One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 314 Chapter 3101

Chapter 314 Chapter [-]

I went to the beach because I wanted to have a safe cultivation environment to advance to the Golden Core stage. Although other places are also possible, it is not as safe and untouched as the seaside. Even if it is a spiritual stone, I can rest assured.

After all, sea beasts are infested, monks are rare, and high-ranking monks are unwilling to come. Even if they are lucky enough to meet a monk, they may be low-level wild monks. What's more, Zhou Tai has never met a monk so far, so he knows that he wants to meet a monk It is also extremely difficult.

If you think about it, you can know how vast the world of cultivating immortals is, the boundless sea is connected to the land, and the coastline is so long. Not to mention the rare wild cultivators, it is just throwing thousands of monks to the seaside, and two cultivators appear. The possibility of meeting is not high.

In other words, it is okay to develop steadily here. If you are tired, you can blow the sea breeze. It is best to save 200 enhancement points in one breath, and then see what happens. If you can strengthen the magic weapon to a higher level, The survivability will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and the price paid is to stay here for more than [-] years, and this length of time can reach the Nascent Soul Stage without accident.

If there is nothing to worry about, then Zhou Tai may choose to stay here first, and when he can't stand it anymore, he will take a stroll, and then come back here to stay. This world is dangerous and hopeless, and this place is generally regarded as a party. Pure land.

But he has concerns...

In a certain corner of this world of cultivating immortals, there is still his woman. If he goes to find her, he will be promoted to the golden core stage first, just to improve his survivability, because he has to keep searching in this world, encounter Danger will be commonplace, and upgrading to the golden core stage will greatly improve both the fighting ability and the endurance of escaping.

Although the world is too big and the hope of finding it is not great, Zhou Tai can't do it without even trying.

She is alone, in this dangerous world, even if she is also fully strengthened, it is difficult to survive, and she will not escape the fate of falling in the end. It is very likely that she is hiding in a corner at this moment and dare not move.

Zhou Tai has been delayed for a long time, and now he should go out to look for it, even if his current strength is very weak, but the longer the time drags on, the less hope of meeting him again in this life, perhaps this time, Zhou Tai may also perish in the On the way of searching, there are some things that must be done, regardless of gains or losses, regardless of life or death, responsibilities, longings, just do what you want.

In this way of thinking, Zhou Tai left the deserted island directly along with the items, flew over the sea, returned to the land, and then headed for the inland area.

Because Yaoyu also has strengthening points, Zhou Tai believes that he can perceive her existence as long as he is within a certain distance.

The world of this monk is too big, and it is simply unrealistic to go to every corner, not to mention the monks of the Jindan stage and the monks of the Nascent Soul stage, it is very likely that they will not be able to go there in their lifetime.

Leaving the beach, Yu Jian flew over the land, observing the surrounding environment and Lingbao-level spirit plate at all times. Zhou Tai did not notice that there was a creature on a high mountain tens of thousands of miles away, and turned his gaze to him. Here, after yelling excitedly, they came straight to Zhou Tai.

Back then, he came all the way to the seaside, the route was extremely long, and he passed through the sphere of influence of some monsters several times on the road. No matter how far or near he was, Zhou Tai easily escaped by relying on teleportation or ghost pulse extermination, but the traces of the flight all the way were Can't hide it.

Although monsters are strong, they are helpless in the face of human monks who always appear in groups. Although there are fights between monsters, many monsters live in groups in one area. Monsters fight with each other, and no monsters will control them. A number of human monks appeared, and they either joined together to resist, or shared the food.

The later stage of Zhou Tai’s route to the seaside passed through a monster living area. Although the speed was fast, a lone human monk, who can improve his cultivation or gourmet food, and has nothing to do all day, will inevitably pursued.

If you run to a certain sect with a large formation in the end, the demon will definitely not dare to approach it, and will just give up, but if you run to the seaside, you will not give up at all.

Zhou Tai's measuring disk would not react at all because the monsters could not use their supernatural powers. Although he was careful, he couldn't observe all the areas behind him all the time, so he didn't realize that there were so many tails behind him.

This chase led to the beach. The monster did not believe that human monks would run into the sea, because it was seeking their own death. Although they could hide their tracks, the interval between each time was not long, so they suspected that they were hiding somewhere. However, Zhou Tai hid it too well, and even ran to the island. The few monsters he followed were destined to return in vain after searching for several years.

But the news spread: there was a single human cultivator hiding in an area, the highest cultivation level was no more than the Nascent Soul Stage, and he was equipped with a magic weapon of the spirit treasure level.

Nascent Soul monks are a great temptation to demons, and Lingbao-level magic tools can also be exchanged for a large number of Qi training monks in the transaction with Demon Sect monks, so many demons who feel capable come here.

Zhou Tai stayed for more than 20 years. Many monsters suspected that he had already run away, so they evacuated, but there were still some, who were the same everywhere, but did not give up easily, especially some monsters with domineering probing powers. within this area.

If Zhou Tai stayed for a few years, maybe these surviving monsters would also run away, but when he came out, he happened to come into the sight of one of them.

Zhou Tai, who was in flight, was on the land, in order to prevent approaching monsters, the scope of his consciousness was kept fully open, but he never thought that he had only seen monsters a few times on the road more than ten years ago, and this time he unexpectedly Just came out and met.

When flying, Zhou Tai also paid great attention to observing the surrounding environment, but he only noticed when the other party entered the range of his spiritual consciousness.

It was an existence that looked like a big eagle, but there was some blue gas floating on the surface of its body. Zhou Tai knew that it was monster energy, and those who could emit monster energy must be monsters, but they didn't know why this one Not too obvious avatars.

Discovering this situation, Zhou Tai didn't pay much attention to it, but moved his position quickly after skillfully opening the ghost meridian, and saved himself from danger in this way several times.

There has never been any perfect method in the world, and it is even more impossible to conquer the world with one trick, and there are thousands of strange magical powers of monsters.

The moment Zhou Tai's figure disappeared, a golden light appeared in the eyes of this monster, and at the same time, the figure quickly disappeared in place. At the same time, a black spot of light appeared on Zhou Tai's spiritual disk.

The black light spot is equivalent to the monk in the stage of transformation of gods for human beings, and it is equivalent to the stage of Nascent Soul for monsters.Zhou Tai who discovered this, before he could react, his body received a strong impact, and before he was knocked into the air, sharp claws came from a direction.

For this kind of result, this monster is also very unexpected. It estimates according to the scope of the other party's spiritual consciousness. This is at least a Nascent Soul cultivator. Although its supernatural powers are fast, it does not think that the other party will not be able to react at all. Its impact was originally intended to block the opponent's first wave of attacks with its relatively strong body defense, but it did not expect that the opponent had no time to react. If it knew this, it would hold the opponent in its mouth or grab it first with its claws. It's a mess.

It can only be said that Zhou Tai was careless. No matter monks and monks, or monks and demons, fighting each other is mostly a prejudgment. If the other party makes a move first and then finds a way to fight back, the cucumber dishes will be cold. Zhou Tai did not expect the ghost pulse Mie Xing failed in front of the other party, and he didn't expect the other party to appear in front of him in an instant. The two didn't expect him to walk between life and death. It can only be said that this monster thought of him as the Nascent Soul Stage, but It is impossible for a normal monk at the Nascent Soul stage to be unfamiliar with this monster. In the final analysis, this monster did not expect this. The monster who said it was the killer in the Nascent Soul stage knew nothing about it?
If the attack of this sharp claw hits directly, Zhou Tai will be seriously injured directly. After the impact just now, a normal monk will have at least a reaction time to return to normal, but Zhou Taiman's strengthened body, after the impact But there was no major problem, so it reacted when there was an impact.

For defense, take out a shield-like defensive magic weapon in an instant, convert the strengthening point, and instantly strengthen it to the level of Lingbao, and input the real essence to improve the defense ability. Regardless of distress, he instantly strengthened the Lingbao-level boots, and the teleportation was activated at the same time.

If you don't run, you can fight beside this kind of monster. It is estimated that after a few rounds, today will be Zhou Tai's memorial day next year.

Fortunately, the spirit-treasure-level shield fed with true energy blocked the blow, and when the body was about to retreat due to the attack, the teleportation was activated.

He didn't even have time to choose the operation for the farthest smooth distance, and only teleported according to the normal maximum range of consciousness.

Zhou Tai, who appeared hundreds of kilometers away, teleported continuously for the first time, with an interval of about one second between consecutive moments. Zhou Tai was not too worried about this. Even if the monster wanted to determine its position again, it would not At least this time is needed, and the result is as he expected, the opponent did not appear before the teleportation, and the second time, Zhou Tai made preparations, and directly teleported to the maximum distance, before advancing to Jindan, after the body is fully strengthened, The distance of spiritual consciousness can reach 400 kilometers, and now Zhou Tai's spiritual consciousness can reach more than [-] kilometers. As the range of spiritual consciousness becomes larger, the method of extending five times in one reverse direction is also discounted, but now four times There is still a lot of distance, so now Zhou Tai's farthest teleportation is close to [-] kilometers.

And when Zhou Tai moved two thousand kilometers away, he didn't feel that he was safe anymore, but continued to teleport continuously. After several times, when the teleportation completed a week again, Zhou Tai recovered the strengthening point on the previous defensive magic weapon, He strengthened the spiritual treasure-level spirit plate, intending to see the figure of the other party, but there was no black dot representing the existence of the other party on the spirit plate.

When the one-second teleportation reaction time passed, Zhou Tai habitually and quickly left the spot. The moment he left, a furry figure appeared at the position where Zhou Tai had just stood. It can be said that they passed close to each other. If the picture freezes and then slows down, from a certain angle, there is a moving feather wall behind Zhou Tai.

There was a reaction on the spiritual disk, and the black dot and the purple dot representing himself appeared at the same position. Without using the spiritual disk, the spiritual consciousness all over the surroundings also let Zhou Tai know what happened around him.

Not daring to think too much, not daring to waste an iota of time, and following his heart, Zhou Tai directly turned on the teleportation again, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Although he escaped again, Zhou Tai's heart sank. This is a monster that can break his invisibility and teleportation. This is likely to be a test of life and death, a competition of endurance.

If it is a fight with the opponent, Zhou Tai has no chance of winning against such a monster whose combat power is comparable to that of a cultivator at the transformation stage, so he can only run away.

The true energy in his body is limited, and the number of times of teleportation is fixed. It's really hard to say whether he can escape the opponent's pursuit, and Zhou Tai quickly thought of a worse point, even if the method of hiding in the Lingbao space is normal. Shielding the opponent's perception, but it is useless at the moment, maybe after teleporting, the front foot hides in the Lingbao space, and the back foot of the opponent will appear, and grasp the Lingbao space in his hand.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tai knew that whether he could escape with his own methods was completely dependent on luck, he didn't like this, thinking of this, Zhou Tai changed the direction of teleportation again.

In order to prevent the opponent from quickly finding him, Zhou Tai's teleportation direction is not a straight line each time, but the overall direction has not changed. It is the boundless sea he just left.

Zhou Tai, who was in the state of ghost meridian extinguishing, teleported into the sea without hesitation, and continued to go deep.

The chasing monster just stared at the delicious food, and followed directly. Even if it saw that it entered the sea, it didn't hesitate. As long as the opponent moves slowly, it can seize the opportunity and grab the opponent directly. Maybe it's just a fall. An instant thing, it does not want to give up easily.

Zhou Tai was able to hide his aura, but this monster could not. The aura of this monster appeared on the sea, and the sea water everywhere began to boil, and various sea beasts appeared on the surface of the sea, churning or roaring.

I don't know if it's because the sea beasts live in the sea, they have a lot of water in their brains, and their IQ is not high. The first ones to appear are some low-level sea beasts, which don't pose much threat to this monster, but as time goes by Going deeper, powerful sea beasts began to appear, the sea surface churned, various vortexes appeared, and the sky began to change color. The monsters that were not affected at first began to be affected by various attacks, especially at a certain moment when the teleportation was interrupted, he relied on his own After quickly and dangerously dodging the attack of another sea beast from under one leaping sea beast, it knew that it had to withdraw, otherwise it would definitely leave its corpse in the sea.

No monster stronger than it dared to enter the sea. It dared to chase in by relying on his teleportation supernatural power, but any supernatural power cannot be used indefinitely. It knows that it has temporarily lost its chance, so it can only Go back to the shore first and talk.

Its demonic aura is like a bright light in the sea. As time goes by, the sea beasts that appear will become stronger and stronger. It can show its strength in a short period of time, but staying here for a long time will be risking its life.

With the departure of this monster, the sea that was originally turned upside down gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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