One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 316 Chapter 3103

Chapter 316 Chapter [-]

In a certain desolate area, there is no sign of life, except for some barren hills, it is desolate.

It looked normal on the surface, and even if a monk flew over, he couldn't detect anything, but deep in the ground, there were tinkling, clanging sounds that kept ringing out.

This is Huang Kun mining. The action of holding up the tool and the persistent look, the continuous labor and the madness, coupled with the words "mining person, mining soul, and mining talent" seem to be very suitable.

Although the southwest region where the sect of Xiuxian Great World is located is not friendly to Yexiu, and even a catastrophe occurs once in a thousand years, under normal circumstances, as long as one does not break through to the foundation building stage and survive on that land, even if one encounters the sect Generally, the sect cultivators will not be in any danger, unless the sect cultivators they meet are in a bad mood and want to kill someone, or some wild cultivators have something special that makes the sect cultivators they see have other special thoughts.

Because there are so many sects, demon cultivators will not easily enter that area. Demon cultivators who can travel long distances in the world of cultivating immortals must not be low-level monks. Xiu said that he was like a harmless little white rabbit, and no sect cultivator would believe it, and he would be mobbed and attacked.

The monsters also don't want to experience the power of the sect's great array there, and the various sects will also trade or communicate in some large markets. During the various movements of these sect monks, it is difficult for the monsters to grow. In these respects, it can be regarded as a safe place for low-level wild cultivators.

When Huang Kun was in the foundation building stage, with his own formation methods, as long as he was careful, there would be no problem at all.But the mentality of a strong man established by the countless glorious experiences in the previous life, how can he keep his head down and be a small person, and if he has the opportunity, he must live recklessly. There was an accident and the game went awry.

If it wasn't for a coincidence that he met Su Rou and the others, what greeted him would be the end of life and death. Fortunately, he finally escaped by super long-distance teleportation.

If it hadn't been exposed, the area where the sect was located was the best choice for him to survive, but if it was exposed, he dared not go back.

It's like a family has mice. Before they are discovered, the mice are safe. Once the mice are exposed, if they stay in the house, something will happen sooner or later.

Although this metaphor is not good, it is the reality.

If you want to go back, you must improve your strength and strengthen some means of self-protection.It is a must to be promoted in the Jindan stage, and it is also a way to catch a female cultivator and find a way to cultivate the adult alchemy, but if it is not at the end of the mountain, Huang Kun will definitely not choose, because it will make the road to promotion in the future extremely difficult , almost announced that he had given up the possibility of becoming a top monk.

For a formation mage like him, cultivation is not the most important thing, but how can he not want to take a step closer and pursue perfection after reliving his life.

Originally, it would be great to have a female cultivator by my side, not only to enjoy it, but also to be the last person to be promoted to the golden core stage to guarantee the bottom line.As a result, after fleeing in a hurry, he was left alone.

The area outside where the sect is located has no members of the sect, but it is even more dangerous for low-level human monks. Huang Kun originally planned to go all the way there. If possible, he didn't want to give up the hope of advancing to the Golden Core normally.

The Zongmen had no choice, catching sea beasts by the sea was almost the last hope, although it was equally difficult, but he would not give up.

Everything went smoothly in the previous life, and most of the time they acted recklessly, and it turned out that things are right and wrong in this life. Although it has been a long time, as a low-level monk, he is really not used to the precarious life.

He wanted to rush all the way there, but after encountering a crisis, he had to rely on the formation to escape, which made him understand that it was difficult to reach the seaside by normal means, not to mention where to find enough water after reaching the seaside. The layout material is also a big problem.

After careful consideration, Huang Kun changed his mind. Although he still captured sea beasts, his destination changed.

Fighting is always inevitable in the world of cultivating immortals. Apart from external fighting, it is also internal fighting. External fighting is often a life-and-death struggle, but sometimes internal fighting cannot be like this, so there are several places of exile in the depths of the boundless sea.

The exiled lands are all huge islands, and positioning arrays are placed deep inside the islands. The only function is to use them for positioning, and the exiled monks can be directly transmitted to the island through ultra-long-distance transmission within the sect. .

The powerful sea beasts in the deep sea make it difficult for these exiled monks to leave, basically they can only be trapped here to death, what is even more powerful is that some teleportation arrays are arranged on the outer islands of these exiled places.

There are really monks who can avoid sea beasts, go forward in the sea, and after going through all kinds of hardships to get away from some distance, what will happen when they see the teleportation array on a certain small island?
Continuing to move forward in the sea is a narrow escape. The teleportation array may be a dangerous place, or you may escape from it. This is a [-]-[-] chance. Many monks may try to teleport, and then they will find themselves teleported again Back to the land of exile, after exhausting all kinds of hardships, he returned to the original point.

And Huang Kun's destination was the place of exile. Originally, he didn't want to go, after all, it was not easy to leave there.But the difficulties on the road ahead forced him to give up his original intention.

He has never been to the Land of Exile, and he doesn't know what the current situation is like, and whether there are still monks, but he thinks that is not a problem. On the contrary, the materials for re-arranging the ultra-long-distance teleportation array are much worse.
The Exiled Lands has a location, and he knows that as long as the location can still be used, it proves that the Exiled Lands still exists and has not disappeared into the sea.

Huang Kun, whose mining tools are flying continuously, is to accumulate materials for arranging the teleportation array. He has been mining like this for several years.

The spiritual objects needed to deploy the teleportation array, if it is a long-term teleportation array, must be a metal spiritual object, which can be used for a long time and is not easy to deform. If it is a one-time array, the range can be relaxed a lot.

The spiritual power content of the world of cultivating immortals is much higher than that of the mortal world. It is not difficult to find some spiritual objects, but it cannot withstand the various plunders of star-studded monks for countless years. Some top-level spiritual plants are either in the sect or in the forbidden area. , after the great changes in the world, the spiritual energy content in the areas outside the central area of ​​the world of cultivating immortals has decreased, which has made the spiritual objects much rarer. Most of them are only some wild cultivators who are eating. It is difficult to find other existences on the surface, and if you want to gain something, you can only develop underground. There are always underground spiritual mines in some areas. Either they have not been discovered or the monks who have discovered them feel that it is too much trouble and choose to turn a blind eye. Knowing how big the harvest is, you can only dig down like a gopher.

After several years of mining and accumulation, Huang Kun finally got enough materials for the teleportation array. After spending some time, after setting up the teleportation array, he first input spiritual power to activate the array to sense it.

After a long time, a satisfied expression appeared on Huang Kun's face. He felt the existence of five coordinates through the formation. He didn't know the location of two, which might have been established later. He knew the remaining three, of which One spot happened to be the location of one of the Exiled Lands.

After some days, after recovering the spiritual essence of his body to perfection, Huang Kun took the coordinates of the exile place as the destination without hesitation, and started the ultra-long-distance teleportation. A burst of teleportation light flashed, and he disappeared in the in place.

After a period of time, Huang Kun appeared in the land of exile from a long distance away. In his eyes, it was still desolate.

Huang Kun was very careful at first, but after observing here for a few days and confirming that there is no living person here, he really let go.

In fact, it is normal that there are no living people here. As a place of exile for monks, ordinary people cannot withstand super long-distance teleportation, and it is difficult for monks to leave offspring, so they will inevitably fall here in the end. The most important thing is that this place has been deserted It has been more than a year, and now the exiles of the Zongmen are all places of extreme spirits, which is undoubtedly a better choice.

In the land of exile, at least he can live until the end of his lifespan. If he is lucky and his cultivation level has been promoted, as long as he does not provoke sea beasts, he can live for a few more years, but it will undoubtedly be much more miserable in the land of absolute spirits.

Although he expected it, Huang Kun still cursed in dissatisfaction, because the monks who were teleported here must have been teleported without their storage bags, and he didn't expect to get any leftover harvest, but If there is a mortal cultivator here, he can either fool or threaten to ask someone to help him find the materials for the formation. After all, whether it is leaving here or capturing sea beasts to refine sea beasts, formations are needed, and he can do it now. Said to be poor and white, now he has to accumulate a little bit of materials for formation.

Although this place of exile is not small, Huang Kun is not sure whether he can gather enough materials for the formation. If it is a last resort, he may dig deep into the ground to dig out the coordinates that were buried deep back then.

Under normal circumstances, Huang Kun might not have been able to gather enough materials to arrange the array for many years, but he managed to gather the materials in less than ten years, because the exiled monks who died here left him the materials.

Some of the monks who are exiled here may not be reconciled, and go straight into the sea, and finally be buried in the body of a sea monster, but most of the monks stay in the exile until the day they fall, and the monks have a fixed lifespan , and can feel his own physical condition better, and he knows when he will fall.

There is no immortal cultivator who knows that he is about to die, and would think of exposing himself to the wilderness, and burning himself while alive. They all sat in their own caves or fell in the places they chose in advance.

"Although I don't know if it will work, but try it!" A formation master who was looking for formation materials said, holding a special spiritual material. This is a crystal spiritual bone, which looks like a thigh bone. that is……

When a low-level monk dies, he dies, and slowly returns to dust and dust, but monks who have completed the foundation establishment and above, after completing the spiritualization of their own bones, have completed a qualitative transformation. Even if the monk dies, the last thing left is Although spirit bones cannot last forever, it will take an extremely long time to degenerate and disappear.

Huang Kun, who was trapped by the lack of formation materials, accidentally found such a pair of spiritual bones, and for his own bright future, he did something like a tomb robber, wandering around in all the places where there might be caves in the entire exiled land.

These exiled monks were not only trapped in the place of exile during their lifetime, but their bones were not at ease after death.Huang Kun didn't care too much about these. In his last life, he didn't know how many living monks he killed, so how could he care about some bones?The only thing that is a little uncertain is whether the bone formation will work. After all, no matter how rich the experience in the previous life, I have never set up a large bone formation, or even heard of it. After all, when spiritual materials are easy to obtain, who wants to use it? Spirit bones?What's more, in the environment of Huang Kun's last life, the existence of monks in the world of cultivating immortals is either dependent on the sect, or has a lot of old relatives and friends. Whoever dares to be so blatant, life can enter the countdown.

But the world of cultivating immortals has changed drastically in this world, and enemies are doomed all over the world. If it proves feasible, Huang Kun wonders if he will use this large bone formation to walk the world in the future, will he leave a bad name?

If it is a fresh spirit bone, there must be no problem, but there is no way to determine the specific age of these spirit bones in the Exiled Lands, and whether they can be used or not, they must pass some tests.

In the end, Huang Kun arranged several small formations, and after a few simple tests, he would choose to use the spirit bones only after he found that there were no problems.

After a lot of hard work, after setting up a killing array at the beach, Huang Kun started the mode of fishing for sea beasts, releasing his breath little by little to attract sea beasts. If he felt that the level of sea beasts was too low or too strong, he would choose to give up. Let the sea beasts that entered the range of the formation leave again, and try again after a few days, only choose the ones you think are suitable, and sometimes you see the ones that are suitable, but because more than one came in, you have to give up, for your own safety. For promotion, he is careful and careful, he is not bad time now.

Because there are too many types of sea beasts, Huang Kun doesn't know many of them, but he can estimate the strength of sea beasts according to the reaction of the formation. Finally, one day, he saw a single suitable sea beast enter the range of the formation. He did his best in a hurry.

Although dead sea beasts are fine, the effect will undoubtedly be better if they can be caught alive. Every monk can have a better choice, and they will not choose bad ones. Moreover, it is nothing to Huang Kun even if he fails this time. Can try again.

As a result, in this kind of tug-of-war, I don't know if a piece of spiritual bone was too old, and it collapsed at a critical moment, causing the entire formation to collapse.

As a top formation mage, it is not surprising that this situation occurs. There are not enough formation materials, so I can only fill in some. This time is not only a test material, but also to accumulate understanding of sea beasts.

Although he understands that the success of many things requires many times of hard work, Huang Kun also thought about the possibility of success once, so he tried his best to do his best, and tried the method of experimentation before he even started.

He has also taken into account that he will be injured, and this is not a problem.

But for unknown things, there are always some accidents. Of course, after evacuating to a safe area, I found myself poisoned!Under normal circumstances, this is not a problem, just get some elixir and configure some detoxification pills, but Huang Kun's storage bag does not have many elixir, and it lacks the key cemetery. After trying it, it is not a big deal. use.

You can only rely on your body to resist, so the chance of surviving is undoubtedly less than half.

In the dazed stupor, thinking of those bones, a sentence clearly appeared in Huang Kun's mind: Is this the final bone of the bone array?
(End of this chapter)

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