One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 319 Chapter 3106

Chapter 319 Chapter [-]
The light of the teleportation array flashed and reappeared on the small island three years ago. Zhou Tai did not choose to fly away directly with Yujian. Yes, teleportation is too wasteful of true energy, flying with the sword is too time-consuming, and there is a certain danger in stopping in the boundless sea.

After making slight changes to the teleportation array under him, and then activated it, the figure that had just appeared disappeared again in place.

When the ability grows, it must be used reasonably. The distance of the teleportation array has a great relationship with its own level. This teleportation array is of medium level, and the distance is within a large range. Zhou Tai estimated the distance. It’s enough to reach the seaside. In order to prevent miscalculation and the situation of staying on the boundless sea and wasting the available time of true essence and ghost meridians, Zhou Tai’s teleportation distance was selected as far as possible.

Why are you obsessed with going back to the beach?Because Zhou Tai wanted to seek revenge from that monster, and the other party forced him to go to the depths of the boundless sea. If he is unlucky, it is very possible to die in the boundless sea. , now that there is hope for revenge, Zhou Tai must act immediately.

It's not too late to take revenge. The world of cultivating immortals is so big, once you think about it, you may never have the chance to meet again.

The teleportation light flashed, and Zhou Tai appeared in a desert area. First, he used the Lingbao-level spirit measuring disk to see if there was any dangerous existence nearby, and then he opened his consciousness and headed towards the seaside.

He had been flying all the way to the seaside, but Zhou Tai had never met the monster before. Zhou Tai had thought of this situation before. After all, he had been away for three years, and there was little hope that the other party could stay here. There is a mark on his body, and the other party can perceive it when he is teleported away.

Even if he knows that the possibility of encountering him is unlikely, he must come back and have a look before he is reconciled, and at this moment Zhou Tai has no intention of leaving directly. Far away, it is very possible to sense the appearance of the mark and appear here soon.

After making such a plan, Zhou Tai began to move back and forth along the coastline on the inland some distance from the sea.

As he became more familiar with the golden elixir clothes, Zhou Tai's clothes looked more and more natural. Under normal circumstances, the golden elixir clothes are in a fixed shape, but at the moment when he is flying, Zhou Tai can keep the golden elixir clothes casually. In the fluttering state of the windbreaker art, the control has reached the state of sending and receiving like a heart.

It's not because of how talented he is that he can improve so fast, it's all due to the memories he obtained from soul searching, and he is constantly transforming those memories into his own experience.

After spending some days going back and forth at the seaside, Zhou Tai wondered if the other party would be hiding in the dark, waiting for him to get away from the seaside before appearing?After thinking of this, Zhou Tai directly left here and headed inland. If the other party hasn't appeared yet, it can only be said that the other party is lucky.

The mark in Zhou Tai's body still hasn't been cancelled. He is not afraid of that monster appearing, but he is afraid that the other party will not appear. He has the memory of a top-level formation master and has reached the golden core stage, so that monster is nothing.

Although the black dots displayed on the spiritual disk are the same as those in the stage of spiritual transformation, but that is mainly because the spiritual disk is mainly determined for the cultivation level of human immortal cultivators. Monks are much worse.

The reason why that monster can kill even the Nascent Soul stage monks is that the current Nascent Soul stage monks are too weak and lack real high-level spells. Human monks fight with each other, and they have many methods Understand, magic spells are slow to cast, except for the first wave of chance, most of them use flying swords to divide life and death. Immortal cultivators are weak, and if their defenses are weak or there is a problem with their defenses, they can be instantly killed by flying swords.

So a good flying sword is very important for a monk, but if the target of the battle is replaced by a monster with rough skin and thick flesh, it is difficult for the flying sword to kill instantly when the skills are not strong enough.

The reason for this phenomenon can only be said to be caused by the current environment of the world of cultivating immortals. In the era of cultivating immortals, monks in the Nascent Soul Stage might have been killed by monsters of the strength that Zhou Tai encountered before, but even more so. The biggest possibility is that the monks in the Nascent Soul stage killed the monster, because the immortal cultivators at that time had very rich fighting experience, and those who could grow up had to go through countless fights.

However, in the current world of cultivating immortals, due to the absolute ease of the sect's large formation, there are very few fights between monks, and there are only a few monks with rich fighting experience. There are many monks who have not fought dangerously many times in their infancy.

Because most of the Zongmen monks kill only weak wild cultivators or monsters in the Qi training period, and they always have a superior mentality, so they have a feeling for everything except the Zongmen monks who are higher than themselves. Fearless mentality, just like in the small forbidden area before, if replaced by fifty experienced ancient golden core monks, the whole process will become very difficult.

Zhou Tai left a long distance, the monster hadn't appeared yet, and wanted to give up, but he was very unwilling, so he would fly with his sword for a few days, and he would just teleport away when he found a suitable place.

"Arakin will torture that human monk severely before eating him!" The monster that Zhou Tai never forgot flew across the sky quickly, and the curses from its mouth spread in all directions.

It didn't give up, never gave up, even if the opponent ran into the deep sea, even if the opponent ran a long distance in an instant, as long as its mark was still there, indicating that the opponent was still alive, it would not give up easily, eat one now It's too difficult for human senior monks. Even the real big monsters dare not go to the area where the sect is located, let alone it?
The reason why the demon Aragin was so angry was because he was made to run back and forth like a stupid beast.Three years ago, it sensed that its own mark appeared at a very long distance, so it ran along the seashore, waiting for the other party to come from the sea. This waited for three years, and it did not believe that the other party could always be in the boundless sea. Waiting, but finally found that the other party went back again, it could only run back again, because the distance was too far, even if it kept teleporting, it would not be able to go back in a short time.

As the time and distance approached, the sense of the mark became clearer and clearer, and Aragin's heart was instantly filled with joy. It sensed that the human monk was far away from the sea and kept going inland.

"Does this mean that the mighty Aragin has left? Despair! A foolish human monk, when I appear in front of the other party, I don't know how desperate and terrified the other party will be. Just thinking about the picture makes me hungry ..." The demon, who was shouting happily in his heart, was not hurrying, but approached quietly.

As a monster, it is very clear that these human monks have magic tools that can sense whether there are monks or monsters approaching in a distant place, and when monsters evolve into monsters, and the aura changes into monster energy, the magic tools can't detect monsters However, if the monster casts its supernatural powers, it will sometimes be exposed, so it will not attack until it gets close to a certain distance, and the farther the opponent is from the sea, the less likely it is to escape from its own hands.

Zhou Tai still didn't notice the monsters approaching constantly. He just maintained a leisurely rushing posture, and he didn't observe his surroundings as carefully as before. Now he can fight even when he meets a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage. a bucket.

Although he is not sure, based on the knowledge in his mind, Zhou Tai guessed that high-level monks above the Nascent Soul stage, after the world of cultivating immortals withered, are unlikely to appear in this wilderness except for the central area. Xiu wants to use demons to refine blood spirit pills. If there is no such top-grade blood spirit pill refined by countless casualties like a battlefield, it will not have much effect on demon cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage.The blood elixir refined by demons can help to promote Jindan, and even help to advance to Nascent Soul, but for the monks above, it can only speed up some cultivation speed, which wastes a lot of time and is very cost-effective. .

Flying around, Zhou Tai casually took out a elixir plant, and then started to eat it directly. He had grown many elixir before, but because he was not familiar with it, he could only put it in a jade box and save it for when needed.Now the soul search has obtained the memory of a monk for thousands of years. It is difficult to recognize the elixir in his hand. What Zhou Tai is eating now is the red soul grass that has the function of restoring and strengthening the soul. The taste is not good at all, and the taste is very good Terrible, but for the sake of cultivation, I can only eat it firmly.

If the elixir is used to make alchemy, the effect will undoubtedly be better if mixed with various herbs to interact with each other, and some substances that do not affect the properties of the medicine will be added to the elixir, so that the elixir will not be too unpalatable. Zhou Tai knows this, but Huang Kun put too much energy into the formation, and he didn't know anything about alchemy, and in the future, Zhou Tai didn't think he could find an alchemist to help him refine the elixir, so he might as well eat it first Elixir.

Improving your cultivation is the most important thing. The faster you improve your cultivation, the safer you can live in this world of cultivating immortals.

As for the strengthening point, Huang Kun didn't find anything in his memory, so he didn't know if it was possible to overdraw his soul indefinitely for a fully strengthened body. To be on the safe side, Zhou Tai didn't mess around.

If there is no soul-searching Huang Kun, Zhou Tai may choose this risky method of rapid improvement at a certain moment in the face of the perilous world of cultivating immortals, but it is different now, as long as the normal cultivation continues, the future can be expected, so why bother adventure?

Although the spirit grass is unpalatable, but with the level of the red soul grass, the monk who knows the scene of eating it directly will feel envious and lamented when he sees it.

When Zhou Tai was taking the last sip of the red spirit grass, a monster appeared in his consciousness. It was the one that chased him before and had to run into the depths of the sea. Shifting appeared not far from Zhou Tai's side. The moment it appeared, there was obvious surprise in the eyes of that ferocious beast: it was clearly going to teleport to the opponent's side, why did it go wrong? It used this magical power before. There have never been any mistakes.

Nascent Soul Stage monks can teleport, Transformation Stage can flash, etc. are all means to instantly appear beside other monks. In the long history of the world of cultivating immortals, there have been various coping methods, but few have been handed down. Well, Zhou Tai obtained more than one kind from the soul search, and this was also one of the reasons why he dared to come back for revenge.

Teleportation is not omnipotent, Zhou Tai's Forbidden Space Art has always been in operation, this is a state spell that can be maintained for a long time with low consumption, and it is specially designed to prevent teleportation close to the body.

After the air ban, the teleporter can only appear outside the air ban area. The larger the air ban area, the higher the consumption. Zhou Tai only maintains a small area near his body, absorbing ten high-grade spirit stones plus body weight in a day. Normal aura absorption barely reached a consumption balance.

Although there was an accident in the monster's teleportation, it did not stay where it was, but continued to claw quickly. The opponent's small teleportation once gave Aragin a headache. Although it is far away from the sea, the opponent is also It is possible to escape.

Although the teleportation accident gave him a bad premonition, he would not give up easily, and the next move of the other party completely confused Aragin.

It was approaching, but the other party did not teleport away, but even approached in the opposite direction!

If it wasn't for the opponent's ability to teleport too fast, making it too late for other magical powers to switch quickly, the opponent would have been eaten up by it long ago.

Seeing this situation, Aragin did not hesitate to use his supernatural powers of control, as long as the opponent did not run away, he would never be able to run away again.

Before Alagin's supernatural power was displayed, the two sides approached instantly, but at the moment when the two sides touched, Zhou Tai moved synchronously, just like the same magnetic poles meeting.

"Slap!" After the dragon-like movement, a seemingly ordinary slap hit Alagin's huge face. Although the size of the palm was very different from that of the face, it was indeed a real slap. Slap in the face.

Zhou Tai's body looked small compared to the opponent, but his eyes were full of arrogance and indifference.

Although Aragin didn't know that beating a beast doesn't slap the face, it knew that it was despised and insulted by the other party, just like when it was a monster, it liked to put its back on its food.

Controlling the use of supernatural powers, an angry roar began to appear from the monster's mouth.

"Uh..." Just like a donkey's braying was interrupted, the sound stopped immediately. This was the last sound in this monster's life.

Its control supernatural power was as if it hadn't been used. After the slap, Zhou Tai slapped his backhand again. When he slapped before, he brought the two spells on the golden core clothes into the demon's body one after another.

The two spells didn't seem to have any effect, but after Zhou Tai's second slap, the good monster seemed to have fallen into a pile of dust. Countless white ash visible to the naked eye was photographed on the good body, scattered on the monster's body. around the body.

It's not that the soul was photographed, but that the entire skeleton of the monster was smashed to pieces and pulled out of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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