One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 311 Chapter 308

Chapter 311 Chapter [-]
When Zhou Tai completely started to hide his whereabouts, the two monsters who followed him lost Zhou Tai's trace. They didn't care too much about this situation. The other party had disappeared before, but they could find each other again after a few days After all, it is normal to have such a means to hide from their search, otherwise which monk would dare to run around like this?
With this kind of method, they are more at ease in chasing, but it is very rare to have this kind of method, and it is even more extraordinary to be able to cover up for such a long time for several days. On the contrary, the two chasing monsters are full of confidence.

Any method is not produced for no reason, the more powerful the method is, the more it consumes. In this world, replenishment is always slow. This is the case with monsters, and even more so with monks. The supernatural powers of monsters are not infinitely usable. It cannot be replenished.

In the eyes of these two monsters, it is stupid for this human monk to blindly use extraordinary means of escape. They all fantasized that when they catch the human monk, the opponent's spiritual power is completely exhausted and they can only catch him without a fight.

But after the other party lost track this time, he completely disappeared and never appeared again. At first, the two monsters had time to wait, but as time went by, they couldn't be found, and they finally lost their claws.

There is no trace at all. If the opponent digs a hole to hide, under their wide-ranging search, as long as there is a little breath left, the opponent will have nowhere to hide. After more than a month of tossing and finding nothing, the two monsters have to Give up the hunt.

They never imagined that Zhou Tai has the spirit treasure space to hide, and the ghost meridians can completely disappear and move. It's nothing more than Lingyuan.

If you consume all the spiritual energy in your body in a short time, you can indeed run a very long distance at one time, and you can even run beyond a safe distance at one time, but the spiritual energy in your body is exhausted. If you don’t have a quick replenishment method, you can recover normally. It will take at least a month, and if you want to recover, you can't stay in the empty Lingbao space. Once this happens, a crisis situation will easily occur.

Zhou Tai does have some high-grade spirit stones that can quickly replenish spirit energy, but they are for emergency use in times of crisis, so how can he use them easily, so the last time he leaves is to activate the ghost meridians and move a certain distance a day. Way.

Zhou Tai is not timid, only those who are ignorant can be fearless. At the beginning, he just wanted to know his enemy and his confidant, and fully understand that the world is acting normally. If the boat capsizes in the gutter, even if he dies, he will be full of regrets.

If he could, he also hoped that he would be able to act recklessly soon, but he never expected that many times he acted cautiously, and it turned out to be correct afterwards. Be more cautious.

In this world, the more you know, the more you realize your insignificance. Only a frog in a well will feel that the sky is as big as the mouth of a well.

Traveling through this world of cultivating immortals is no less than ordinary people traveling to the age of dinosaurs on earth, and every step is a life-and-death crisis.

Strengthening points are very powerful, Zhou Tai does not deny this, but just like tens of thousands of strengthening points at the moment, many things are helpless. It is very likely that Zhou Tai has died several times since the monk Yuanying started the exercise. Let’s say that the two monsters I met before, if there is no ghost veins to exterminate and expose their whereabouts, it is unknown whether they can escape. Even if they can hide in the Lingbao space can only hide in place.

It's not enough to just hide somewhere to increase the strengthening point, life is limited, if you don't want to continue to advance to increase your own life, once the life is reached, you will still die.

Zhou Tai has already calculated that the top monks in the world of cultivating immortals have thousands of years of longevity. They can only accumulate hundreds of thousands of enhancement points in 1000 years. If they cannot become immortals, they may only have one or two million enhancement points in total in the end. , I don’t know if the body can be strengthened again, the strengthening point is never enough, so Zhou Tai has been pursuing the strength of his own strength, but there is no way, so he can only try it out bit by bit.

After the time of encountering the monster appeared, Zhou Tai thought again about where to go. Normally speaking, the southeast region where the large sects are located is relatively safe as long as they do not enter the range of the sect. Zhou Tai completely extinguished his thoughts of going back because of the power of his innate detection of Lingbao and the fact that he was unable to hide under the innate detection spirit treasure before. In the same way, the Demon Sect didn't want to go anywhere, and he couldn't go in the middle.

In the end, there seems to be only the northernmost part of the world that is said to be full of ice and snow. It is said that due to the extreme cold, life is extinct. If monks want to survive there, they must constantly consume their own spiritual power. Once exhausted, they will die. When it disappears.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tai sighed lightly. It would be the best place to dig a hole to hide, but he didn't want to. In the end, Zhou Tai also decided to go to the boundless sea and find a small island that could survive.

Although sea beasts are ferocious and terrifying, they are only similar to ordinary beasts in terms of IQ. Most of the time they only act on instinct, without the super high thinking ability of monks and demons at all, and they basically stay in the sea water.

The most important thing is that low-level monks and powerful sea beasts are lazy to answer. If there are powerful monks or monsters showing their aura, powerful sea beasts will appear in groups.

Therefore, even though they are equally dangerous, for low-level wild cultivators, the chances of survival are actually higher.

After confirming this, Zhou Tai went straight to the edge of the Immortal Cultivation World, planning to accumulate reinforcement points there with peace of mind.

In a certain formation, a very young monk practiced in it, and when the practice was completed, he fell into deep thought.

This person is Huang Kun. When he was about to establish ultra-long-distance teleportation, he really wanted to do something, and even wanted to link up with Su Rou. After all, her level of formation is not low, but he did not expect that during the Qi training period. The monks were underestimated by him, and he didn't know if they were the ones he knew before, but they didn't look like them at all. There were three formation masters, and they were in crisis, so he could only let go of some small thoughts.

Killing so many Golden Core stage monks in that small forbidden area, the accumulated high-grade spirit stones combined with the formation he arranged himself, has the hope of advancing to the Golden Core stage.

But in the end, he could only watch the hope of advancing to the Golden Core stage slip away from his eyes. Although he was also allocated the storage bag of the Golden Core stage monks, it was just the bottom of the pot left over from other people's meat and soup.

In this era, as long as he can grow up, he is confident that he can become one of the top monks again. What kind of sect formation is murderous in the eyes of others, but for him, a top formation mage, as long as he After understanding the Zongmen Formation and making sufficient preparations, it will not be a threat to him at all.

Although they escaped from the small forbidden area with the concerted efforts of several people, those temporary companions all had vicious intentions.

"The top formation masters at the Qi training level must be killed. This is the number one problem. When they grow up, they may become their own rivals. It is best to kill them in the bud."

"That Su Rou, if possible, I should get rid of it, but this one needs to be well planned. Although she is beautiful, she is too dangerous."

"Another strange male cultivator also needs to get rid of, not to mention that he might become a threat, and he can't let him live if he robs the woman he likes."

"There is also that Yaoyu, who also wants to fulfill her previous wish. The female cultivator she has a crush on has never missed it."

On the contrary, Huang Kun didn't care much about the sect monks who were a great threat. In his opinion, they were just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags.

While thinking this way, Huang Kun couldn't help but think of the happy and romantic days when he was mixed into a third-class sect.

"If you hold back a little bit, you should already have the golden core now!" Huang Kun felt a little regretful about wanting this place, but he didn't regret it. If he wanted to cultivate immortality, he would be able to live happily, so how could he wrong himself?
As for his thinking of killing all threatening people instead of hugging for warmth, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

There are only a few people who can stand at the top in an era. He has a chance to stand on top. Of course, if he can lose one, he will lose one. For the same thing, it is different between a few top monks and dozens of top monks.

As for saying that he wants to be a loner?That's completely impossible, not to mention that he wants to find more beautiful female nuns to play with, so that he can guarantee his own safety after he cultivates, and he needs as many lackeys as possible.

There are many things to pay attention to in the way of imperial servants. You can’t give too much, but you have to pay attention to various methods. You can’t accept those who are too smart or ambitious. If he wants to cultivate that kind, he will die. The kind to be grateful to him.

The future is bright, but right now, being promoted to Jindan is indeed a big difficulty for Huang Kun, which makes Huang Kun, a reborn monk, feel extremely difficult.

Before being able to enter the third-class sect, there was some element of luck. If it was not exposed, maybe you could try another third-class sect, but after exposing your identity as a top formation master, which sect will The door will not be strictly guarded?If he went again, it would be easy to put his life in the hands of others, so how dare he go again?
If his cultivation base was higher, he would dare to go as long as he went to Jindan, but he was only a foundation builder.

After coming out of the ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, Huang Kun quickly found a place and began to arrange the formation.

What is a top array mage?The gap with ordinary formation masters is completely different in the layout of the most elementary formations. For ordinary formation masters of normal sects, if they want to arrange a formation, even the simplest, they must strictly arrange the types of formation materials. Compared with the matching, there is no sloppiness in the layout. A circular formation pattern must be completely circular. If there is a slight difference, the formation may not work.

But top-level formation masters dare to mix the materials of the same formation pattern, and even the materials of one section and one section are different, and then the pattern can be random, but the effect of the formation is better than those of ordinary formations. This is the main reason why Zhou Tai took out those materials and can be arranged into a super-long-distance teleportation array. If it were an ordinary array mage, he would definitely look at the things Zhou Tai took out and tell him There are no materials available, and there are too few available, so there is no one out of ten.

What Huang Kun arranged for himself is a compound formation, which has several functions of attack, defense, concealment, spirit gathering, and teleportation. Although the spirit gathering function of the formation makes the spirit energy content in the formation higher than that of the outside world, it can only It is impossible to use it to advance to the golden core stage if the cultivation is improved faster.

Unless there are spirit stones above the highest grade, combined with the formation method, and its ability to absorb spirits can be amplified, a powerful spirit gathering formation can be arranged to promote Jindan. Dan is even harder.

With these years of practice, he has continued to complete the foundation building, and even the transformation of the spirit is about to be completed, but there is still nothing to do in the Golden Core stage.

In the reality of the moment, Huang Kun was also a little helpless.

To be promoted to Jindan requires a sufficient aura environment. As one of the participants back then, he knew very well that there should be no such aura promotion conditions outside the Zongmen. dog.

This is a dead end for ordinary monks, but it is not absolute for Huang Kun. He also has some magic cultivation skills in his hands, and he can use magic cultivation methods to advance to Jindan, but it is also extremely difficult.

Demons can be used, but they can't be defeated.

After thinking about it, Huang Kun set his mind on the sea beast with low IQ. As long as he catches a sea beast with the formation, Huang Kun can turn the opponent into a pure aura and advance to the golden core stage.But this is also a problem. Sea beasts are difficult to catch and full of dangers, but it is also extremely difficult to go, because the journey is too long.

There are not many formation materials in hand, and it is not enough to set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, even if it can be set up, it will not work. I don’t know the specific location. If I keep teleporting directly to the sea, I will definitely die.

So I can only think of other ways to get there. If we keep teleporting, there will not be enough materials. What's more, we need to set up a large formation to catch sea beasts. At this moment, there is a shortage of materials, so how dare we waste them?
So I can only fly over a little bit, but in this world of cultivating immortals.Only in the foundation-building stage, it doesn't take many years to cross the distance, and the degree of danger is close to death.

If possible, Huang Kun would definitely not want to choose this option, but he has no other choice, Shouyuan waits for no one, this is the only visible hope for promotion he can think of.

He also knew that Zhou Tai's spirit treasure space could advance, but how did he know where the other party was?He didn't know that the massive aura in Zhou Tai Lingbao's space was wiped out at that time because of the battle.

Huang Kun is a monk who wants to do what he wants to do. When the spirit transformation is completed, he puts away the formation materials, then chooses the direction, and goes straight to capture the sea beasts. Because the formation materials are not enough, when he is on his way, he still Find a way to collect array materials.

(End of this chapter)

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