One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 312 Chapter 309 Beginning to advance to the golden core stage

Chapter 312 Chapter [-] Beginning to Advance to the Golden Core Stage
After determining the direction, Zhou Tai started the infinite rush mode. Originally, he thought that the journey would only take a few years, and the rest of the time was to find a safe place and accumulate strengthening points. When the strengthening points were enough, he tried to advance to the Jindan stage.

But the world of cultivating immortals has no location, and there is no specific map. The maps obtained from the storage bags obtained by the monks of those sects are always maps near their sects. Zhou Tai has never seen the map of the entire world of cultivating immortals. However, he can only go by feeling.

This walk has been going on for ten years, and I still haven't seen the trace of the infinite sea. I thought about giving up halfway, but I always thought that maybe it was not far ahead, but I was always disappointed.

The more and more time and cost invested, the more Zhou Tai didn't want to give up,
The Great World of Immortal Cultivation is very big. Zhou Tai, who has been on his way all the time, has a deep understanding of it. He kept flying with his sword, and it took him 15 years to finally see the seaside.

This has something to do with the fact that his flying speed is not very fast. In the first year, he would only hurry when the ghost meridian was activated every day, but this speed was too slow, and Zhou Tai also felt that he was far away from the two demons Tracking, and then returned to the normal Yujian flight.

Immortal cultivators can fly very fast with Yujian, but the faster they consume, the more spiritual power they will consume. Supplementation is a problem. Zhou Tai can only maintain a balance for this kind of long-distance travel. Fly at low speed.

In fact, the best travel tool for monks is the flying boat, which has its own spirit-gathering formation to fly continuously. If you need to speed up at a critical moment, you can use spirit stones or monks to provide spiritual power, and high-level flying boats can even arrange a variety of formations , the monks hiding inside are several times safer than under normal circumstances.

Flying with the sword all the way, it is impossible to be calm. High-level monks have encountered it more than once, but fortunately, the spirit test can basically give early warning. Monsters have also been encountered, but they all escaped by virtue of their excellent escape skills. The natural environment is even more commonplace. If you encounter a low-level monk Zhou Tai, you will skip it directly, and you don’t want to have any intersection with him. If you encounter a monster, if it looks delicious and easy to deal with, you will kill it as a backup. Food, of course, will be tested in advance to see if it is poisonous or not.

In this way, the ups and downs, twists and turns, and ups and downs continued to move forward.

After observing the seashore from a distance, Zhou Tai finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know how long he could last on this journey without knowing the end point. Fortunately, he finally arrived.

Knowing that there are sea beasts in the boundless sea, Zhou Tai didn't fly over directly, but chose to approach after opening the ghost meridians.

The sea water looks black, and it looks like ink from a distance. Zhou Tai took a closer look and found that it is not the case. It can only be said that it is a little dark with the sea water, but when the sea water is deep enough, it looks black.

After a brief observation, Zhou Tai took out his Lingbao-level bow and arrow and used its water curtain observation function to look into the sea.

Zhou Tai's purpose is very simple, to find a similar island to hide in, but he just wants to find an island along the coast that is closer to the mainland. In a smaller sea, the danger will undoubtedly be much higher.

The first search did not yield much as expected, but Zhou Tai was not in a hurry, he found a place before the time for the ghost veins to disappear, and then hid in the Lingbao space. Start to keep looking.

In order to ensure safety, Zhou Tai will only start searching when the ghost veins are activated, and hide when the time is up.

Walk along the coast and keep searching, because the time is limited every day, and there are some small requirements: not too close to the coast, within [-] miles is not considered at all, and the islands should not be too small, so that it is convenient to hide.

Always walking on the beach, Zhou Tai also knows that the waves on the beach are always bigger, and some islands with low altitude are not acceptable. When the sky is clear and the sky is clear, it is an island. A little bit of reef, Zhou Tai has seen this kind of scenery more than once.

The strong wind mixed with the torrential rain completely turned the world into a black world. The majestic waves can sometimes be rolled up to tens of feet high. Some small islands that were originally in the sea are sometimes submerged under the sea, and sometimes reveal a little face .

Sometimes unknown huge black shadows would flash by in the sea water. Zhou Tai knew that they were sea beasts. No matter whether they were weak sea beasts or not, Zhou Tai had no intention of provoking them. In this world, for unknown things, try to keep Some awe is well needed.

The sea is basically endless black water, and there are still many islands near the shore, but it is difficult to find the traces of the islands at a distance.

In this constant search, several months passed in the blink of an eye.

One day, Zhou Tai saw an island, the size and altitude were very suitable, the only disadvantage was that the island was less than [-] miles away from the coast of the mainland, because of this, Zhou Tai wanted to give up here and continue searching, but he wasted too much time on the road He wanted to find a place to rest.

"Just here!" Zhou Tai said in his heart after he quietly came to the island to search around and found no danger.

It is too difficult to be perfect in the world. If you really have to find a completely satisfactory island, I don’t know how long it will take, and if you find it, there may be monks on it.

The main thing is that in less than five years, the strengthening points accumulated by Zhou Tai will be able to spend enough points to strengthen two spirit treasures after his body is fully strengthened. This is the point where he plans to advance to the golden core stage. Looking for it, it is very likely that the promotion to the Golden Core Stage will be delayed, and he doesn't want to wait any longer.

Living on this island, Zhou Tai opened and closed several stone chambers on a mountain, and used them as his own caves. In order to prevent rainwater from pouring back, the entrances of the caves were opened downwards.The reason why I didn’t dig a hole this time is because it’s not necessary if I don’t dig deep, and this island is dug deep. If the sea water is dug out, will there be sea beasts coming after smelling it?
Although I feel that after my body is fully strengthened, it is very likely that I can advance to Jindan in an ordinary aura environment, but Zhou Tai doesn't want to think of a way if it doesn't work.

Generally, a sufficient aura environment is needed to advance to the Golden Core. There is no aura in the Lingbao space. Although Zhou Tai still has high-grade spirit stones, he doesn't want to use them. He reserves them for emergency.So he needs to start planting spirit stones again, and planting spirit stones also takes time, and he doesn't want to plant too many at a time, because the scope is too large and it is easy to cause problems, so Zhou Tai always plants hundreds of pieces at a time.

This kind of problem has already been thought of. Originally, Zhou Tai wanted to start planting with a few spirit stones when he was on the road, but because he would keep taking up the strengthening points in case of a crisis, he would strengthen the plant. Recovering all the points will inevitably make all the efforts in vain, Zhou Tai doesn't want to give himself a situation where he hesitates and deepens the crisis because of this, even if the possibility is very small.

In addition, there are not many spirit stones that can be strengthened. It takes at least [-] strengthening points to strengthen one hundred top-grade spirit stones. To recycle, the only way to start the maximum teleportation when the body is fully strengthened, after all, there are still too few strengthening points.

For spiritual stones, Zhou Tai still followed the previous rules, strengthening them to top-grade spiritual stones at most. Top-grade spiritual stones can absorb spiritual energy quickly, but who knows what kind of crisis it will bring?Don't be afraid to slow down, safety is the most important thing.

After Zhou Tai started planting spirit stones on the island, whenever the spirit stones were full, Zhou Tai would directly take them into the spirit treasure space and recycle them, and the spirit energy in the spirit stones would dissipate to the Within the Lingbao space, hundreds of operations can be performed at a time.

The aura began to appear again in the Lingbao space, and the concentration began to increase. After a few years passed, the reinforcement points were accumulated enough, and the aura in the Lingbao space felt enough, Zhou Tai began his journey to advance to Jindan .

All traces of spirit stones were eliminated, and after re-observing the surrounding environment and confirming that there was no danger, Zhou Tai opened the ghost veins and found a hidden place. The spirit treasure space is hidden together with the spirit treasure level qi restraining talisman.

In fact, Zhou Tai got a lot of magic tools similar to hiding breath in the later period. The reason why he has been using this Qi Containing Talisman is that he is used to it, and the other is that Zhou Tai is somewhat worried about the magic tools and equipment he snatched from those sects. .

After everything was ready, Zhou Tai rested for another three days to recover to the best condition of his body, and then took another bath before officially trying to advance to Jindan.

First of all, the body is fully strengthened. This has been done many times, and I am very used to it. As the body is fully strengthened, the spiritual consciousness will become stronger.

Then the spiritual consciousness began to gather together in the upper dantian palace. This is not simply to gather all the spiritual consciousness to one point, but to try to change the quantity to cause a qualitative change, and to produce a trace of the power of the soul. This requires a lot of monks' xinxing , the consciousness is different from the soul, but the consciousness will be greatly affected by the thoughts, and it is very difficult to achieve the state of instant thought and maintain it for a short time, which is impossible under normal circumstances.

Among the various golden elixir methods, there is a very important branch, which is the method of visualization.

If there is no conception, generally at least 1 of the 99 monks who have advanced to the Golden Core will not succeed, and the only ones who can succeed are cheaters like Zhou Tai.

The method of visualization requires monks to visualize a specific pattern in their minds and continuously strengthen and deepen the impression, which helps to concentrate their thoughts and reduce the generation of distracting thoughts when reciting the first sentence.The idea of ​​conception is only at the moment when it is promoted to Jindan, when it has the greatest effect, so it is only at this time that you can know whether it is useful. It is impossible to try it at will, because this situation will hurt the Dantian Palace, and Jindan will advance. A failed monk going to the Dantian Palace will definitely be damaged.

There are many meditation ideas circulated in the world of cultivating immortals. As for the effect, it is hard to say. The effect varies from person to person, mainly depends on the degree of fit. Different monks practice the same meditation idea. The effect may be very different. Falling down here, most of the monks who tried the Golden Elixir for the second time just changed their way of thinking.

Zhou Tai had already obtained the golden elixir method, and he also had the idea of ​​meditation, and he would practice it during his usual practice, but he failed very easily the first time he wanted to achieve the state of Nian Yi.

The Niwan Palace, that is, the upper Dantian Palace, suffered damage, but the pain disappeared as soon as it appeared. It turned out that the fully strengthened body has strong resilience, and the damage was quickly repaired.

Zhou Tai, who was thinking of skipping this step if it didn't work, found that he recovered so quickly. After a while, after feeling that there was nothing wrong, he tried again, and then failed again.

After failing, failing, and failing seven times in a row, Zhou Tai finally succeeded once.

A trace of primordial power appeared in an instant, and how long it lasted depends entirely on the performance of the monk himself. Zhou Tai's performance was not very good. After the trace of primordial power appeared, it began to dissipate. Stimulated by the power of God, Zhou Tai's power of consciousness became stronger again.

Without wasting time, Zhou Tai instantly mobilized all the power of his spiritual consciousness, part of the power of spiritual consciousness maintains a certain part of the meridians of the body, and part of the power of spiritual consciousness compresses the spiritual essence in this part of the meridians. This step is also very particular. If the meridians of the human body are too short, the spiritual energy will not come out, and it will be difficult to compress it into real energy.If the meridian is too long, it will increase the difficulty. Fortunately, all the exercises are the result of countless predecessors exploring the way. As long as there are exercises, this is not a problem.

The spiritual energy is invisible, and the spiritual consciousness is also invisible. It is difficult to compress the spiritual energy with the spiritual consciousness. After trying, Zhou Tai found that it is impossible to compress the spiritual energy with the strength of his spiritual consciousness during the normal foundation building period. When the strength of the spiritual consciousness When the body is at its full strength, it can be compressed and moved, and it is even easier to add a little help from the power of the soul.

Although Zhou Tai's trace of primordial spirit power quickly disappeared, it had little effect on him. Within that strengthened meridian, a new kind of spiritual power aggregate soon appeared: true essence.

But this is only half of the success, because the spiritual energy becomes real energy, the space in the meridians becomes larger, and the pressure that the remaining spiritual energy has been providing is getting smaller and smaller. The power that appeared like primordial spirit disappeared, and the power of consciousness became weaker. Although the spiritual power that turned into real yuan was easier to deal with than before, if you don't pay attention, you will still lose all games.

At this moment, it is necessary to quickly absorb the spiritual energy, quickly replenish the spiritual power in the body, and reduce the pressure on the spiritual consciousness in the meridians, and whether you are in an environment with sufficient spiritual energy at this moment is the most important thing.

The next normal operation is to control this point of true essence to wander in the body, reach the upper dantian palace, and make the spiritual consciousness strong and last for a long time.

But for Zhou Tai, who has a strong spiritual sense, he can completely skip this supplement. After a period of time, Zhou Tai's body is full of spiritual energy again. Normally speaking, there is now real energy in his body, and it can be maintained. It can be said that he has advanced to the Golden Core stage. Yang Xuan was this kind of newly promoted Golden Core monk back then. Although he could use his true energy, it was very rare.

Normally speaking, the next step is to repeat the process of compressing the spiritual energy to become the real energy. The external spiritual energy is absorbed normally, and the real energy in the body is divided into two parts. The real energy is used to press the spiritual energy to form a new spiritual energy, and the presence of real energy appears in the meridians The meridians should be maintained continuously with spiritual consciousness.

And this process consumes a lot of spiritual energy. The monks of the first-class sects don't care, and the monks of the second- and third-class sects can only start to waste time slowly.

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  Thanks to the guy 517 for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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