One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 315 Chapter 3102

Chapter 315 Chapter [-] Between Land and Sea
Crisis may arise at any time, Zhou Tai not only dare not escape in a straight line, but also dare not stay in place to observe the situation, just like an ordinary person running on the road, followed by someone with a knife chasing him, if he doesn't run quickly, he dares to stop and look, Isn't that the Northeast mythical beast from the previous life, a silly roe deer?
But just running away is also not advisable. There is a time for ghost veins to disappear. If the time is up, then it is not an ordinary danger to roam the sea like this. If you hide in the Lingbao space, if the monster sees and chases you If it is, it is easy to be captured by the opponent.

Zhou Tai didn't choose to escape at high altitude, but kept himself close to the sea. Monsters generally have little consciousness. Zhou Tai didn't feel any consciousness in this monster. I don't know if the other party's teleportation relied on visual orientation.

The opponent is likely to keep chasing at a high altitude. After all, sea beasts can't fly. If so, run close to the sea surface. Is it possible that the opponent teleports out and hits the sea surface?Hitting a liquid at high speed is sometimes similar to hitting a solid. Of course, I understand that the possibility of this kind of thing happening is very small, but Zhou Tai doesn't mind doing it just in case.

Zhou Tai's main bet is that the monster can't move freely on the sea. After all, there is a display on the spirit test plate, which means that the opponent has no hidden means when chasing. On the spirit test plate, seeing the opponent He chased after him directly, and sometimes appeared at the place where he had teleported last time, and sometimes appeared only once after several times of teleporting, which shows that the other party did not give up at all just because he was on the sea Thoughts, Zhou Tai's heart inevitably sank.

If you are so persistent and don't give up, is the other party confident?Or bet that you can't teleport continuously?
It wasn't until a period of time later that Zhou Tai breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the black light spot represented was heading towards the land. However, in order to prevent the opponent's action from paralyzing himself, he stayed where he was, and the opponent immediately returned his carbine. However, Zhou Tai has always remained behind the exercise.

The opponent's teleportation distance is used when chasing, and the maximum teleportation distance of the opponent cannot be known. This situation has to be guarded against.

After all, he was retreating, and there is a high probability that the opponent did not dare to go deep into the sea, and moved the strengthening point while moving irregularly. In addition to keeping the spirit test pan in use, Zhou Tai also used the observation function of the Lingbao-level bow and arrow to observe the sea surface and the sea surface. Regarding the situation of the other party, Zhou Tai was also always ready to transfer the reinforcement points when doing these things, so that he could teleport away quickly when there was a crisis. There were only so many reinforcement points, so he could only transfer them back and forth.

So Zhou Tai saw the figure of the monster fleeing in embarrassment, and also saw the figures of countless sea monsters making waves on the sea surface. The scene of the sea monsters dancing in groups made Zhou Tai's hair stand on end, and he was a little worried that he would suddenly be in such an environment. among.

Through observation, Zhou Tai found that the interval between the two teleportations of the monster was very short at the beginning, but as the number of teleportations increased, the intervals became longer and longer.

Just like in his eyes at this moment, after the monster teleported once, it was still above the sea, and various sea beasts began to appear on the originally calm sea, because they flew high enough, most of the sea beasts could only writhe on the sea surface, and only a few sea beasts The attack can reach high altitudes, but the monster can only dodge easily with its dexterous flying movements, and some attacks are weak, so it directly hits it.

The opponent appeared for a short time, and at the beginning they were all weaker sea beasts. As the sea beasts that appeared became stronger and stronger, the attacks faced by that monster began to increase one after another. When Zhou Tai guessed that this situation would After a while, the opponent teleported and appeared closer to the coast.

Looking at the distance between the two places, Zhou Tai judged that the maximum teleportation distance of this monster should be [-] kilometers at a time. At this moment, Zhou Tai knew that the other party would not come towards him. With the other party's current state, he went deep into the sea and kept on the surface of the sea. If you chase yourself, even if you can catch yourself, the opponent may fall into the sea.

Zhou Tai has a more intuitive understanding of the sea beasts in the sea. In addition to the sea beasts that may hide terrifying power, the large number of them has infinite power. The altitude is good, but the sea is extremely dangerous. , I don’t know how many unknown sea beasts are hidden, and no matter how strong a monk is, his spiritual power is limited, but the sea beasts in the ocean are infinite.

Zhou Tai found that although many sea beasts look huge, most of them rely on their physical strength. If compared with the land, they may not even be considered monsters, but on the sea, the huge body cannot be ignored by monks. Among them are some rare but stronger sea beasts that can use monster power.

Soon the monster appeared on the coast, and the black light spot also disappeared on Zhou Tai's spiritual disk, but relying on the Lingbao bow and arrow, Zhou Tai could easily see the other party staying on a rock, Looking in his direction, he knew that the other party did not give up easily.

"What is this thing?" The monster standing on the rock at the moment is also wondering. It's not that the Nascent Soul stage monk has never eaten it, and it usually only teleports a few times. Although the distance is far, he can quickly keep up. , After the opponent's teleportation can't be used, you can only fight with yourself. Even if you are strong, you can't take it down, but after a long time, the opponent will be as fragile as a young animal, easy to handle.It turned out to be a good one. When it first saw the opponent’s teleportation distance so close, it was quite happy. It thought it would be easy to catch. Even if it was on the sea, it also thought that the distance was short and the number of teleportation times was more. It's normal, but how many times did the other party do it? It's almost dozens of times before and after.

Every time the opponent teleports, it also notices that there is something unusual about the starlight under the opponent's feet, which should be a treasure.

Although it didn't dare to stay in the sea for a long time, it was worried that it would attract powerful sea beasts, but it didn't believe that the other party would not come out and could hide in the sea forever. This monk meat, it Alakin, was determined to eat!
Seeing that the other party was guarding the shore, Zhou Tai went directly to the depths of the sea. He didn't have the idea of ​​going deep into the sea and never returning. Instead, he planned to go a little further and land from another place, so as to get rid of the other party.

There is not much time left for the ghost veins to disappear. Zhou Tai teleported a few more times to be safer. It would be best to find some islands, but this area is all black sea, and it is impossible to see it. Trail to the island.

Not daring to run into the Lingbao space with such fanfare, Zhou Tai first dived into the sea water, got used to it, and found that there was no abnormality caused by the sea beast, then dived a little more at ease, and then changed his position .

From the storage space, Zhou Tai took out a piece of ordinary wood. This wood can be added, and he got it a long time ago. Fortunately, he didn't throw it away afterwards.

After making a hole in the wood, Zhou Tai fixed the Lingbao Space and the Qi Containing Talisman together and put them inside, then added weights, and finally confirmed that the wood would not sink into the dark wood after letting go. The bottom of the sea will not float too large above the sea surface before quickly hiding in the Lingbao space.

Knowing that this is not very safe, but there is no good way. Once the ghost veins are exterminated, Zhou Tai will probably be buried in the sea if he does not hide in the Lingbao space.

Entering the empty Lingbao space, fortunately other things were not placed in the Lingbao space. This situation is in his imagination, and he must be on guard, otherwise, in the previous crisis situation, the loss would be great.

The aura in the space has all disappeared. It is impossible for Zhou Tai to simply stay here, take out the emergency high-grade spirit stones, and start replenishing the spiritual energy in his body. In this crisis, it is important to keep yourself in the best condition. very important.

One day passed quickly, and the Ghost Meridian Mie Xing could be used again, and Zhou Tai came out of the Lingbao space immediately.

The moment he came out, he felt something wrong. His body was wrapped in a powerful package, and there was an unpleasant smell. If it was an ordinary monk, he might be squeezed to death directly, but Zhou Taiman's strengthened body did not. There was no major problem, and soon under the induction of his spiritual sense, Zhou Tai knew what was wrong. He was in the belly of a sea beast at the moment, and he wanted to come to his wood used to hide the spirit treasure space, but it was passed by. The sea beast ate it by the way.

The wood has disappeared, probably corroded. Fortunately, the two spirit treasures are still there.Zhou Tai directly put away the two spirit treasures, recovered the strengthening points, and then took out the flying sword to strengthen them, transporting the true essence, and opening a way out with one sword.

After coming out of this sea beast, there is sea water all around him, Zhou Tai ignored it and went all the way up. I don't know if this sea beast will die, but it is certain that the bleeding wound will attract other sea beasts. Zhou Tai just wants to Get away from this place quickly.

There was no accident, Zhou Tai rushed all the way to the surface of the sea safely in the state of ghost pulse extinction, and then chose a direction to leave directly.

Zhou Tai did not choose to go to the shore, but went deep into the ocean for a certain distance, and then changed direction. After several times of teleportation, he finally saw a small island before the ghost pulse disappeared. Zhou Tai Choose to stop here for now.

This stay lasted for a year. Not only did he fully restore the aura of the used high-grade spirit stone, but he also accumulated a small amount of aura in the Lingbao space again, and at the same time practiced the spell of shifting shape and space.

After setting off again, Zhou Tai chose to advance along the direction parallel to the coast, often for a short period of time. After walking like this for a while, Zhou Tai felt that the distance should be enough before heading towards the shore again.

In order to prevent a crisis, Zhou Tai not only prepared teleportation at all times, but also made preparations in advance to shift shape and space, so as not to trigger it.

As a result, shortly after Zhou Tai arrived on land, the previous monster appeared again, and it still appeared in front of Zhou Tai in an instant. This time, the other party launched a teleport directly outside the range of Zhou Tai's consciousness.

Obviously, he had been paying attention to the surrounding situation, but he didn't find this monster in advance. This was a setback for Zhou Tai.

Low-level monsters still absorb aura, so they can be easily found with a spiritual disk, but when monsters reach the level of monsters, those former auras have already become monsters. If the monsters don't use their supernatural powers, it is difficult to find them.

Faced with this situation, normal sects have already had countermeasures, such as treasures to detect monsters, but they are all very demanding. The lowest and simplest magic weapon for detection also needs to be driven by the inner alchemy of monsters. Ordinary monks don't have it at all, only a few high-ranking monks have it.

Zhou Tai, who had been prepared for a long time, opened the distance from the opponent in an instant under the spell of shifting shape and space, and then disappeared in the teleportation.

The demon Aragin was also stunned by this. The cunning human monk had been prepared for a long time, and then he let out a roar, but this did not allow him to leave. No monk or demon can be on guard all the time. The failure this time was just that it was a little overwhelmed, thinking that the other party would be like the last time, and there was no time to react to the instant appearance of the powerful Aragin.

Returning to the sea again, facing the monster from a long distance, the bloodlust and persistence in the opponent's eyes were clearly visible on the water curtain of the Lingbao-level bow and arrow, Zhou Tai knew that the monster must have something to look for I don't know the ability, so it's difficult to avoid the opponent and return to the land!
When he was just promoted to Golden Core, although Zhou Tai didn't show anything, he was still a little proud in his heart. He felt that he was much stronger than before, and even once thought about slowly cultivating his heart of a strong man, so that he would no longer be a strong man. He easily hid and escaped, unimaginable, and now it is like this.

In the past, he killed some monks more or less, but now he has been cultivating immortals for more than 170 years, and has advanced to the golden core stage. Not only has he failed to show his ambitions, but he was blocked in the sea by a monster, and there is no good way to even return to land.

Does this mean that the more you practice, the more you go back?no!

Zhou Tai understands that as his cultivation level increases, the more he contacts, the more dangerous the situation he encounters will become. It can only be said that the higher the world of cultivating immortals, the more dangerous it is.

If the cultivation base is low at the moment, he may only be active in a small area, and the possibility of encountering dangerous situations is not high. After the cultivation base increases, the area of ​​activity will become larger, and the situation of encountering crises will also change.

Zongmen monks have the support of their sect and can grow safely. Although wild cultivators have many inheritances, they are still in danger at every step. As for ordinary people, there is no hope at all under normal circumstances.

Zhou Tai did not continue to stay where he was, but went directly to the deep sea, which was a last resort.

If you are on land, far away from the boundless sea, and you are chased by the opponent, there is probably no hope of escape. This time, it can only be said that the monster was impulsive, but if Zhou Tai lands again, it is impossible to judge whether the opponent is hiding If Zhou Tai does not think of a solution to this kind of monster with strong investigative ability, then he will be in a life-and-death crisis if he goes deep into the inland and the opponent appears. It will happen sooner or later, it is impossible that there is only one of this kind of monster, he wants to look for Yaoyu everywhere, within 100 years, it is impossible not to meet all of them.

 Thanks to the guy 517 for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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