..."

From the perspective of artistic conception, if there is a translation here, these three characters can be transformed into a [-]-character classic national curse.

The sound is continuous and powerful, it would be better if there is a spell to amplify the sound, but unfortunately Zhou Tai doesn't have one.

Although the voice could not be transmitted, Zhou Tai's aura was completely displayed in front of the lowly monster, which made him very angry.

It's like going to the zoo to see a gorilla, imitating it outside the cage, raising your hands high and shaking back and forth, then knocking on your chest, and finally jumping with your hands and legs sideways in a triple combo, the gorilla can't stand it.

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped and the work was done, Zhou Tai turned around and left.

Although the low-level monster was angry, it was not stupid. Instead of chasing after it, it just yelled even more angrily.

I haven't noticed any special situation, and the ghost meridian extinction and teleportation that are always prepared have not been turned on. When I walked to the distance, the roar of the low-level monster came faintly.

Regarding this, Zhou Tai only had a simple comment left in the air: "Like a cat meowing!"

 Thank you for the 269 starting point coins rewarded by Fusheng Junxian
  Thanks to Yun Dan Feng Qing 888 for the reward of 100 starting points
  Thanks to the guy 517 for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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