One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 322 Chapter 3109 2 minus 4

Chapter 322 Chapter [-] Chapter Twelve Minus Four
After dealing with the beginning and the end, he returned to the large formation on the edge of the Liuyun Realm, and took back the formation materials that had been arranged before.

I don't know if it's because I'm familiar with the knowledge of formations. This place is like a dangerous place for other immortal cultivators. What I see in my eyes is the existence of formations. I feel a particularly safe and secure feeling in my heart.

Although he likes the environment full of formations, Zhou Tai wants to destroy the existence of such a large formation.

Although there is the idea of ​​dismantling these great formations that form the mortal worlds, they understand that they cannot do that for the time being. First, the current strength is low and dismantling is inefficient. Second, if they are really dismantled, all mortal worlds will be destroyed. It is connected with the current world of cultivating immortals and restored to the former world of cultivating immortals. With the current situation of monsters and monsters overflowing outside, it will cause countless deaths and injuries to mortals.

Now Zhou Tai knew that he was not a good person, but he would not do things that would implicate the lives and deaths of countless mortals. There must be a bottom line in cultivating immortals.

Why do you want to dismantle it, because compared with the memory obtained from the soul search, the world of cultivating immortals thinks that the existence of these large formations has declined too much, and the monks in it are in a state of boiling frogs in warm water. It's hard to notice, but Zhou Tai has the memory of ten thousand years ago, so the feeling is still obvious.

Facts have proved that the Immortal Ascension Formation that wants to change the fate against the sky can not achieve the effect of becoming a fairy. Okay, but the people who once arranged all these things and wanted to become immortals have fallen, and the remaining monks only care about the immediate benefits, which has caused the current situation.

Zhou Tai didn't believe that no immortal cultivator had discovered the disadvantages of this great formation, but they were all confused when they understood it. Immortals are illusory, but the aura gathered together can make the monks who have cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage have a Opportunities go one step further or even a few steps, and the real benefits are in front of us. How can a monk be willing to let go? Even if the world of cultivating immortals will continue to decline, it will be countless years later. How many people will care about the future?

There is a kind of mentality that I don't care about the flood after I die. In fact, only the bottom mortals really suffer because of this. In the low-spirited mortal world, it is difficult for the crops grown in the aura environment to produce any yield, and this is different from those What does it matter to the high-ranking sect cultivators?
Since the existence of the Zongmen Great Formation, it is difficult for a Zongmen to be breached, but this is not absolute. Although the Zongmen Great Formation is strong, the consumption is also huge. Display, this used to be applicable to all sects, but after the great change of the world, the first-class sects kidnapped the aura in the mortal world, which can not only be used for daily cultivation, but also can maintain the operation of the sect's large formation. It can be said that the second- and third-class sects The Demon Sect would be worried that the large formation of the sect would consume the foundation of the sect, but the first-class sect would not do it at all. Don’t you see that the handyman iron guards of the first-class sect Liuyun Sect can rely on the teleportation formation within the sphere of influence of the sect? The mission must be achieved!Because they don't care about this consumption at all.

So if anyone wants to destroy the Great Formation and liberate the mortal world, it is completely intolerable for all first-class sects. Why limit the number of disciples of all sects?There are too many reasons in it.

It is definitely not a good thing that there are more and more cultivators. For example, there are only a hundred monks, living freely, and the speakers are only those few people, but suddenly there are 1 monks?In the case of fixed or even reduced resources, those one hundred monks are likely to be worse than live dogs.

This is not impossible. If the mortals in the mortal world return to the great world of cultivating immortals and pass down all the methods of cultivating immortals, the number of monks in the entire world of cultivating immortals will not only increase by a hundred times, but even ten thousand times and one hundred thousand times will not be a problem , Loose cultivators will once again become the most mainstream monks in the world of cultivating immortals, but even when there were many casual cultivators, they did not spread the exercises to ordinary people, not to mention the fact that the spiritual root was the mainstream at that time, it is the cultivators who have insight into the truth Those, including casual practitioners, feel that there are too many casual practitioners in this world, and they wish to die more, so why would they think about teaching the Dharma.

If it is true that all mortals become immortals, the same spiritual herb may be snatched by hundreds of people instead of by a few people.At that time, it is possible that the chance of breaking through the Foundation Building Pill will be increased by a hundred times and a thousand times. This is a disadvantage, but everyone can practice, and the lifespan will increase significantly, and there will be more beneficiaries.

After taking back the formation materials, Zhou Tai did not leave in a hurry, but entered the Lingbao space and began to practice normally. During these days, in order to retrieve the materials left in the Liuyun Realm, he has not practiced very hard.

In the Lingbao space, it was unknowingly turned into an environment where liquid aura exists. Because of the familiarity with this formation, all of them did not only collect wool in one place as before, but ran to several mortal worlds. The operation of exploding the spirit stone in the edge formation has achieved the current results.

The cultivation of the golden core stage is to lay the imprint of the soul in the true essence that circulates all over the body, and then the cloud circulates into the golden core, that is, in the upper dantian palace, and lays a layer of divine soul power that can circulate outside the golden core , it can be said that it is promoted to the first level of the golden core stage, and the power of the soul can be placed up to the next nine layers, so the highest level of the golden core stage is the ninth layer of the golden core stage.

After laying down the power of the nine layers of the soul, transform the primordial spirit, conceive the golden pill, and finally break through the pill and become a baby.

If you don't care about it, rely on resources, and take the spiritual things that can quickly restore the soul, you can reach the ninth level of the golden core stage in just one year, and Zhou Tai has a fully strengthened body with the ability to recover quickly. If you want, this time can be faster, and you can use days.

Generally, the monks in the golden core period do not have many resources, and the natural recovery of the soul is very slow. This process will become extremely long. It is very normal to take one to two hundred years. With the strong support of her mother, she can reach the level of being ready to conceive a baby in less than ten years.

If Zhou Tai didn't get the memories of the soul search, he only needs to find out which of his elixir can restore the soul, without relying on a fully strengthened body to recover. According to this selection speed, he is now at least five or six levels of the Golden Core , and then find another place to plant the elixir, which can quickly reach the ninth floor of the Golden Core.

But there are pitfalls in this. Although this method is less difficult to advance to the Jindan stage, it will not only affect the performance of one's own strength, but it will also increase the difficulty of advancing to the Nascent Soul stage.

The same is the power of the soul, some monks have a thin layer, no resources, and under all kinds of difficulties, they only want to continue to advance, even if some monks know that this layer of power can be continuously thickened and compressed Polishing will not be chosen, because there are no resources, and the promotion is slow. If you do this, you will only fall because your lifespan cannot last until the promotion to the Nascent Soul stage, so the cultivation base reaches a certain level and resources are the most important thing in everything.

Some Jindan monks of some sects have secret methods to compress the power of the soul outside of Jindan. This kind of monk can be called an elite monk. If there is a large supply of resources, they can be promoted to the ninth level of Jindan in three to five years, but there is no Zongmen. Will do this, some sects are really lack of resources, and some sects are to hide the real powerful golden core cultivation method, so even if they have resources, they will not let these elite golden core monks advance quickly, because In this case, the monk who practiced the method of powerful golden core will appear to be too slow.

The power of the soul other than the golden core can be compressed as much as possible, and it can also be changed into a combination of soul runes. The true essence endowed to the golden core monks contains the power of attributes. Different combinations of soul runes have great differences in the impact on combat power. .

Ji Jingxin showed this kind of pill fire in front of Zhou Tai back then, and Zhou Tai suspected that Su Rou’s strange flame was also like this, but he couldn’t be sure, there are too many magical secrets, and her secrets are very strong, so it’s hard to judge , not as obvious as Ji Jingxin's.

The more complicated the combination of spirit and soul, the longer it will take. At this moment, Zhou Tai has been promoted to Jindan for almost four years, but he has not really become a first-tier monk in Jindan stage.

The Golden Core Stage Soul Technique he chose was also obtained from Huang Kun's memory. It should be extremely powerful. Huang Kun got it after he became a top formation master, but he had already passed the Golden Core Stage at that time. When Podan became an infant, there was already a kung fu fused with the Nascent Soul, so he had to miss it, and now Zhou Tai was able to practice.

The cultivation in the Golden Core stage is different. Most of the time is spent in recovering the soul. Zhou Tai’s strengthened body can recover quickly. In theory, the speed can be so fast that he can practice almost all the time, but Zhou Tai doesn’t have it, he just cultivates normally , even if the soul is full, he still takes the elixir to restore the soul normally. It's not that Huang Kun's memory told him anything, but that Zhou Tai thought of many strengthened items. If there is damage, the damage will also exist after recovery. He doesn't want to have any bad consequences because of the infinite overdraw of his soul in case the strengthening point disappears or has to be temporarily recovered.

Cultivation can go on very well, why take the risk of taking shortcuts?Even if the shortcut looks very tempting, no one has ever taken it after all.

While he may have been the first to eat crab, he was also the first to eat fugu.

After this choice, Zhou Tai has a lot of free time every day. He has been almost alone all these years, and this place is very close to the Pingbo world where he was born. idea.

It is inevitable that I feel a little lonely in my heart, but since I have chosen the path of cultivating immortals, I have to go on. There is a saying that goes well, the path I choose, even if I walk on my knees, I have to finish it.

If this world of cultivating immortals is as beautiful as he thought when he was a child, Zhou Tai would not mind getting in touch with some beautiful seniors and seniors. After he has achieved success in cultivation, he can fuck whoever he wants. Enmity indulges in flowers and so on, think about it, this time of cultivating immortals is not in vain.

But imagination is different from reality. Most of the 100-year career of cultivating immortals has been cautiously walking on thin ice. It is not easy to survive, and it is difficult to live. It was already difficult for Tai to have a simple feeling of liking. In Huang Kun's memory of those scenes where the weak preyed on the strong, the style of asking for what he wanted made his feelings tend to be indifferent.

For example, against the three Nascent Soul monks in the Liuyun Realm, Zhou Tai didn't feel that he was guilty at all, and he had already taken it for granted.Searching for souls will have an impact on monks. Fortunately, Zhou Tai's mind is still tough, and there is no such thing as a drastic change in personality. In this way, he will only better adapt to the survival rules here.

Thinking of going back to Pingbo Realm to have a look, Zhou Tai set off directly.

The first place I came to was the former Zhoujia Village. I was familiar with the surrounding geographical environment, and I confirmed that it was here, but the village had long been deserted, and there were no villagers left. Back then, I made an agreement with Xiao Yiwu to take care of this area for a hundred years, and the other party did it. Now here It became like this, and I don't know why.

The speed of the monks is very fast, the mines of that year still exist, and there are still miners digging, but there are no child laborers anymore.

Here one can develop one's spiritual consciousness to one's heart's content. During Zhou Tai's wanderings, he encountered the kind of caravan that abducted and sold children back then.

Although those children are pitiful, no one in the mortal world is pitiful and cannot be saved, because there are too many such things. After a period of spiritual consciousness, I found that these people sell children to watch people order dishes. Children, different prices, it was probably the first time the mine owner bought it back then, I don’t know if he was cheated.

Thinking about these things in his mind, Zhou Tai went to Huanan City and Weiyang City successively, and finally came to the secret room where he was with Yaoyu back then. , no one has been here except to accumulate some dust.

Zhou Tai first cast a dust removal technique, and then simply arranged some formations here, just simple maintenance and strengthening, so that it can last longer here.

Because seeing the wine bottle, Zhou Tai suddenly wanted to drink, and he hadn't drank for many years, because the reserve he took away back then was long gone.Thinking of this, Zhou Tai went out for a walk, bought some food and wine and came back.

While drinking to his heart's content, Zhou Tai suddenly thought that he had obtained those Nascent Souls for more than a month, and they were ready to use.

It happened that the appetizers were not very good, so I took the Nascent Soul as an appetizer.

With a flash of inspiration in his hand, he took out a jade box containing the Nascent Soul. After opening it, the forbidden Nascent Soul was as dull as a puppet. After Zhou Taina took the Nascent Soul in his hand, he felt ghost Mai Miexing's kung fu was ready to move, but he didn't control it any more. Under the automatic operation of the kung fu, the jade-like Nascent Soul was directly absorbed by refining.

While drinking while absorbing, the first time is passive, this time it is considered active, if possible, Zhou Tai does not want this method of absorbing Nascent Soul, because he does not like this method, but many things cannot be based on preferences For diversion, just like a twisted melon is not sweet but quenches thirst, Guimai Miexing is very important to him.

After feeling all right, the second Nascent Soul, and then the third Nascent Soul.

After refining, Zhou Tai discovered that the daily operation time of the exercises has changed to four hours as he guessed.

Twelve hours a day, if you want to run the ghost meridian extermination line perfectly all day long, you still need eight Nascent Souls to serve the food and drink.

(End of this chapter)

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