One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 310 Chapter 307 More than one strategic shift

Chapter 310 Chapter [-] More than one strategic shift
Although the low-level monster didn't have any special movements, and didn't seem to have any intention of chasing after it, Zhou Tai was still very careful. A monk can be regarded as a delicious meal for a monster, and there is no danger. Zhou Tai Everyone will make a decision before making a move, not to mention that there are signs of danger, how can they take it lightly.

If it's not necessary, Zhou Tai doesn't want to take the initiative. There is no benefit in winning, and monsters generally don't have storage bags to grab. Kill them and eat meat?Zhou Tai is not a foodie, he wants to taste everything!The main purpose now is to accumulate reinforcement points, and I don't want to make trouble out of nothing.

In fact, instead of leaving under the opponent's eyes and leaving hidden dangers, Zhou Tai still has the idea of ​​killing the opponent quickly, and even prefers this kind of way. In the world of cultivating immortals, there are not many cases of being hunted down after leaving traces.

But thinking of this risk, Zhou Tai didn't want to take the risk anymore, especially because of the Lingbao-level bow and arrow. Maybe the Lingbao-level bow and arrow could destroy the opponent, but Zhou Tai only got three supporting arrows back then. I have used it many times over the years, especially most of the monks I faced had defensive magic weapons, and most of the time it was head-to-head collisions between magic weapons. Nothing in the world is forever, let alone his fierce under usage.

One of the arrows has been completely scrapped, one is close to being scrapped, and only the last one is intact. He doesn't know how to repair it, and he has no place to find someone to repair it. When all the arrows are scrapped, Zhou Tai, the big killer It can't be used anymore. Although I have snatched some storage bags over the years, and there are quite a few magic weapon-level arrows, none of them can come back automatically after strengthening.

Therefore, Zhou Tai adheres to the principle of using as little as possible. Only in this way can he have an extra powerful means when encountering a crisis. If it is really one or two arrows, it is okay, and the monster has rough skin and thick flesh, it seems that it can be resisted. .

He didn't run away immediately, and even yelled at the opponent once, because Zhou Tai thought it would be bad for him to show weakness too much.

After flying for a certain distance, Zhou Tai began to lower the flying altitude, and finally even approached the ground. At this moment, the distance to the opponent was beyond the range of Zhou Tai's consciousness, but the light spot with the opponent's watch on the measuring disk still existed , which shows that the monster is still using its magical powers to stay in the air.

The other party didn't fly high before. Zhou Taifei was in the air and was easily seen by the other party. Now he is close to landing on the ground, and the distance between Zhou Tai and the other party is not flat. If the other party is still observing him, then it is very likely that he has to raise his height. altitude of flight.

After lowering the height, Zhou Tai directly took out the Lingbao-level bow and arrow. He didn’t feel that the distance was too close just now, so he wanted to shoot now. He just wanted to cut off the characteristics of the Lingbao-level bow and arrow. If you look at yourself, it means that the other party has great thoughts about you.

After adding the strengthening points, the water curtain appeared, and the image of the low-level monster was clearly reflected on the water curtain.

The monster's gaze on the water curtain was looking directly at Zhou Tai. If a timid monk, under the somewhat terrifying image of a monster, might be frightened, but after Zhou Tai's life and death many times, he was not very scared. care.

But when the other party waved the arm-like claws and opened the bloody mouth as if eating something, Zhou Tai paid attention to it. Does this mean that the other party can see that he is observing it?Is this vision so strong?Or what supernatural power?
The other party did fly to the sky again, but compared to the performance of this lowly monster, Zhou Tai knew that this guy did not give up his thoughts on him easily.

He directly opened the bow and shot an arrow with a Lingbao-level bow and arrow. This was both intimidating and meant to test the opponent. If the opponent easily saw blood, Zhou Tai didn't mind seriously injuring or killing the opponent directly.

The spirit-treasure-level bow and arrow that crossed the space was ready to hit the target, but the opponent's skin was rough and fleshy, and the defense was strong, which did not exceed Zhou Tai's previous expectations. There was no blood on the opponent's body. The existence of the infant monk didn't care about the opponent's reaction anymore. After the Lingbao-level bow and arrow came back, Zhou Tai directly activated the ghost vein extermination line, changed direction, and began to teleport away continuously.

It's not that the spirit treasure is weak, but that Zhou Tai's strength is not strong. At this moment, he is still at the foundation stage, so he can only inject spiritual energy into the arrow, if he advances to the golden core stage.What is injected into the arrow is true energy, and the power of the same shot arrow can be at least doubled.

After teleporting for a certain distance, Zhou Tai changed direction again, and finally dug a hole to hide in it, and then canceled the state of ghost extermination. On the second day, he walked half an hour before turning on ghost meridian extermination, until many days later , Feeling that the distance was safe, and nothing special was found on the spirit test disk, so Zhou Tai revealed his figure and hurried on his way.

It's not fear or cowardice, it's just seeking stability!

And Zhou Tai felt that he should re-examine the information he got from those demon cultivators. Zhou Tai never went to those places where demons haunted. In his memory, it was impossible for monsters to appear here, but in reality Zhou Tai encountered them.

Nothing unusual happened in the following days, so Zhou Tai didn't take this matter to heart.

Maybe he was too idle, inexplicably recalling Monkey King's inscription on Wuzhi Mountain, looking at those mountains in the distance, Zhou Tai suddenly became interested in inscriptions on mountains and stones,

Then he started carving some barren peaks.

Write some sentences at the beginning: If a person commits a crime for money, this person is guilty; if a person commits a crime for food, this era is guilty; if a person commits a crime for dignity, everyone in the world is guilty.

When writing these, what Zhou Tai thought in his heart was that all monks in this world are guilty.

My love is not broken up, only widowed.

When he finished writing this sentence, Zhou Tai thought of the married figure in the past, and never thought about it. He just didn't want to be upset, and directly killed the woman he had been with for a year. He really couldn't do it at that time. If he has a chance, he will go back and have a look. If the other party marries again, if his strength allows, maybe he will slaughter the sect!Zhou Tai has never had that kind of bottomless kindness.

Later, he started to write some poems, but he might feel that this was meaningless, so he wanted to use the words of this world of cultivating immortals to cover the story.

The inscription is "Ahman", the content starts with a treasure in the world of cultivating immortals, and the power of nuclear weapons in the previous life is written on it.

Zhou Tai engraved this story seriously, and the traces are also the deepest. No one saw it. If a monk saw it, he might be confused. No one should take it seriously, right?

Zhou Tai who thought this way, one moment he was still admiring his masterpiece, and the next moment he activated the ghost vein and disappeared in place.

The Spiritual Treasure Level Spiritual Disk had been turned on all the time, and no abnormalities were found, but just now, a flying creature quickly broke into the range of Zhou Tai's consciousness, and came straight towards Zhou Tai.

Zhou Tai first hid his traces and evacuated from the spot, and then observed the opponent's image while constantly moving.

The speed is very fast, a bit like a bird with hair and wings, and Zhou Tai soon realized that it was a monster.

If the level of the monster is higher, more human-like, and the wings on the body remain the same, can it pretend to be an angel?Thinking in a mess in my mind, but the movement is not slow, adjust the strengthening point, and directly use a teleportation with a fully strengthened body.

There were no colored light spots displayed on the spiritual disk, and it was impossible to judge the opponent's level. Even if his body was covered in hair, Zhou Tai would not simply classify the opponent as a low-level demon.

There was no response from the spiritual disk, which meant that the other party either did not use their magical powers and only used their own wings to fly, or they used their magical powers, but they did not cause a reaction from the spiritual disk.

A few days ago, I just met a monster, but I didn't expect to meet the second one so soon. Zhou Tai thought that either he had entered the sphere of influence of a group of monsters, or the previous monster didn't give up. Find a helper.

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Tai didn't dare to be careless. The last time he tried the Lingbao-level bow and arrow, he already knew that if he advanced to the Jindan stage, using the Lingbao-level magic weapon would have some lethality against these monsters. Now it is just a foundation building. It is very difficult for him to face the demon.

If you can't beat it, you can only run away!

After continuous teleportation, with the help of ghost veins, Zhou Tai traveled all the way away.

This made Zhou Tai realize that in the area outside the sect of the world of cultivating immortals, one cannot fly too high. Senior monks are flying at high altitudes, and they cannot run around on the ground, because many monsters are lurking on the ground. In other words In other words, if you don't have some skills, you can't run around, because this world of cultivating immortals is difficult for ordinary wild cultivators.

Encountered monsters here, Zhou Tai didn't think it was a flood of monsters, and it was very difficult for monsters to advance to monsters, or for monsters to breed offspring. Want to look around.

The daily running time of Ghost Meridian Extinguisher is too short. After a few days, Zhou Tai returned to normal flying in the sky. Because he had two encounters, he paid more attention to the surrounding situation, so he met the demon for the third time. At that time, it was Zhou Tai who first observed the other party with the water curtain of Lingbao-level bows and arrows.

It was the two monsters that I saw before, mixed together, running across the ground and heading straight for Zhou Tai.Although the situation was critical and he didn't know what kind of tracking method the other party used, but seeing the image of the other party happily on the road, Zhou Tai still inevitably smiled.

It turns out that flying monsters are not used to running, and flying high in the sky is easy to be observed in advance, so one of the two monsters is running, and one is riding on the other. It will instigate a bit, not to mention, the speed is quite fast.

When Zhou Tai found the two monsters, although the two monsters felt something, but because Zhou Tai was not in the air, they didn't find Zhou Tai's whereabouts, but the speed became faster and faster.

"Did you find it?" the demon below asked.

"Probably not, it hasn't reached the range of the human monk's consciousness yet." The demon riding on it replied.

"This human cultivator's spiritual sense seems to have a huge range, but the attack is like scratching an itch on the body. It's just that he can run away too much, and it's more troublesome to arrest."

"It's true that the ability to escape is not small. The last time I thought about getting closer, I used my magical powers, but I lost my trace."

Running and running, the two monsters stopped suddenly, and the one below couldn't help roaring again.It turned out that after Zhou Tai found out about them, he ran away with oil on his feet.Who knew that this demon still persevered even though he couldn't catch up, did he have any support?Zhou Taicai didn't want to try this monster's method casually. If the boat capsizes in the gutter, wouldn't he be stupid?
Since you can escape twice, you can escape the third time, but this is not the way to do it all the time. If you want the other party to always find you, there must be some way to track it. Use alternately, and gradually get rid of this kind of pursuit, but in this way, most of the time, you can only hide in the Lingbao space, and life feels aggrieved again all of a sudden.

In fact, Zhou Tai didn't realize how much monsters desire human monks, which is a stronger attachment than satyrs meeting beautiful women. Now there are few high-level monsters, all because there are fewer monks who can eat.It can be said that it is very slow for monsters to advance only by themselves, and the higher the level of monks, the more delicious it is for monsters.

The reason why demons appear here is entirely because some demon sects and some demons have reached a secret deal, low-level exchange, demons exchange some powerful monsters and some sects for low-level monks in the Qi training period, this transaction has already been completed. It's been a long time.

The monsters dare not deal with the Demon Sect's big formation, but there are too few monks in the world, so they have to think of a way.

And the Demon Sect is not good at spying on monsters. That thing is much better at refining blood spirit pills than human monks. Even monks who use Qi training can't make any good blood spirit pills, but if the Demon Sect monks go out to catch monsters, Encountering monsters is a matter of life and death. Killing monsters is undoubtedly a great harvest, but it is also a great harvest for monsters to kill high-level demon cultivators, and they always hurt each other.

However, both the senior monks of the Demon Sect and the monsters are rare in number. Although they are both greedy for each other, they finally set up a business for the sake of longevity. Because they are wary of each other, they trade in such a barren area every time.

The transaction has been completed, and these two monsters are going to fight. When Zhou Tai met the first monster that day, if he had not changed direction and kept going straight all the way, he would have encountered many returning monsters, and even some The existence of high-level demons.

As for why only two monsters were chased, it was because the first monster judged that Zhou Tai was a lone monk, and he didn't look like a bait for a demon cultivator, so it found a monster who was good at tracking, and together In this business, if there are many monsters involved, it is estimated that not much will be distributed, and it may be swallowed up by powerful monsters. After all, human monks hide in the sect, and they come out in groups. It is too difficult for a senior monk.

(End of this chapter)

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