One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 320 Chapter 3107

Chapter 320 Chapter [-]

After the filming, Aragin's eyes froze for a moment, and then his huge body began to fall freely.

Soon, with a bang, the sound of monsters hitting the ground sounded below Zhou Tai.

There is a specialization in spells, not to say how strong Zhou Tai is, but that he has obtained too many skills from soul searching, which he specially selected for this monster, just like in the previous life, the most powerful weapon is the nuclear bomb, but Not to mention weapons, some people don’t even have bullets. It’s not that the civilization is not strong, but that many things are in the hands of a few people, and the same is true for the civilization of cultivating immortals.

The two techniques used by Zhou Tai may not be many in the entire world of cultivating immortals, and these techniques are still very tasteless. Under normal circumstances, ordinary magic tools of immortal cultivators can easily resist them. Only when they touch the body of a living thing Only in this way can it play a role, and it can't hurt the surface of the body, it can only act on the bones, and a single spell is useless, it needs two spells to cooperate. There is no way to hit the opponent while touching the opponent's body surface in a very short period of time. It is estimated that the opponent is tied up.

This combination of two or more spells to exert greater power is called a compound spell, and it is a common method that can only be used by high-level monks. Ordinary Jindan monks can run at most one spell at a time, and they can use it at most. If it doesn't come out, Zhou Tai can use it entirely by relying on the particularity of the golden elixir clothes.

Many things in the world of cultivating immortals complement each other, and if one point is missing, even if you get the follow-up method, it will be useless.

If it were Huang Kun, as long as he reached the golden core stage, he would be able to use these two spells specially designed to deal with large rough-skinned and thick-fleshed creatures, and it would be more fluid.It can be said that the golden core stage is a very important watershed for cultivators. The same kind of magic technique will be multiplied by using real energy than using spiritual energy.

It's not that Huang Kun is weak and Zhou Tai is strong, but that Huang Kun, who was trapped in the foundation building period, couldn't use many methods at all.

With two seemingly simple strokes, Zhou Tai's golden elixir clothes almost dissipated. In order to increase the attack power, he carried out the maximum output of true energy, and at the same time prepared for the failure of the kung fu, and then prepared for other means. There was no magic trick It is omnipotent, but because Zhou Tai thinks that using these two techniques is the most relieving, that's all.

After the shot was successful, Zhou Tai followed the monster after it landed, not giving the opponent a chance to recover and come back. The types of monsters are so strange that it cannot be speculated according to common sense. If there is a chance to kill them, they will kill them directly. If they really want to leave it like this, tomorrow It is possible for the other party to recover to the level of being alive and kicking.

On the ground is a boneless pile of meat. The pile of meat can't speak or roar, but the two eyes that can move in front of it protrude infinite horror.

The world is changing too fast, and it's a bit of a blow to it.

The elegant figure above took out the flying sword, strengthened it to Lingbao level, and followed the trend.

Sensing danger below, the muscles exerted force, the pile of meat rolled, and the head was hidden in it.

With all the strength of the sword, only a small wound was left on the powerful flesh of the monster. The monk's flying sword was not big, and Zhou Tai's flying sword was only fifteen inches long. It became a pile of meat, but it was like a small mountain of meat.

Although the monster was instantly defeated by Zhou Tai, it was impossible to fight again, but it is not realistic to kill the opponent with a few swords. If only relying on flying swords, it may take a lot of blows.

"It's too cruel and bloody to cut into pieces!" Zhou Tai said to the pile of meat, and the pile of meat he felt shook, and he continued: "The more important thing is that it's too troublesome, so let's refine it." .”

The words fell behind, and the pile of meat shook continuously.

Zhou Tai also doesn't care whether the other party is scared or angry, or is trying to use means in vain to turn things around, he will not be moved by loyalty.
It's not cruel. If he falls into the hands of the other party, the result will be even worse. It may not be a big deal to be eaten alive, and the other party will not have any mercy.

If the wicked are not punished for their evil deeds, and once punished severely, they can be forgiven by pretending to be pitiful, then the bullied can be wiped out.

Monsters feed on humans, they can be killed!

If not, who would want to start killing for no reason? Zhou Tai would never forget the helplessness and hesitation he felt when he was chased into the depths of the sea. It just fell away.

He talked about refining, but in fact Zhou Tai directly re-strengthened a new spirit treasure space, and wanted to get the opponent directly into the spirit treasure space to fly into ashes and annihilate him.

Zhou Tai felt a strong resistance force and tried to move on the pile of meat. Before he could think of a way to deal with it, a monster aura suddenly burst out on the pile of meat, and the spirit consciousness that was carrying it directly Broken, Zhou Tai's attempt ended without a problem.

Immediately afterwards, the meat mountain started to roll, moving away from Zhou Tai at a slow speed.

"Arakin is dying, come and save me, there is a human monk here, it's delicious, Aragin is just negligent..." Roshan's trembling is a special method of message transmission, which can be transmitted continuously, And be perceived by other monsters.

In the face of death, no creature is willing to die, and so are monsters.

Seeing the rolling meat mountain, Zhou Tai thought to himself: Do you still want to run?
Facing such a rough-skinned and thick-skinned opponent, Zhou Tai would never have won it so easily if he hadn't had compound spells that directly act on the opponent's body. Other spells that act on the inside of the body include , Zhou Tai bullied himself again, facing the burst of monster energy, he directly used a fire attack spell on the Jindan clothes to break it up, and then the prepared spell bombarded the monster's body again. The power of this non-compound technique is not very powerful, it just made the monster faint for a short time.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Tai directly installed the opponent into the newly created spirit treasure space, and then canceled all the strengthening points. Finally, the monster and everything about it were wiped out.

After everything was over, Zhou Tai turned around and left quickly. If he could quickly kill the opponent, his goal had already been achieved. As for the idea of ​​using the opponent's body to refine the blood spirit pill, he had no idea at all. If there was no way to advance to At the golden elixir stage, he might have this idea. He has already advanced to the golden elixir stage, and refining it into a elixir is just a waste of time for him.

After leaving here, Zhou Tai's destination was very clear. He first went back to the Floating Cloud Realm to get things. He had left many storage bags containing materials there. At that time, because he didn't want to take risks, he chose to leave the Floating Cloud Realm directly.

Now his head is full of formation knowledge, those materials that were not important before, suddenly become very important.

Although Ghost Meridian Extinguisher is very strong, but the time is too short, and because there is only one Nascent Soul as the material, the operation is not perfect. Zhou Tai wants to survive better in this world of cultivating immortals, and improving his own strength is always the top priority At present, the biggest improvement plan is to improve the ghost pulse extermination line and increase its running time.

However, the material needed for this exercise is the monk's Nascent Soul, which is extremely difficult. Almost all of the current Nascent Soul monks are in various sects. Under normal circumstances, Zhou Tai has no chance at all, even if he uses the formation For the power of the law, we must find a way to attract the Nascent Soul cultivator. This goal is very difficult to achieve.

Regardless of whether it can be done in the future, Zhou Tai has to get the materials for the formation first. Although there are some materials on his body, the materials are getting less and less as he uses them. Dots to collect.

The journey was too far, Zhou Tai did not choose to fly all the way back, but chose the method Huang Kun used before, digging out a space underground, and then teleporting directly with a large teleportation array.

With the strengthened tools and the strengthened magic weapons, Zhou Tai dug the space underground at a very fast speed, and then began to arrange the formation. This is also a proficient process, although there are many memories about the formation in his memory. , but only by using it frequently can you really be familiar with it.

Zhou Tai didn't choose to arrange ultra-long-distance teleportation, not because he used a lot of formation materials, but because he didn't know the specific distance, and the location of the teleportation was difficult to control. If he suddenly teleported to a certain sect, wouldn't it be self-inflicted? Luo Wang, although the chance of this happening is very low, Zhou Tai doesn't want to take any risks.

In the end, he just set up an ordinary large-scale transfer array, which can ensure that he is transferred to a place not too far from the southwest area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World.

In the past, it was completely possible to determine one's own position according to the celestial phenomena at different times for precise teleportation, but in the great change of the world ten thousand years ago, the power of the formation caused the space to superimpose, and the entire world of cultivating immortals was distorted, and there was no corresponding coordinate. It is difficult to carry out precise transmission.

After some time, the underground transfer formation was completed, and Zhou Tai teleported away directly.

Zhou Tai, who reappeared in a certain area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World, chose a direction, and then began to fly with the sword under the ghost vein extermination line.

Under normal circumstances, there is no way to enter the mortal world outside the first-class sect, but for the current Zhou Tai, it is not too easy to enter, and there is no need for a fixed location, there are too many places to give He plays.

For example, not long after, Zhou Tai flew over a seemingly ordinary wilderness. In the eyes of normal monks, everything was normal here. Even if he wanted to do something, he couldn't find it. A hidden line of space can be seen stretching across the sky to a distant place with no end in sight.

This is the boundary line of the mortal world, which is connected to the Great World of Immortal Cultivation. When Zhou Tai came to the Great World of Immortal Cultivation from the Land of Absolute Spirits, he came out of such a place. Zhou Tailai, who has the inheritance of a top-level formation master, really shouldn't be too simple.

The runes under his feet flickered, and he disappeared in a few steps, entering the successive formations of the mortal realm here.

This kind of footwork is actually a method similar to forming a formation, and the maintenance time is also short. After a simple formation, there are often some places that seem magical. Time is very useful.

Zhou Tai didn't use this footwork before because he didn't walk in a straight line at all. Most of the time, he walked in an arc, a line, or even a circle. Using this footwork is half the effort, and he can die in a hurry. But not otherwise, it is definitely a very practical means to keep it in place for temporary hiding or sneak attack.

With a flash of his figure, after Zhou Tai was in the previous supreme formation for the first time, all kinds of things here at this moment are like returning home to him, but he is not in a hurry to leave, but first strolls like a stroll. Look, look, look, finally chose a place, strengthened the immortal spirit stone again, and then began to absorb the aura that passed through here.

After absorbing it, go back to the spirit treasure space, recover the strengthening point, and the spirit energy in the spirit stone will dissipate in the spirit treasure space.

Zhou Tai was not the same as last time this time, but it was too dangerous to keep pulling wool in one place. He just tried his best to not cause fluctuations in the formation. After sucking up a few yuan, he found the hidden teleportation formation Active teleportation, the passive teleportation last time he could change the teleportation location when teleporting, but I don’t know if anyone else has triggered the active teleportation within the formation, if so, the possibility of triggering it It is not a teleportation array. Although it can be solved, it will be easy to be discovered if it is done that way.

Coming quietly and leaving quietly is Zhou Tai's best choice.

Everywhere on the edge of the mortal world, the spiritual power was absorbed and moved into the Lingbao space, while searching for the Liuyun world.

There are not many mortal realms, and Zhou Tai also knows the approximate location. After seven or eight times, Zhou Tai reappeared in the Floating Cloud Realm, and then went straight to the place where the storage bag was hidden.

Although it is very likely that it is no longer there, but there are so many materials, how can you give up easily without looking at them!

Zhou Tai didn't go directly there in a majestic way, but after leaving the border formation, he approached safely by the way of Lingbao space and ghost pulse extermination line. When the distance was about the same, he began to teleport quickly near.

After arriving nearby, Zhou Tai, who looked like nothing on the surface, was eating some kind of elixir, and the elixir almost fell out of his mouth, calling him a good guy in his heart.

Near the place where the storage bag was buried, countless arrays are hidden under the Void Manifestation Technique, all-round packages in the air, ground, and underground, and various arrays cooperate. If you don’t know the knowledge of point arrays, A cultivator at the transformation stage enters it, and there is no way to leave in a short time.

And through careful observation, Zhou Tai discovered that there is a powerful hidden formation not far away. Although it is not displayed on the spirit test disk, there is likely to be a monk hiding in it. Those who left, it couldn't be a Nascent Soul Stage, it might be a few or more advanced monks...

Back then, this place must have been discovered directly, but it was just to wait for him to throw himself into the trap, so he didn't move here...

(End of this chapter)

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