One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 317 Chapter 3104 Is this melon guaranteed to be ripe

Chapter 317 Chapter [-] Is this melon ripe?

If you can't get rid of the danger, you haven't run far enough.

After confirming that he couldn't beat the monster, and it was difficult to get rid of him, Zhou Tai decided to go deep into the sea, not sure where to go, he just wanted to leave enough distance first, so that the opponent lost his trace, and the opponent's detection range No matter how far away there should be a distance limit.

Then find a way to go back to the beach, just the beach, so that you can return to the sea when you encounter danger. The original idea of ​​being promoted to the Jindan stage with ambitions and ambitions to go to the world is now a question mark. If you lose your life, everything will be gone. , Meeting this monster, let Zhou Tai understand that walking around will really lose his life. Although the strengthening point and the kung fu method of killing ghost veins are very strong, they are not invincible. If you really meet a strong enemy, you should die or die. The fairy world always speaks based on strength, and low-level monks without strength are Xiao Xiami.

I am afraid of losing my way in the depths of the sea, so staying by the sea is a better choice. When I want to enter the Xiuxian Continent, I don't have to look for the way back.

It is also very dangerous to travel a long distance to the depths of the sea. It is good if you can find an island where you can stay. Hiding in the spirit treasure space like that, floating above the sea, if you can't get out, you will be in the belly of a certain sea beast.

It's okay to meet ordinary sea beasts, but I'm afraid that it might not be able to enter the body of a powerful sea beast. What will happen at that time is completely unpredictable, but we can't hesitate because of this. We can only choose the lesser evil. All adventures on the brink of danger.

Flying with the sword while looking at the faint sea, Zhou Tai was full of hatred for that monster in his heart. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely find this monster again to have fun.

I don’t know if it’s bad luck, or the mood coincides with the environment. After flying for a while, the weather on the sea began to change, and the calm sea began to become undulating. I had a premonition that a storm at sea was coming again. There was not much time left for Mai Mie Xing. Zhou Tai followed the previous practice to search for islands around where he could live temporarily. Fortunately, he found an island.

Because the distance is a bit far, Zhou Tai chooses to teleport there directly. Now he will take a rest when he encounters an island, and he will continue to set off when the spiritual power in his body is fully restored. Zhou Tai thinks that he has almost penetrated into this infinite sea. Walking forward, he planned to change direction, no matter whether the world of cultivating immortals is round or not, Zhou Tai had no intention of verifying it.

This island is very small, and there is a platform in the center of the island, which looks like a synthetic.

Zhou Tai first carefully observed around, making sure he didn't find any obvious danger, and then found a place to hide in the Lingbao space.

It wasn't until the next day that the time for the ghost veins to disappear returned to normal, and Zhou Tai came out again to observe the island seriously.

Finally, hang your head on the platform of the hanging station and look down.

The platform looks flat from a distance, but it is not so when viewed up close. Some flying sand and stones are scattered all over it, and one can tell that no monks have come here for a long time.

The reason why Zhou Tai was staring at this place was because there was a reminder below. Although the substances that can be added are very common in the world of cultivating immortals, it seems to be a little different here.

After moving the position for a while, Zhou Tai's eyes lit up, and then he began to clean up the traces left by the years on the platform.

In the end, the platform was cleared out by Zhou Tai, and the original appearance was also exposed. There was actually a teleportation array underneath. The reminders that appeared from different positions before could be added. Zhou Tai just guessed, and now it is finally confirmed. Simply enter a little bit Ling Li found that the teleportation array could still work, Zhou Tai began to hesitate whether to try to teleport in this teleportation array?
In the long history of the world of cultivating immortals, all sects or orthodoxy that have been wiped out will be completely wiped out. There will never be an entire sect wiped out. After many years, there will still be monks who can continue to hunt for treasures on the old site Therefore, Zhou Tai didn't think it was a teleportation array leading to the treasure.

While walking in the Great World of Immortal Cultivation, Zhou Tai didn't see any ruins of sects, but all the sects that were wiped out were not completely wiped out, and the situation of dying together would never happen. When absolutely sure, no monk will risk his life, and evenly matched situations will always be peaceful and friendly.

Teleporting there might be dangerous, or it might be a quick way out of the sea.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Tai directly activated the teleportation array.

It's an adventure in this sea, so it's better to take a gamble on the teleportation array. If you miss this choice, you may regret it later. Zhou Tai has already made up his mind.

What I am most afraid of is going to a teleportation formation of a certain sect. Facing the large formation of the sect, there will be no power to fight back, but Zhou Tai thinks that this possibility is very low. Judging from the specifications of this teleportation formation, it is not That kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation, and from the memory of those demon cultivators, there is no record of the sea teleportation formation. If it is really the teleportation formation of the sect, it is impossible to be abandoned like this.

Strengthen the Lingbao-level boots that can teleport, and be ready to try teleporting immediately if the situation is wrong.

The normal teleportation would start soon, but this time the teleportation was stuck several times. If it wasn't for the teleportation runes that had already started flying around, and there was no way to move around, Zhou Tai would probably run away and give up this teleportation directly. It is seriously suspected that this teleportation array has been too long and there has been a problem.

In fact, this teleportation array is one of those teleportation arrays set up outside the land of exile. If one place fails, change another place. Every time the teleportation array falters, it means that the coordinate point of a former exile land is damaged.

In the end, the teleportation array determined the latest coordinate point, but because the distance was too far and the spiritual power was insufficient, although the runes were flying, they could not be teleported for a long time.

If this is ignored, when the spiritual power in Zhou Tai's teleportation array is exhausted, the teleportation will stop and stay in place, but Zhou Tai doesn't understand this. Seeing this situation, he guessed that it might be the teleportation. Lack of spiritual power, fearing that something might go wrong during the teleportation, he injected some spiritual power into the teleportation array, and then the light of the teleportation array flashed, and Zhou Tai disappeared in place.

The light of the teleportation array appeared, and Zhou Tai appeared in a place of exile. The moment he appeared, seeing the surrounding situation, Zhou Tai first observed from a distance, and found that he was still in the sea, but this island is a little bigger That's all.

After finding out that he didn't see any monks or other existences, Zhou Tai shifted to the strengthening point above the spirit plate, and was ready to teleport away if the situation was wrong.

As a result, when the pan was inspected, only a blue light spot with a base-building period was found in the distance.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Taicai spread the spiritual consciousness that had been put away before his body to check the surrounding situation.

Zhou Tai didn't go directly to the location of the monk who established the foundation, but now went around the island to confirm that there was nothing too special before going to the location of the monk who established the foundation.

There is still time left for Ghost Meridian Extinction, so Zhou Tai decided to go and observe secretly first.

Huang Kun is also pitiful, but if there are more formation materials, he will not be discovered by Zhou Tai so easily. All the formation materials are used in the formation method for catching sea beasts. After being poisoned, he has no ability He is arranging formations to protect himself.

Under normal circumstances, there would not be a monk here for thousands of years, but Zhou Tai came here by chance.

Because he knew that if he entered the spot of light to check, even a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage would be able to sense it if his senses were sharp, so Zhou Tai entered the village quietly, not wanting to shoot guns, and kept approaching quietly. It also quickly discovered the possible entrance of the other party.

A seemingly ordinary cave without any protection. After being careful, I found that it was a waste of effort. In the end, Zhou Tai walked in like a walk. The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, not wanting to arouse the other party's vigilance. After arriving here , Zhou Tai's spiritual consciousness has not been released, so when he saw the somewhat familiar figure in a coma, he was stunned for a while.

Sometimes the world is very big, parting is a farewell, sometimes the world is small, and there will always be some people to meet.

Zhou Tai didn't expect this to be an acquaintance!
Realizing that the other party is not dead, but has passed out of a coma, Zhou Tai didn't have any idea of ​​rescue. If it was an unknown Foundation Establishment Stage, he would probably have rescued him, but this one won't work.

Not to mention some of the other party's past actions, Zhou Tai had the intention to kill him, and after Zhou Tai learned the soul search technique, he never found a suitable target. This mystery, in Zhou Tai's view, is another It couldn't be more appropriate.

The only question now is: will this melon stay ripe?
If there were no accidents with Huang Kun and the two met here, Zhou Tai would not have any chance to search for Huang Kun, even if he had the ability to catch the other party, Huang Kun would not leave him any chance.

It is very difficult to search for the soul of a high-level monk, and it is also very difficult to search for the soul of a reincarnated master. Like Zhou Tai, it is as easy as picking peaches. It is rare to see it several times in the history of the world of cultivating immortals.

After Zhou Tai performed the soul search technique on Huang Kun, Huang Kun ended his life in a coma.

During the whole process, there was no accident that the other party woke up suddenly, and Zhou Tai found it unbelievable that it went smoothly, but when Zhou Tai's soul search was over, countless fragments of the soul that were torn and absorbed by the soul search technique entered Zhou Tai's body. Consciousness of the sea gave Zhou Tai a feeling that his head was going to burst instantly. The memory of a monk who had experienced thousands of years was not so easy to absorb. Zhou Tai also fainted after a while of dizziness.

This dizziness lasted for more than a year. Thanks to his fully strengthened body, no accidents occurred. In this land of exile, no monks came. It can be said that during this period of time, Zhou Tai was stable. Accept the memory in the soul.

If the soul searcher struggles, the memory obtained from the soul search will be missing. If the process of absorbing the memory is disturbed, the received memory will also be disturbed. Zhou Tai was lucky to conduct a perfect soul search, but no matter how perfect Searching for souls will have an impact on one's own soul, and only one soul search, the result can be easily tolerated.

Zhou Tai felt like he had a dream, a very, very long dream. He was both a third person and a person who had experienced the splendid and colorful life of a top-notch formation mage who had practiced immortality for thousands of years. Cultivation career.

After more than a year passed, Zhou Tai woke up, still lying on the spot stupidly, and couldn't distinguish between reality and dream.

It wasn't until more than a month after waking up that Zhou Tai gradually returned to normal.

This world of cultivating immortals is full of falsehoods. Zhou Tai only knew from the soul search that Jindan stage must use half of the power of spiritual consciousness to maintain the existence of true energy in the body. This is the most inferior method. In fact, although it is so, it can be used Other methods instead, but the reality is that this method is very popular in many cultivating sects, and it seems to be the mainstream and the most correct method.

The reason why Zhou Tai cares about this is because as long as the method of controlling and condensing the true essence is correct, the golden core period can use the true essence to form a golden pill outside the body, and the inner and outer true essence can be combined and circulated, greatly increasing the monk's combat endurance Not to mention, up to four kinds of spells can be arranged on the Golden Core Clothes, which greatly enhances the combat ability of the Golden Core Stage.

Recalling Su Rou's state when she was in the small forbidden area, she knew that the other party was wearing a golden elixir robe, and that the other party had other means at that time and did not use them at all.

And this method of golden elixir clothing is not to mention lost in the world of cultivating immortals, and the number of people who know it is as rare as a feather.

There are also problems with the exercises in the golden core stage. During the cultivation of the golden core stage, monks can make certain attribute choices tendentiously, such as making spiritual power more suitable for fire attributes, water attributes, earth attributes, and so on.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg, there are many things Huang Kun can't be sure are true or false, it can be said that there are too many false and hidden affairs.

Zhou Tai did not find any news about the disappearance of ghost veins. The world of cultivating immortals has a long history, and all kinds of magical exercises are as vast as the starry sky, but very few of them are actually handed down, and many of them have disappeared in the long river of history. If this technique is really powerful, it will not be widely spread in the world of cultivating immortals at all. If some monks have seen it, it is often before they die.

In the thousands of years of memories that Zhou Tai saw, the massacre of sects, the disappearance of some orthodoxy, etc. often happened as commonplace for a period of time.

I don't know how many female nuns have experienced, how many monks have been killed, and countless face changes, there are too many.

The most grand scene in memory is the great change of the world ten thousand years ago. As one of the witnesses and participants of that year, Zhou Tai finally knew what happened that year.

(End of this chapter)

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